Looking Back to Look Ahead: StocExpo

This year's StocExpo was the biggest yet, with nearly 70 different countries represented. The three-day conference and exhibition, now in its sixth year, was held in Antwerp, Belgium. A strong mix of attendees from all aspects of port operations, construction and clients were represented. See statistics from StocExpo 2010, and learn the newly released details on StocExpo 2011.

Hurried Work at Blue Ledge

Snow may come any time to the Siskiyou Mountains. Crews working on the remediation of Blue Ledge Mine are hurrying to install high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner and other controls before the winter weather weather arrives. The former copper mine is being remediated by a $13.6 million plan to prevent polluted runoff from leaching into the area’s watershed. Learn more here.;

GRI/ASTM Workshop Announced

ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics' Sam Allen and George Koerner have announced that a Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) / ASTM Workshop on "Geosynthetic Material Durability: Field and Laboratory Experiences" will be held 29 January 2010 in San Antonio, Texas. This important, new workshop will immediately follow the two days of D35's winter meetings. The four segments of the workshop will focus on long-term field experiences; accelerated weathering studies; polymers and additives packages; and a panel discussion. Abstracts for presentations will be accepted through 30 September 2009. Read more about the event.

MECA Awards Deadline

The Minnesota Erosion Control Association (MECA) is planning its 2012 Annual Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Conference and Trade Show for 8-9 March 2012 in Nisswa, Minnesota. Abstracts are sought on local projects completed for stormwater management or erosion and sediment control, and new innovative products for stormwater management or erosion and sediment control. Deadline: 15 July 2011. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetics Events: 11ICG Call for Abstracts

The 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics (11ICG) will be held 16 – 21 September 2016 in Seoul, Korea at the new COEX (Conference and Exhibition Center) in the...

Trail Building

Sediment erosion into streams is a large concern even for trails in parks. Increasingly, districts are turning to long-term corrections of pathways through the use of geotextiles and geocells in trail construction. Over at the United States Forestry Service's "Success Stories" website, Dianne Berry writes on the rebuild of stream crossing in Manistee National Forest. Learn more here.;

October Liner Integrity Training Dates Announced

The discipline of liner integrity surveys and assessments (LISA) has changed quickly and has had a dramatic impact internationally on the quality of waste and water-related geosynthetic containment systems....

Renewables News: USDA to Conduct On-Farm Energy Production Survey

As a follow-up to the 2007 Census of Agriculture, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service is conducting a first-ever survey focused on renewable energy. The On-Farm Energy Production Survey will gather information about energy production on America's farms and ranches, including the use of anaerobic digestion, wind turbines, solar panels, and other alternative energy sources. The survey is being conducted in response to an increase in on-farm energy production practices. USDA expects to release the results in 2011. AgSTAR will provide more information and analysis of the data when they become available. Learn more here.;

IGS Technical Committee on Barrier Systems to Document Global Regulations

The International Geosynthetics Society's (IGS) Technical Committee on Barrier Systems (TC-B) has launched a project Taskforce "Regulations" to gather an international database and resource detailing the regulations influencing the selection and utilisation of geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners in all aspects of engineering and construction. This specific task is part of the TCB terms of references for the period 2010-2014. Your insights into the regulations that impact your state/province and national/regional interaction are strongly encouraged. Read more.

Thrace Linq Announces Rebranding

THRACE LINQ, a global supplier of woven and nonwoven performance fabrics for a wide variety of textile applications, announces a rebranding to streamline and create a unified look and feel and highlight its identity and cohesiveness across its family Thrace Group.

T. Boone Pickens to Delivers Presidential Keynote at WasteCon 2009

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is pleased to welcome T. Boone Pickens as the 2009 WASTECON Presidential Keynote speaker on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the Long Beach Convention Center. Mr. Pickens will share his vision for reducing America's dependence on foreign oil with strategies that include renewable energy sources from solid waste. The Presidential Keynote Session will be moderated by SWANA's incoming International President John Hadfield.

ADPC receives award for Environmental Protection

In recognition of its commitment to protecting the environment in which it operates, Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC) has won an Environmental Protection Award at the prestigious International Bulk Journal Awards 2011, held last week in Antwerp, Belgium. Rising 4m above the water, the Environmental Breakwater at Khalifa Port cuts down sea-swell, contamination and unnecessary temperature change from any projected port use. The breakwater is constructed with a foundation of core materials covered with a strong geotextile and heavy riprap.

SWANA: LFG Capture and Utilization Report Report Is Valid Representation of US Practice

On May 28, SWANA's International Board of Directors approved the following statement concerning the recent report The Importance of Landfill Gas Capture and Utilization in the U.S. After review by the International Board of Directors and Technical Divisions, SWANA concludes that this report presents a valid representation of the state-of-the-art of landfill gas capture and recovery as practiced in the U.S.

