Registration, Abstract, and Award Submission Deadlines

We have a few deadlines to remind you of this week: the early-bird registration deadline for Waterproof Membranes 2009; the abstracts deadline for the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) 2009 conference; and the Industrial Fabrics Association International's (IFAI) annual International Achievement Awards (IAA) competition entry deadline. Read about these opportunities in the weekly column.

Greer Pond Receives Liner

The reflecting pond in Greer, South Carolina's new $20 million, 12.6 acre combination development of a civic park, city hall, and police and courts office has received a $50,000 heavy-duty liner to hault water loss. The new park opens officially for July 4th celebrations. Engineers had sought for months to determine the source of water loss but ultimately decided the site soils weren't proper. The liner completes the development. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetic Technician Needed

Universal Engineering Sciences Inc., Orlando, Florida seeks a Geosynthetic Technician. The brief note online lists general qualifications as 10,000,000 sq. ft. of liner inspection for waste contamment, nuclear density certification, and ACI certification. For more information, read the posted at Engineer Jobs. Learn more here.;

Celebrating 10 Years and Looking More Like a Titan Each Day

As Titan Environmental Containment celebrates its 10th anniversary, Geosynthetica's editor caught up with Brett Burkard, co-founder and CEO. The interview and story are part of an ongoing project from...

IGS Educate the Educators Brings Geosynthetics to Brazilian Universities

By Bruno Pedroni – During the last days of July, when many in Brazil are typically on vacation, more than 50 people gathered for the IGS Educate the...

Fiberweb sees higher costs hurting H1 profit

British non-woven fabrics maker Fiberweb Plc said it expected first-half profit to be hurt by higher raw material costs, but remained confident of making progress in the second half as it increases prices. Also, the company has said it would look for small deals in Western Europe and North America to expand its geotextiles, agricultural fabrics and filtration businesses. Fiberweb operates 16 production sites in eight countries. Learn more here.;

Conference on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary Celebration of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH

HUESKER Synthetic GmbH hosted a special conference on 19 and 20 January 2012 in Düsseldorf and welcomed representatives of subsidiaries, numerous national and international business associates and partners of the company as well as representatives of engineering companies, testing institutes, authorities and universities.

New Issue of GEONEWS from Down Under

NAUE's geosynthetics are on full display in the latest issue of GEONEWS, published by Global Synthetics out of Australia. The April 2012 issue includes stories on the utilization of a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) cap for the closure of a landfill, tunnel works in Brisbane, prefabricated drainage modules, biplanar drainage products in remediation applications, a new information series on GCLs, and more. Read the latest issue here (PDF).

Deadline EXTENDED: Geosynthetics 2009

Geosynthetics 2009 is the largest geosynthetics industry event in North America. This biennial event will explore important issues affecting water resources, mining, infrastructure development and regulatory communities in the American, Canadian and Mexican markets. Organizers have announced an extention to the early registration rate to 30 January 2009. Register now to secure the best rates. The event will take place 25-27 February 2009 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Learn more here.;

Free IECA Webinar: Effluent Guidelines – Insights into Compliance with EPA's New Turbidity Standards

This session was presented by the US EPA's Jesse Pritts at IECA's Environmental Connection Conference in February, 2010. EPA has finalized effluent guidelines for stormwater discharges from construction activities. This session presents details of the new requirements and information on compliance strategies. Learn how to determine what sites are covered by the new regulations and how to minimize compliance burden. Please note: PDHs are not available with this free webinar. Learn more here.;

Agricultural Algae Delivered on Plastic Liners

XL Renewables is spearheading some fascinating agriculture applications by farming algae on plastic liners. It's of particular benefit, the company contends, when located next to animal feeding operations that struggle to manage manure. XL's Super Trough uses a plastic liner beneath water that carries carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and nutrients required by algae to achieve significant yields. Algae can help create something of a wastewater treatment plant for manure. Learn more here.;

The Australian's Move

The Australian, an internationally known newspaper that bills itself as Australia's only national broadsheet, is lauching its "Environment Series." The collection of nine special reports will cover all aspects of Climate Change and how it impacts Australia. The next report in the series will be "Recycling & Waste Management" and is slated for publication 31 May 2008. Learn more here.;

Custom Nonwoven Geotextiles Fight Lake Eutrophication

Can nonwoven geotextiles prevent the suffocating damage of eutrophication in waterways? That is a question Titan Environmental Containment's Sam Bhat, M. Eng., is helping answer in a collaborative project...

