GeoCongress 2012

The Geo-Institute's 2012 annual congress will focus on the "State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering." The event will be held 25-29 March 2012 in Oakland, California and will feature numerous state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice presentations. Among the many topics to be explored is geosynthetics. This conference represents a unique opportunity for geotechnical engineers from around the globe to advance their professional career and goals and uncover the latest and most beneficial knowledge and technologies. A call for abstracts is expected shortly. Learn more in the first flyer (PDF). Learn more here.;

Workington Floods Reveal the Benefits of Geogrid Stiffness

In late 2009, the town of Workington in Cumbria, United Kingdom was affected by a considerable flood. In just 13 days, a temporary bridge was constructed over the River Derwent. The project was designed and led by the Royal Engineers' Captain Caroline Livesey and involved the utilization of geogrid for mechanical stabilization of aggregate sub-base for the bridge abutments and surrounding structures, such as the construction platform. Tensar's Ian Fraser revisits the project here with Captain Livesey and reports that though the bridge was rapidly constructed on uncertain, flood-impacted banks, it was found to have settled on 5 mm in its 15-month service life.

USACE Supports Geosynthetic Use

The latest release on geosynthetics from the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) reports on the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) support for geosynthetic performance in levee construction and reinforcement. Read the full release here.

The Future of EC Training

Over at the Erosion Control magazine blog, we've found news of Shirley Morrow's new alphabet-sounding venture: ABC’s of BMP’s, LLC. Morrow (CPESC, CISEC) is an industry veteran with tremendous experience in training others. Now she'll bring that experience to her own business. We wish her well--and we found it apt that this future venture in erosion control was posted on October 28 but dated November 3! Looks like the future really is now. Congratulations and best of luck, Shirley! Learn more here.;

Titan Times 2017 – Radioactive Waste, New Geogrids, and More

In its Titan Times 2017 Year in Review newsletter, Titan Environmental Containment offers plenty to celebrate and a lot to look forward to. The company shares notes on key...
Geosintec Iberia 1

Extended Deadline: Geosintec Iberia 1

Geosintec Iberia 1 will be held 5-6 November 2013 in Seville, Spain. Taking place under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), the event will launch a new biennial series...

Allen to Deliver Two Geosynthetics Sessions in Singapore

When the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) convenes its Expo Asia 2011, two technical sessions on geosynthetics will be included. The event will be held 22-25 March 2011 at the new Marina Bay Sands Hotel and Exhibition Centre in Singapore. Session one is titled "Geosynthetic Applications for Infrastructure" and session two will be "Geosynthetic Materials for Environmental Applications." TRI/Environmental, Inc.'s Sam Allen will be the presenter.

Protecting Pipes with Geosynthetic Reinforcement

University of Kansas School of Engineering Ph.D. student Ryan Corey, one the Geosynthetic Institute's fellowship recipients, is conducting research regarding geosynthetic reinforcement over buried pipelines. Improving the safety of pipelines is a significant infrastructure need. More than 350 deaths, 1500 injuries, and $5 billion+ in property damage has been linked to pipeline problems in the past 20 years. Professor Jie Han is the advisor for Corey's work. Learn more here.;

EPDM Installation Training

Firestone offers installation training all over the United States for its versatile PondGard EPDM liner. The four-hour session combines classroom demonstrations, discussion, and video training followed by time with Firestone staff. This seminar is designed for individuals interested in residential and light commercial lining projects (including backyard decorative ponds, retention ponds, waterfall features and the associated project nuances involved with these types of applications). The next sessions will be held in Westminster, Colorado; Grant, Michigan; and Uniontown, Ohio. Learn more here.;

Inflatable Dam Fatality Leads to Charges in Australia

Two companies have been charged over the collapse of an inflatable dam wall in Central Queensland, which killed a four-year-old girl a year ago. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has accused the owners of the dam, Sunwater Limited, and manufacturers of the device, Trellebord Engineered Systems Australia, of failing to meet their health and safety obligations. Nelani Koefer drowned when the inflatable barrier collapsed and water gushed over a wall at the Bedford Weir outside Blackwater last November. Learn more here.;

TenCate Earns Award for Port of Santos Construction

TenCate Geosynthetics has received the International Achievement Award of Excellence for design excellence in geosynthetic applications regarding the Embraport Container and Bulk Fuel Terminal in Port of Santos, Brazil. The...

