NZ Aquaculture Project

The government of New Zealand hopes to triple the daily production value of the country's aquaculture industry by 2020. Currently, the industry generates $1 million per day. In support of this, 803 ha have been approved for aquaculture industry development in Kaipara Harbour, Tasmin Bay and Golden Bay. Learn more here.;

Trelleborg acquires UK-based PPL Polyurethane Products — strengthens position in offshore oil/gas

Trelleborg, through its Trelleborg Engineered Systems business area, has signed an agreement to acquire PPL Polyurethane Products Ltd., which has annual sales of approximately SEK 90 M and about 90 employees. PPL Polyurethane Products is based in the UK and develops, manufactures and markets a broad portfolio of polyurethane-based solutions and products, with a focus on the offshore oil/gas and infrastructure segments.

IGS-NA General Assembly Issues Open Invite and Agenda to Geo Community

When Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 convenes in Orlando, Florida, it will bring together members of the geosynthetics and larger geotechnical engineering communities. The conference, which occurs every six years, combines...

IECA Short Courses at Environmental Connection

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) will hold a number of full-day courses on February 25 during Environmental Connection 2014. The full conference takes place 25-28 February 2014 in...

GeoAmericas 2012

GeoAmericas 2012, the second Pan-American Geosynthetics Congress, will be held 1-4 May 2012 at the Libertador Hotel in Lima, Peru. It will be organized by IGS Peru, under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). The congress will highlight the main topics in the geosynthetics industry and applications. Keynote lectures and selected papers will be presented on the main themes: Geosynthetics in Enviromental Applications; Geosynthetics in Dynamic Applications; Geosynthetics in Hydraulic Applications; Geosynthetics in Mining Applications; Geosynthetics in HIghways Applications; Geosynthetics in Sanitary Applications; Case Histories; and New Geosynthetics Products. Stay current with the latest at the event website, Learn more here.;

TenCate and the New Minneapolis Bridge

On 18 September 2008, engineers completed the new St. Anthony Falls Bridge. Its 2007-collapse underscored the need for major revision to the United States Infrastructure. The new I-35W bridge measures 10 lanes, promises a 100-year lifespan, and uses high-strength geotextiles in the project. A modern design and the most modern materials are correcting the design errors of the past. The overall bridge rebuild occurred in a stunningly concise 339 days. Read the release from TenCate the role geosynthetics are playing.

D35 on Geonet Chemical Resistance

ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has announced work item WK32896, "Standard Practice for Tests to Evaluate the Chemical Resistance of Geonets to Liquids." This is a work item revision to existing standard D6388-99(2005). Updates involve renewal, significant table changes, and explanation of the obsolescence of EPA 9090 and adoption of a family of ASTM Replacement Standards. Learn more here.;

AgStar Online Digest: Winter 2010

The latest online issue of AgStar Digest is available from the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) AgStar website. The Winter 2010 issue contains information on the 5th AgStar National Conference, the release of Farmware 3.3 free software for assessing the benefits of anaerobic digster systems, new digester projects, and much more. Read it online. Learn more here.;

International Geosynthetics Society Publishes Major Engineering Document in French

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has announced that the IGS French Chapter has translated the engineering document "Recommended Descriptions of Geosynthetics Functions, Geosynthetics Terminology, Mathematical and Graphical Symbols." Originally drafted in English, this internationally unifying publication has been translated completely by French Chapter Members Dr. Nathalie Touze-Foltz (IGS Council Member) and Dr. Camille Barral.

$4.6 Million Stimulus Project in Plattsburgh, NY Includes Landfill Closure Project

Governor David A. Paterson today announced the start of construction on a $4.6 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act-funded project to close and cap the Akey Road Municipal Landfill in the City of Plattsburgh. Crews will seal the site in a safe, environmentally-sensitive manner, saving local taxpayers an estimated $2.9 million in avoided interest expense and protecting local groundwater. Governor Paterson has certified this and seven other clean water projects, totaling $19 million in federal economic recovery funds for the North Country Region.

Pond Liner for Apple Valley

Apple Valley (Minnesota) will build the new Whitney pond this summer on land owned by Burnsville in Lac Lavon Park. The pond, expected to be completed by November, also will have a walking trail around it. The 2-acre pond will have a liner to prevent contaminated water from seeping into the surrounding lakes. Learn more here.;

Geotechnics Update: 7 ICEG Confirms Keynote Speakers

The 7th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics (7 ICEG) will be held 10-14 November 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. This event will be one of 2014’s highlights and will offer an...

New Storm Water Inlet Filter Design Program Announced by ADS

A new online software program to select the proper components and design an inlet filter unit for a storm water drainage system is now available from Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS), the world's largest manufacturer of corrugated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. The step-by-step FLEXSTORM® Product Configurator is available free of charge at and allows a filter to be configured based on drainage structure type and filtration needs.

