HUESKER Honored with Innovation Award

Gescher, GERMANY - For more than 20 years, the Top 100 award has signified innovative ability, thirst for knowledge and team spirit. As one of Germany’s most successful ideas...

Geosynthetic Barriers Workshop Program for ECSMGE

 Attendees at the highly anticipated XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVI ECSMGE) in Edinburgh, 13 – 17 September 2015, will be able to attend...

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Andy Durham, Propex GeoSolutions

Andy Durham of Propex GeoSolutions discusses TRM durability and UV performance in erosion and sediment control materials--part of the company's "Are you sure?" campaign to improve engineering and construction...

Employment Opportunity: Associate Engineer (DC Area)

Maccaferri, Inc. seeks an Associate Engineer for consultative role providing technical support to consulting engineers, contractors, customers, department engineers, and field marketing personnel in conjunction with the promotion, installation,...

Northampton Votes to Cap Landfill

The Glendale Road landfill in Northampton, Massachusetts--last reported about on Geosynthetica in October 2009--is full. For months, operators and the city debating expanding it into a 50-acre area. But the site is located above an aquifer, and city officials have elected to have facility capped instead. A 2.5-acre portion of the expected 10 is to be tackled first. Learn more here.;

Event Review: Geosynthetics Middle East

On his recent trip to Abu Dhabi, where he attended (and spoke at) the 4th Geosynthetics Middle East conference, Ian Peggs learned not only that a Canadian passport will not get you a visa to the UAE but that the constraints and barriers to geosynthetics continue to drop and understanding continues to grow. It's all part of an international dialogue. Read his latest contribution from the field.

NSWMA and SWANA Comment on Changes to EPA Program

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) and the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA) sent joint comments to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson regarding a petition recently filed by the Center for a Competitive Waste Industry asking EPA to reorganize and restructure the Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). NSWMA and SWANA support LMOP and would like to see it continue as an effective advocate of methane recovery and reuse as a source of green energy. The associations are concerned that the recommended reorganization would jeopardize methane recovery and reuse.

NAUE GmbH sets up factory in Banting

The Business Times reports on NAUE's new Bentofix GCL factory in Malaysia. Learn more here.;

A View of Australia's Mining, 2030

The director of the CSIRO’s Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship, Dr Peter Lilly, has outlined his vision on science and technology development for the Australian mining industry by 2030. In his keynote address at the 6th Annual Australian Mining Prospect Awards on November 11, Lilly said the future prosperity of the industry would rely on investments in technology. This includes mining in close proximity to cities, in-situ heap leaching advances, utilization of traditional waste streams for beneficial uses, and much more. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetics in Articulating Concrete Block Section Design

From CE News' Professional Development Hours (PDHs) series of educational articles: "Geosynthetics in Articulating Concrete Block Section Design" looks at various approaches to hard armor erosion control designs that require geosynthetic separation, drainage and reinforcement protection. Readers of the article may take the quiz at the end and submit it to receive 1 PDH credit. The article and quiz are approved for use through August 2013. Learn more here.;

Towing Icebergs from Greenland to the Canary Islands?

Providing the Canary Islands with fresh water may someday involve Greenland and geotextiles. Three-dimensional modeling is being used to determine the feasibility of towing an iceberg to the Canary Islands. One criterion identified by scientists includes the utilization of a geotextile cover on the iceberg during towing to slow melting. Already, geotextile covers are used on mountain peaks to prevent snow pack loss. Learn more here.;

IECA Call for Submissions

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) invites proposals for technical programs to EC09, which will be held 9-13 February 2009. Suggested topics: slope stabilization; stormwater management; erosion and sediment control; beach and shore stabilization; and more. Specific topic suggestions are available on IECA's site. Proposals due 5 May 2008. Learn more here.;

EPA Targets Construction Permit First, Effluent Limitations Second

On 3 January 2012, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Federal Register notice requesting additional data on the performance of technologies in controlling turbidity in stormwater discharges from construction sites. The notice also requests information on other topics relevant to establishing numeric effluent limitations for stormwater discharges from these sites, including sample collection, applicability to electric transmission line construction, cold weather considerations, and the ability of small sites to meet a numeric standard. The comment period closes March 5. Simultaneously, the agency has submitted a final general permit on construction site stormwater discharges to the White House for review. This permit excludes turbidity limits. The final permit is expected by February 15. Learn more here.;

Sardinia Abstracts Extension: March 1

The Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2011) will be held 3-7 October 2011 in Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy. Themes include wastewater, waste management strategies, climate change, decision tools, legislation and more. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to March 1. Learn more here.;

ACG: Mining Update

The Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG) has a number of interesting, international events and deadlines coming up. Geosynthetics may play a significant role in a number of the mining discussions facilitated by ACG. Also, the Centre has now developed individual websites for more of its events, making the key information easier to come by. Further, ACG is associated with numerous other events around the world. Read a breakdown of the forthcoming events.