Grants Available to Aquaculture Producers

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) just announced the availability of grants for aquaculture producers from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Grant funds will assist producers for losses associated with high feed costs during the 2008 calendar year. The deadline for receipt of applications is 21 August 2009. Learn more.

NCE Insight Now Online

New Civil Engineer (NCE) Insight is a magazine targetted to students, parents, advisors, and others on potential careers in civil engineering. The Autumn 2009 issue is available online. Read it today. Learn more here.;

New Website for APWA Center for Sustainability

The American Public Works Association (APWA) launched a revamped website. This includes a new page for its Center for Sustainability. Learn more here.;

VIDEO: Asperity Concentration or Asperity Height for Geomembranes?

In November, Solmax provided a technical webinar presentation on an important question for geomembranes:  Does asperity height or asperity concentration matter more for increasing interface shear resistance along a geomembrane...

I-CORP Announces New Services

To keep pace with the development of liner technologies and regulated requirements for geomembrane lining systems, I-CORP INTERNATIONAL announces two new services: review of project drawings and specifications for feasibility of performing geoelectric liner integrity/leak location services for the final stage of construction quality assurance (CQA) or to locate problematic leaks; and assessment of present condition and remaining lifetimes of exposed high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes. Read more.

Mexico eyes shale gas boost for petrochemical sector

Mexico is considering ramping up shale gas production to support its petrochemicals sector which has traditionally used feedstocks based on crude oil, the country's energy minister said on recently. Although the prolific shales of Texas are believed to extend across the border into northern Mexico, littlehas been done to develop the deposits due to the state-controlled industry's focus on producing crude oil. Learn more here.;

Precision Becomes First Foreign Geosynthetic Laboratory to be CMA Certified

Three short years after opening their first laboratory in the Chinese market in 2006, Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories International (PGLI) is thrilled to announce they are the First Foreign Geosynthetic Laboratory to be certified by the CMA (China Metrology Accreditation). This Accredidation allows PGLI to reaffirm to their customers they are receiving the highest level of quality testing available. A CMA certification allows PGLI to issue reports with the CMA mark, which is accepted by the Chinese Government for evaluation of a products quality and safety. It is also used for the conformance to the mandatory standards in China.

Deadline: Filtrex 2010 Abstracts

Full-page abstracts for Filtrex 2010--an EDANA event--will be accepted through 15 March 2010. Themes include: New filter media technologies, market trends, automotive, air, liquid and gas filtration, water treatment, and emission controls and legislation. Learn more here.;

Until They Can Stand It No More

Neighbors of the contentious New Ventures-owned landfill in Newburyport, Massachusetts have filed suit against the site, which has had a stalled cap construction for most of the last decade. City and state fines for the Crow Lane Landfill have totaled more than $250,000, but only a portion of those fines have been paid and the lionshare have been suspended. Learn more here.;

ACIGS Bringing IGS Educate the Educators to Australia

The International Geosynthetics Society’s Educate the Educators program has had a substantial and beneficial impact on college-level geotechnical and civil engineering programs. EtE workshops provide high-caliber professional development and...

VIDEO: Underwater Installation of GCL for Flood Protection

By NAUE - The video "Dam Sealing with Bentofix® BZ 13-B" shows how Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) allow ecological, economical and safe construction, including for underwater installation of a...

INDA and Geotextile Education in India

The government of India and INDA, a nonwovens industry association, are teaming up to organize nonwovens and geotextile workshops. The aim is to improve the technical textile knowledge base in the country. Learn more here.;

Dam Construction: "At the Hub of It All"

A new seawater pumped storage plant is set to play a central role in an ambitious energy export scheme known as MAREX. Irish company Organic Power gives more details...

InfoMine Announces Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014

In September 2014, a new mining conference focused on the utilization of geosynthetics within this vital global engineering sector will convene. From 8-11 September 2014, the conference division of...