IGS Barriers Workshop Scheduled for XVI ECSMGE

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Technical Committee on Barriers has announced it will host a workshop in conjunction with the XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and...
AEG - Gold Mine Heap Leach

INSTALLATION: Gold Mine Heap Leach Pad

By American Environmental Group - AEG began work on providing geosynthetic installation services for a heap leach pad expansion project for a gold mine in northern Nevada. The mine encompasses...

Last Chance to Join Special Sessions at Geosynthetics 2015

Geosynthetics 2015 will be held 15 - 18 February 2015 in Portland, Oregon. Today (April 15) is the final day to submit abstracts to the conference's technical sessions. Ian...

PCBs Found in Soon-to-Be-Dredged Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal

University of Iowa researchers have confirmed that sediments of the Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal (IHSC) in East Chicago, Ind., are contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The PCB levels found here are comparable to other PCB-contaminated sites in the U.S., most established by law as Superfund Sites, which requires the removal of contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater and sediment. The IHSC is not a Superfund Site.

GeoAmericas 2016 Sells Out Hall and Adds Hotel Rooms

The exhibit hall has been sold out and organizers of GeoAmericas 2016 have had to add hotel rooms to the conference block at the venue, the Loews Miami...
Barbara Boxer on WRRDA

Senator Boxer’s Floor Statement on WRRDA 2014

Senator Boxer's Floor Statement on the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA) (Remarks as prepared for delivery) I am so pleased that the bipartisan conference agreement on the...

Opinion: Coal Ash Landfills

The massive coal ash retention pond breach in Tennessee has reignited debate about how best to dispose of coal ash. Too often, ash is buried in unlined cells. And, increasingly, opposition is being raised over the construction of unlined cells. Though it will cost more in the short run, the construction of proper waste containment cells, with liners and fully engineered, reinforced earth walls, seems to be the right solution.

Lawyers on Geomembranes

Canada's largest legal professionals recruitment firm, ZSA, has published a short piece from Golder Associates' Ian Hers on vapour mitigation, brownfield redevelopment and how service sector construction must cope with an industrial business past. He introduces readers of the Lawyers Weekly to geomembranes as vapour barriers. Learn more here.;

The Next New Thing?

Harvesting methane for energy from animal waste lagoons is not a startling new technology, but using it on a wide scale as a power source is. PG&E in California has now partnered with BioEnergy Solutions (which in turn partners with concentrated animal feeding operations [CAFOs]) to power residential homes with energy derived from massive, lined manure lagoons. As dairy sizes increase everywhere, power harvesting may be a realizable goal. Learn more here.;

ASTM D35/GRI Workshop on Geosynthetic Durability

When ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics meets in San Antonio, Texas (27-29 January 2010), the gathering will include a Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI)/D35 joint workshop on durability. The workshop--"Geosynthetic Material Durability: Field and Laboratory Experiences"--will be held on 29 January (8:00 am - 5:00 pm). The topics to be presented are as follows: (Read more)

Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве

Приглашаем вас принять участие во II международной конференции: Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве. Место проведения: Intercontinental Hotel Moscow, (Тверская  22) Дата проведения: 19 мая 2017 г. Конференция проводится при поддержке компании: “BOHNENKAMP AG”, "Maccaferri", "TRACE GROUP",...

IECA, EPA Region 4 Forming August 2014 MS4 Event

Denver, Colo. – The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Region One and the IECA Southeast Chapter has signed an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 to hold a...