Drop 2 Dam to Grab Last Drops Before Mexico

About 25 miles west of Yuma, across the Colorado River in California's sand-dunes country, construction crews work day and night on two gaping basins that will, inside of a year, add another piece to Arizona's increasingly complex water future. Learn more here.;

EVOH Might Be the Answer

The community of Brookfield, Wisconsin has had a moratorium on the development of five homes in a 25-home subdivision sited close to a former landfill. The town council has been concerned with how much methane might escape through the landfill cap into homes. The use of an EVOH-enhanced geosynthetic barrier might be the answer. EVOH layers have been shown to significantly increase the gas barrier performance of membranes. Incorporated into thicker geomembranes, capping and gas barrier needs could be satisfied fully in a single product. Learn more here.;

SURVEY: Extra-Wide Geomembranes

I-CORP International's Dr. Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng has shared a survey on extra-wide geomembranes. Your participation is invited. Responses are sought from manufacturers, distributors, installers, construction/contracting firms, design...

DEADLINE: GeoAmericas 2016 Call for Proposals

GeoAmericas 2016—the 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics—will be held at the Loews Hotel on South Beach in Miami, Florida 10 – 13 April 2016. The event will continue the...

Election of the new Chairman of CEN TC 189 on Geosynthetics

Daniele Cazzuffi (CESI SpA – Milano, Italy and also IGS Past President) has been unanimously elected as Chairman of the European Committee for Standardization on Geosynthetics (CEN TC 189) for a period of three years, 2012–2014. The vote was held during January 2012 as postal ballot among all standardization bodies of the 27 countries belonging to CEN. The mandate of CEN TC 189 is to develop standardized test methods for the overall characterization of geosynthetics and mainly to elaborate the harmonized European standards for the various fields of geosynthetics applications. He is the first elected chair from outside of Belgium and the Netherlands.

Stormwater Equipment Manufacturers Association Provides Maintenance Agreement

The Stormwater Equipment Manufacturers Association drafted a new Maintenance Agreement for use by state and local government agencies in setting an ordinance requiring the maintenance of all stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs). A sample Operation and Maintenance Agreement is contained in this document that includes templates for inspection checklists for each type of BMP, including water quality buffers. The inspection checklists can also serve as an inspection report for each facility.

UK: New Framework for Port Development

The new National Policy Statement (NPS) - which is subject to public consultation - sets out the broad need for additional ports capacity in the United Kingdom up to 2030 and beyond, taking such things as freight demand forecasts and the economic benefits of ports into account. The document builds on existing Government policy, which is that the need for ports capacity can best be met with an efficient and competitive industry working in a free-market environment. This new document also includes wider Government objectives for sustainable development, covering issues such as climate change considerations and the wider environmental impact of port development. Read more.

Elk Mound Farm Wins Award

An Elk Mound, Wisconsin dairy operation has been selected to receive the 2010 Environmental Excellence Award by the Dairy Business Association. Five Star Dairy, LLC received the honor during World Dairy Expo this week for its outstanding waste and pollution prevention projects that protect Wisconsin's natural resources. The farm has installed a manure lagoon cover to keep out water and enable digester production in the future. Learn more here.;

Marine Mattress Proposal

Leaders from Nantucket, Massachusetts' Sconset Beach Preservation Fund (SBPF) are taking another swing at gaining public approval for a much-needed beach protection design. Two years ago, a $23 million proposal was rejected. Now, the group has returned with strong but economical geogrid marine mattress and gabion plan. Learn more here.;
ASTM Committee D35

ASTM Awards David Suits Johnson Award

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., October 23, 2013— L. David Suits, executive director of the North American Geosynthetics Society, Albany, N.Y., has received the A. Ivan Johnson Outstanding Achievement Award from ASTM International Committee...

First EREC Newsletter of 2010

The January/February 2010 newsletter from the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) is now available in PDF. This issue includes a list of conference and seminar opportunities for the year, updates on European nations' renewable energy target status, "road maps" for meeting targest in some nations, and much more. Learn more here.;

Conservation Efforts Increasing

As supplies drop and demand rises, governments, companies and individuals look for cost-effective ways to save a limited resource. Geosynthetics are playing a strong role in containment projects for reservoirs, ponds, canals and more. The magazine Specialty Fabrics Review takes a look at some projects and players. Learn more here.;

Strata Releases New Spanish-Language Website for Soil Reinforcement

With a rapidly growing global sales and manufacturing presence, Strata Systems, Inc. has developed more regionally targeted portals in support of its clients and Strata’s soil reinforcement products. In...