ASTM D35/GRI Workshop on Geosynthetic Durability

When ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics meets in San Antonio, Texas (27-29 January 2010), the gathering will include a Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI)/D35 joint workshop on durability. The workshop--"Geosynthetic Material Durability: Field and Laboratory Experiences"--will be held on 29 January (8:00 am - 5:00 pm). The topics to be presented are as follows: (Read more)

Kennecott Eagle Minerals Announces Favorable Proposed Decision in Michigan Environmental Permit Case

A Michigan administrative law judge today affirmed the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's (MDEQ) decision to issue two permits to the Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company for its proposed Eagle nickel and copper mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The determination is the most recent in a series of favorable legal decisions, and moves the Eagle mine project closer to construction, which will require hundreds of local workers. The State Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules rejected the environmental challenges brought by the National Wildlife Federation, Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and the Huron Mountain Club to the MDEQ's issuance of state mine and water discharge permits.

ICUEE 2011 will feature new and expanded education programs

Education at the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE 2011) will feature new "industry keynote" presentations, new workshop and certification programs and expanded input from leading industry associations. New this year, the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) will be conducting some sessions at the event. ICUEE will be held 4-6 October 2011 in Louisville, Kentucky.

Day 1: Waterproof Membranes 2008

Waterproof Membranes 2008 is underway. It's the second in what is anticipated to be a longer-term series organized by Applied Market Information (AMI). And there was something about the program for Waterproof Membranes 2008 that really caught our eye. Key subjects this year include green roofing, sustainability, membrane durability and geotechnical applications. Others in the geosynthetics industry and related construction industries have seen this too, as our first night at the event revealed. Read the report from the opening night's reception. Learn more here.;

Geo-Frontiers 2011 Proceedings

The proceedings from Geo-Frontiers 2011 contain 500 papers presented at Geo-Frontiers 2011 in Dallas, Texas, March 13-16, 2011. Geo-Frontiers 2011 included three key events: the ASCE/Geo-Institute Annual Congress, Geosynthetics 2011, and the biennial NAGS Conference. These papers will be of interest to geotechnical researchers and practicing engineers, especially those working with geosynthetic materials. Cost $99 ($79 for IFAI members). Learn more here.;

GeoCalgary 2010 Abstracts Due January 16

A reminder that short abstracts of up to 400 words are due by 16 January 2010 for GeoCalgary 2010, which is co-hosted by the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS). All abstracts and papers must be submitted electronically using the easy-to-use Online Abstract Submission feature on the GEO2010 web site: www.geo2010.ca. Corresponding authors will be notified regarding abstract acceptance by 26 February 2010. All technical papers must be submitted by 3 May 2010, accompanied by one full delegate registration. Learn more here.;

INTERVIEW: Beach Slope Stabilization with Integrated Armoring

During the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) 2013 Region One Conference and Exhibition (Environmental Connection), Geosynthetica’s Elizabeth Peggs sat down with Jill Pack, CPESC of Tensar North American Green...

Floods in Turkey Caused by Poor Infrastructure, Development

Inadequate infrastructure and chaotic urban development are being blamed for floods that have devastated Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city. Thirty years ago, Turkey's population was approximately 45 million. Today, more than 70 million people call Turkey home, and more than 70% of the population lives in urban areas. This breakneck growth and movement into cities like Istanbul has resulted in an infrastructure ill-prepared to properly support the nation's needs. Even moderate rainfall is thought to challenge Istanbul's system. Learn more here.;

EPA Launches Competition for College Students to Develop Innovative Approaches to Stormwater Management

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a new design competition called the Campus RainWorks Challenge to encourage student teams on college and university campuses across the country to develop innovative approaches to stormwater management. The competition will help raise awareness of green design and planning approaches at colleges and universities, and train the next generation of landscape architects, planners, and engineers in green infrastructure principles and design.

IGS Norway Forms

Arstein Watn, the president of the newly formed Norwegian chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), reports on the chapter's long and winding road to formation.

Video – Miller Weldmaster Geosynthetic Welding Equipment

Miller Weldmaster is a manufacturer and innovator of rotary hot air and hot wedge welding machines for the industrial fabric and thermoplastic industries. Specializing in geomembrane liner welding equipment,...

EPA Update on Yellowstone River Oil Spill (Silvertip Pipeline), July 10, 2011

As the second week of the oil spill cleanup begins, EPA staff are optimistic about receding water levels in the Yellowstone River, which will allow access to previously inaccessible portions of the river. This news comes as data becomes available from testing and monitoring conducted last week. A map for both water and air monitoring data is now available at http://www.epa.gov/yellowstoneriverspill. The validated data confirms preliminary information indicating the water is safe and shows no elevated levels above instrument detection for volatile organic compounds.