Levee breach in Colombia is causing epic floods

In Colombia, crews have closed about half of a canal levee breach through which water is flowing at a rate of 1,400 cubic meters per second. Six districts have been inundated with 15 billion cubic meters of water. "The fact that it's still raining and continuing to exacerbate problems in Atlantico and Barranquilla [departments] tells me there will be problems with all infrastructure -- roads and bridges, buildings, drainage, water and wastewater treatment systems and parks and recreation," says Dave Brauner, a private sector consultant. Learn more here.;

Philadelphia unveils $1.6B plan to develop stormwater facilities

Philadelphia has released a $1.6 billion proposal for building a sustainable stormwater-management system across the city over the next 20 years. The program will build stormwater-mitigation structures fashioned to imitate the natural process of absorbing and treating runoff. The plan needs approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Learn more here.;

Anaconda's Pumpback Wells Being Studied

Decisions need to be made soon regarding the Pumpback Well System (PWS) Evaluation Project now underway at the Anaconda Mine cleanup site in Yerington, Nevada. The EPA-approved a one-year shutdown of the PWS in March 2009. The site uses three evaporation ponds: a 3.5-million-gallon clay-lined pond; a 5-million-gallon HDPE-lined pond; and a 10-million-gallon HDPE-lined pond. Learn more here.;

From Quarry to Landfill in Alton

Neighbors of Alby Quarry in Alton, Illinois are pleased to learn that the years of blasting they've endured may finally be at its end. A new proposal has suggested converting the quarry into a construction debris landfill. During a public meeting, the proposal was discussed. A clay liner with a geosynthetic barrier would be installed to secure the site. This might be the first instance in the US of the neighbors encouraging the construction of a landfill. Learn more here.;

IECA Calls for Nominations for 2010 Awards of Environmental Excellence

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is calling for nominations for its 20th annual Awards of Environmental Excellence. This year's revamped awards program features eight categories to recognize industry professionals and organizations for their contributions to the erosion and sediment control community. IECA will honor all award winners during its awards program at Environmental Connection 2011 (EC11) 20-23 February 2011. The deadline to submit a nomination for awards presented at EC11 is November 1, 2010.

MTTI to Offer CISEC Program Nationwide

CISEC, Inc. has partnered with the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI) to offer its certification and training program nationwide. "MTTI will facilitate national outreach for the CISEC program through our relationships with various national- and state-level organizations, like Local Technical Assistance Program centers and other professional organizations," said Ann Kitalong-Will, MTTI Training Coordinator. Read more in the release.

Fly Ash Bill

A bill introduced by Tony McConkey to the Maryland State House of Delegates would make geosynthetic liners a necessity for any site at which fly ash is dumped. The bill has come about after fly ash from coal burning was disposed of at an unlined site. That disposal resulted in widespread well contamination. The bill also requires leachate drainage management and protective caps. Learn more here.;

Raven Industries Expands Manufacturing Capabilities

Raven Industries Engineered Films Division (NASDAQ:RAVN) has made its mark with polymeric films and sheets, including well-known geomembrane lines. The company has steadily invested in material development and increased...

Building Materials: How Big a Stimulus Boost?

In the 14 May 2009 Business Week S&P Ratings News, Thomas Nadramia writes on how the drop in construction spending was faster and steeper than anticipated; and how stimulus funds might help the industry's recovery. He notes that original stimulus estimates would be close to $300 billion for infrastructure; but that the actual impact may be closer to $130 billion. A focus on roads and water is apparent. And states like California and Texas are sure to benefit more than others. Learn more here.;
10 ICG, Berlin - highlights

Young IGS Members Call for Papers – 11 ICG

The 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, organized by the International Geosynthetics Society’s Korean Chapter, will be held in Seoul, South Korea 16 – 21 September 2018. The Young IGS Members...

Biogas Extraction with the Aid of Leister

In the Philippines, the first methane gas extraction plant has been put into operation for agricultural waste management. Others are following. LEISTER, an international manufacturer of welding equipment, has been there at the forefront of this important environmental movement. Here, the company reports on the use of its equipment to ensure the sealing of an HDPE lining system on a methane-harvesting system at a power station.

EREF Auction at Waste Expo 2013

The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) will hold charitable auctions, one silent and one energetic and live, during Waste Expo 2013 in New Orleands (May 20 - 23). Silent auction bidding is open May 6 - 17 online and again May 21 - 22 in the exhibition hall. The live auction will be held May 22 following a reception in the early evening. EREF's mission is to fund and direct scientific research and educational initiatives for waste management practices. To date, the annual auction has raised more than $13 million to fund the foundation's initiatives. Learn more here.;