Call for Presentations: Waterproof Membranes 2014

AMI is pleased to invite you to take part in the next international conference on Waterproof Membranes 2014, which will be held 17-19 November 2014 at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn,...

Getting It Right in Southern Minnesota

The Albert Lea Tribune reports that the new, lined waste cell in this southern Minnesota city will begin accepting waste this week. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is overseeing the transfer of waste from an old, polluted cell that had been leaking into Edgewater Bay. Project officials report that everything at the 11-acre site is progressing nicely. Excellent photos from the site are included in the article. Learn more here.;

Waterproof Membranes Readying 10th Edition

When Waterproof Membranes 2016 convenes in Cologne, Germany, 7 – 9 November 2016, it will mark the 10th annual edition of this ever-growing series. The conference is organized by...

Congratulations, Tim O'Sullivan!

The winners of the New Zealand-based National Bank Young Farmer of the Year contest have been announced. Twenty-nine-year-old Tim O'Sullivan, who also operates Canterbury Environmental Liners, was one of the seven awardees. Within its product line, Canterbury distribures Firestone lining materials. O'Sullivan has successfully combined a dairy operations background with his geosynthetic lining business. Congratulations on the award, Tim! Learn more here.;

Dewatering Tubes Approved in Montague

The Montague (Michigan) City Council has approved a plan to dewater dredged marina soils in geotextile tubes up to 100 feet long. The dewatering will be allowed to happen on city-owned land, the water will flow back into the lake, and the dewatered soil will be taken to an off-site location for proper disposal. The project should be completed by early May. Learn more here.;
White House

White House: US Energy Strategy and Economic Growth

29 May 2014 - Today, the White House released a report, “An All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy as a Path to Sustainable Economic Growth,” detailing the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy and the profound...

Abstracts Deadline: 3rd cYGEGC

The Canadian Young Geotechnical Engineers and Geoscientists Conference is a national specialty conference held every three years and aims to create a relaxed environment where young members of the geoengineering and geoscience communities are provided a great opportunity to share technical knowledge and exchange career experiences. The 3rd cYGEGC will be held 16-18 September 2010 in Waterton Lakes National Park, Calgary. Abstracts of no more than 400 words should be submitted in English or French to the Technical Chairs, Matthew Perras and Maureen White, by 1 February 2010. Learn more here.;

Philadelphia unveils $1.6B plan to develop stormwater facilities

Philadelphia has released a $1.6 billion proposal for building a sustainable stormwater-management system across the city over the next 20 years. The program will build stormwater-mitigation structures fashioned to imitate the natural process of absorbing and treating runoff. The plan needs approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Learn more here.;

New GSE Drainage Product Line Debuts

Earlier this year, GSE announced the acquisition of SynTec Corporation, a leading manufacturer of geosynthetic drainage and reinforcement products. The addition of SynTec added new and innovative technology to...

Swana Extends LFG Symposium Deadline

The program for the Solid Waste Association of North America's (SWANA) 2012 Landfill Gas Symposium will include presentations and project case studies featuring new technology, emission controls, system design and operations and unconventional applications. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to August 15. Learn more and submit an abstract online. Learn more here.;

Fiberweb raises £25.4m to finance bolt-on purchases

Nonwoven fabrics manufacturer Fiberweb has launched a deeply discounted rights issue to raise £25.4m gross to help to finance acquisitions. Fiberweb is well within its loan covenants but the extra cash, ShareCast writes, will give it more flexibility with bolt-on acquisitions. The owners of international companies do not tend to be interested in Fiberweb shares and want cash. The focus of the expansion will be the industrial products business. Learn more here.;

REMINDER: 10ICG Early Registration Deadline – June 17

The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics will be held 21 – 25 September 2014 in Berlin, Germany. This quadrennial global event from the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) will be...