Sustainability: A New Vision For Public Works

To support a new sustainability vision in public works management, the American Public Works Association (APWA) has recently created the new APWA Center for Sustainability. The Center was designed to enable APWA to become the driving force for sustainability in public works, and to support the development of the next generation of public works leaders with strong sustainability credentials and commitment. In the 21st century, the public works professional must think beyond the current generation, work closely with a more engaged and better informed public, and take an integrated systems approach to addressing livability and community issues.

Geosynthetics Expert O’Malley Named President of NAUE America

NAUE America has announced the appointment of Paul O'Malley as President of NAUE America, effective 1 January 2012. In the United States, the international manufacturer specializes its business around Secugrid® and Combigrid® geogrids for reinforcement utilization in applications such as road construction, wind farm development, retaining walls and soil stabilization. O'Malley is a veteran of the construction and engineering materials field, including numerous years involved in geosynthetics. Read more in the official release.

High Performing Turf Reinforcement Mats Provide Stormwater Control in Large Drainage Channel

Engineers at District 2 of the Illinois Department of Transportation were busy preparing plans for a major project in the Quad cities area in Rock Island County of Northwestern Illinois. The project, an extension of the Milan Beltway, was to include a long and highly visible drainage channel. They sought out a vegetated solution for this project, and the ideal solution they found was with composite turf reinforcement mats (C-TRM) from Tensar North American Green. Read about the exemplary and cost-saving performance from this site.
Smithland, Kentucky Flooding

Battling the Flood in Smithland with Defencell

This project represents the largest ever emergency installation of a Defencell Flood Wall system in the United States. The Defencell Flood Wall is a geotextile-based system, originally developed for ballistic defenses in military operations, and can be quickly constructed utilizing local fill, sand, or other common aggregates. Within 24 hours of receiving a call from the USACE, Fiberweb delivered three miles worth of Defencell Flood Wall units that, once installed, would provide almost four feet of additional flood protection height to a key stretch of the levee in Smithland, Kentucky.

The cost of building green – perception vs. reality

Even among construction professionals, it's widely believed that building green adds 10% or more to the cost of new projects -- but analysts say such beliefs have little basis in reality. Experts say that although about two-thirds of construction-industry professionals believe there's a hefty green-building premium, studies suggest that in fact going green brings negligible costs or a premium of as low as 1% to 2% Learn more here.;

Flood-damaged Queensland is facing billions of dollars in repairs

Queensland, Australia, faces billions of dollars in damage after massive floods struck the state. At least 55,923 miles of roads need to be rebuilt, and sewer systems and parks will need massive repairs. "In some instance, we won't rebuild it exactly as it was. We might build it better or smarter," said Local Government Association of Queensland CEO Greg Hallam. "But we could never build anything that would withstand what we've seen." Learn more here.;

CQA Week Course Dates: November 2 – 6

CQA Week delivers courses on performing liner integrity surveys (electrical leak location), CQC/CQA of geosynthetic installation, and CQC/CQA of geosynthetic clay liner and compacted clay liner installation. The...

Latest Geofabrics Journal Focuses on Oil and Gas

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), coal seam gas, containment ponds, and access road stability are just a few of the oil and gas issues profiled in the latest issue of...

What’s Hot: Geosynthetics Virtual Conference 2021

The long-running Geosynthetics Conference from IFAI and the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) was able to hold its event in person in 2020, with its early-year position. But in 2021,...

Geotextile Tubes in India

The Statesman reports that geotextile tubes are being installed along eroding shores in India on an experimental basis. One section of the test site will target eroding embankments in a 10 km stretch. If the project proves to be successful, similar schemes will be adopted elsewhere. Experts from numerous agencies contributed to the plan's design. Learn more here.;