Hot Presentation: Geosynthetics and Fiber Optics

On Monday, March 14, during the Geo-Frontiers 2011 conference (13-16 March 2011, Dallas), John Lostumbo of TenCate Geosynthetics will present a much-anticipated paper on "Geosynthetic Enabled with Fiber Optic Sensors for MSE Bridge Abutment Supporting Shallow Bridge Foundations." Geotextiles with fiberoptic components provide a resource for monitoring various design functions including strain. Data collected from fiber optic monitoring can be used to determine the functional longevity of civil structures helping to insure safety as well as providing data which may be used for evaluation of design methods. Download the abstract here.

Landfill Blockade Disrupts Construction

The contentious Site 41 landfill development in Barrier, Ontario, Canada has reached a highly unusual stage: a physical blockade of protestors. The site workers were on the brink of installing a clay and geosynthetic lining system, but work has had to be halted because of the protests and the timeline for construction is thinning considerably. It's costing the community roughly $80,000 per week. Learn more here.;

Geotextile Tubes: too Simple?

Canada's Daily Observer reports on the incorporation of geotextile tubes for sewage dewatering operations, and about the difficult path to getting this simple idea accepted. Many officials apparently have been concerned that the technology's function is too easy to understand to be believed effective. But the use of geotextiles tubes for separating solids is finally getting its day and correcting many of Ontario's sewage handling issues. Learn more here.;

World Water Forum 2012

The World Water Council has selected Marseilles, France as the next host city for the World Water Forum. The event will take place in 2012. The World Water Forum is the world’s largest water gathering and brings together over 20,000 political leaders, NGOs, government officials, water professionals, and scientists every three years. Learn more here.;

August 21: Earn 8 PDHs

The next Civil Applications and Design Seminar from Tensar is 21 August 2008 in Birmingham, Alabama. Topics may include geosynthetics in pavement design, reflective cracking reduction, waste containment applications, foundations, steep slope stability, design and construction of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, and wastewater treatment. Participants can earn up to 8 PDH credits. Learn more here.;
Geosynthetics Middle East 2013

Geosynthetics Middle East Preliminary Program

Held under the patronage of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City, the 6th Geosynthetics Middle East (GeoME 2013) conference from SKZ will take place 29-30 October 2013 in Abu...

The View from Cumbria

In November 2009 the north west of England experienced widespread flooding. In the town of Workington, one road bridge collapsed and the other was deemed unsafe. The town was divided in two. The Royal Engineers were commissioned to build a temporary footbridge. The Engineers required design guidance on stabilisation and delivery of geogrids within 24 hours.

Electrokinetics Nears Profit

UK-based Electrokinetics, which combines geosynthetic and electrokinetic technologies for drying out soils, was launched five years ago out of research and development work conducted at Newcastle University. The company has made its first major deals now and is very close to turning profitable. Electrokinetics has also received extra funding to further refine its technology. Plans are being made to export the technology. Learn more here.;
Heap Leach Solutions 2014

Heap Leach Solutions 2014 Extends Abstracts Call

Infomine has announced that the abstracts submission window for Heap Leach Solutions 2014 ( has been extended to May 12. Heap Leach Solutions will be held 10 – 13...

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Raven Seeks to Add Product Development Engineer

Job Opportunity - Product Development Engineer (Raven Industries): For 60 years, Raven has developed, marketed, and produced technical solutions to great challenges. Utilizing our strength in engineering, manufacturing, and...

7th Cooperation for Waste Issues Announced

EcoInform has announced dates for the 7th Cooperation for Waste Issues forum. It will be held 7-8 April 2010 in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Papers are being solicited through 1 December 2009. Key topics sought include environmental issues of waste management, new technologies, landfill construction and operation, sludge management, waste to energy, and more. Learn more at the conference website. Learn more here.;

IGS News Focuses on International Engineering Events

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has just release Volume 31, Issue 1 of its IGS News. Published three times per year in support of the often-updated news on its...

I-CORP on 2018’s Most Interesting and On-Going Projects

Dr. Ian Peggs, PE, PEng, started an international print newsletter in the 1990s. That publication, Industry Insight, evolved out of its print format and into the digital publication Geosynthetica....

What Will Be Geosynthetica’s Most-Read Articles for 2016?

As the year comes to a close, we take a closer look at the analytics to see how users have interacted with the site and to gauge our most-read...

Missouri DNR Adds Inspectors Certification to CQA Week

The Geosynthetic Certification Institute - Inspectors Certification Program (GCI - ICP) exam has been added to the next CQA Week. To be held 7 – 9 September 2016 in...

Geosynthetic Institute Announces 2016 – 2017 Fellowships

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) has announced the winners of the 2016 – 2017 GSI Fellowships. The annually awarded research grants are giving out, in consultation with the GSI...

Golder, Canada and South Africa

Ground engineering and environmental services firm Golder Associates and the Canada-South Africa Chamber of Business held an interactive forum at the yearly Mining Indaba, in Cape Town, which focused on whether or not Africa was choosing its investors wisely for its own growth and development in the mining industry Learn more here.;

Video: Soil-Covered Geomembrane Surveys

TRI Environmental Senior Engineer Abigail Gilson is one of the world’s foremost practitioners in electrical leak location (ELL) technologies. As part of the on-going ELL webinar series supported by...

Reservoir Liner Needed

The city of Franklin, Tennessee has a cracked and leaking reservoir. Officials now believe the best repair scheme will involve dredging the reservoir and lining it with a geosynthetic barrier. As the idea has only now been suggested, cost and timeline estimations have not been calculated. Learn more here.;

Liner Integrity: New York to Germany

New York State is highly influential in US landfill construction and monitoring practices. Germany's system holds a similar position in Europe. Both New York and Germany have been incorporating electrical leak location (liner integrity) CQA, but there is a fascinating difference: in New York, the focus is on the bottom liner; in Germany, on the final cover. Brief interviews with Robert Phaneuf and Dr. Werner Müller help explain.

Geosynthetics Middle East Program

SKZ's 2nd International Conference on Geosynthetics Middle East will be held in Dubai, UAE, 10-11 November 2009. The speaker and topic line up is certainly an impressive list. Ian Peggs of I-CORP will present on predicting end-of-life for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes and the incorporation of flexible solar cells on exposed landfill caps; Carl De Leon of Solmax will present on geomembrane liners in harsh, petrochemical containment operations; Detlef Schramm of Dow will present a geomembrane global review; Silke Schwöbken of SENSOR will present on drainage detection systems; and much more. Dr. Helmut Zanzinger will chair the seminar. Download the program in PDF. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetics April/May 2010 Digital Edition

The April/May 2010 issue of Geosynthetics magazine is avaiable in its digital edition for free online. Read it in PDF here. Learn more here.;

High-Strength Wicking Geotextile Stabilizes Detention Pond

The availability of high-strength wicking geotextile has been a fascinating development. From pond slope reinforcement to highway frost boil management, these materials have shown significant benefits. Here, John Folts...
Geosynthetics CQA image - seam inspection

The Spring Geosynthetics CQA Training Is Now Part of GeoU 2020

For 15+ years, engineers have come to Austin, Texas in April to attend geosynthetics CQA training courses hosted by TRI Environmental. This year, some are wondering where this well-respected...

Geosynthetic product used for innovative treatments

British Columbia Parks was seeking a permanent environmental solution to protect from ongoing wave erosion along the Newcastle Island Provincial Marine Park shoreline located across from Nanaimo, B.C. The island is only accessible by boat so a solution that minimized the need for heavy equipment and material was needed. A DeltaLok system was installed. Read more from Canadian Environmental Protection (CEP). Learn more here.;