Indiana Aquaculture

Indiana Prairie Farmer reports that years of aquaculture growth forecasts in the state may now become reality. A yellow perch aquaculture operation is starting up with the long-term goal to produce 9 million pounds of this limited fish. In the wild, it's often overfished. Aquaculture may become a more viable growth sector in the US in situations like this. Learn more here.;

NACE 2011 Coming to Minneapolis

The National Association of County Engineers (NACE) will hold its 2011 conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota from 17-21 April 2011. As the event comes to the North Star state; and, appropriately enough, will run with the theme, "Guiding with Vision." Learn more at the association website. Learn more here.;

States ponder options to resolve flood control dilemma

Flooding from the overflowing Mississippi River is causing some states and the Army Corps of Engineers to reconsider their flood control strategies. Some suggested options include turning tracts of land into natural wetlands to absorb the flooding, training farmers to shift to practices that avoid contributing to flooding and runoff, and moving away from building levees, dams and spillways and focusing on diverting flood waters away from agricultural land and densely populated areas. Learn more here.;

D35 Approves New Leak Location Surveys Standard

ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has announced the approval of a new standard: D7852 - Standard Practice for Use of an Electrically Conductive Geotextile for Leak Location Surveys. Developed by Committee D35.10 (Subcommittee on Geomembranes), the scope aims for the standard to be "applicable to all types of geoelectric surveys when there is otherwise not a conductive layer under the geomembrane."

The Use of Geosynthetics in Mining Works

The use of geosynthetics in mining operations grows annually, as mining companies focus on the technical and economic advantages of geosynthetics. These materials have enabled more efficient barriers, stronger...

BGM Durability for Multiple Applications

A variety of waterproofing work can be completed with the ENVIRONAP geomembranes: transportation structures, waterproofing and hydraulic works, environmental protection, etc. The quality of SBS modified bitumen used for the products fabrication offers great elasticity and an excellent resistance to aging. ENVIRONAP geomembranes are available in 2 and 4 meter widths. Learn more. Learn more here.;

IGS Technical Committee on Barrier Systems to Document Global Regulations

The International Geosynthetics Society's (IGS) Technical Committee on Barrier Systems (TC-B) has launched a project Taskforce "Regulations" to gather an international database and resource detailing the regulations influencing the selection and utilisation of geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners in all aspects of engineering and construction. This specific task is part of the TCB terms of references for the period 2010-2014. Your insights into the regulations that impact your state/province and national/regional interaction are strongly encouraged. Read more.

Titan Environmental USA Opens Houston Office

After a string of product development and research updates, Titan Environmental has announced a new Texas-based office for its US division. Titan Environmental USA has established an office in...

SWANA Publishes Peer-Reviewed Report on the Long-Term Environmental Risks of Subtitle D Landfills

The Solid Waste Association of North America's (SWANA's) Applied Research Foundation (ARF) has just released a revised report, called "The Long-Term Environmental Risks of Subtitle D Landfills." The report summarizes what is known about the actual long-term environmental risks associated with municipal solid waste landfills and introduces long-term care alternatives that can be used to manage and minimize these risks. SWANA will distribute this report to Federal, State and Provincial regulatory agencies in order to initiate a dialogue on the regulatory changes needed to improve landfill operation during the post-closure period.

Terrafix a Finalist for OCE Award

Terrafix Geosynthetics is among the five finalists for this year's Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Mind to Market award, with the winner to be announced during events on May 11 and 12 events. OCE's release singles out Terrafix for "making the world's landfills safer with its geosynthetic clay liner." Read the full release here.

Fiberweb Launches New Brand Identity Reflecting Focus on Specialist Materials

In December 2011, Fiberweb turned its corporate focus to the global geosynthetics and technical fabrics markets. With a long history of material innovation to draw from, Fiberweb has also rebranded its company as "The Next Answer" and redesigned its website.

APWA Extends 2011 Call for Abstracts

The American Public Works Association (APWA) 2011 conference and exhibition has extended abstract presentation proposals through 8 October 2010. General topics of interest include operations improvements, emerging trends and technologies, public works leadership, and the business side of public works. The event will be held 18-21 September 2011 in Denver, Colorado. Learn more and submit a proposal electronically. Learn more here.;

TenCate Seeks Engineering Business Manager

TenCate Geosynthetics North America is seeking a new Engineering Business Manager for its West Coast and Midwest territories. The EBM is responsible for marketing TenCate Geosynthetics' products and services to the specifying community, which includes geotechnical and civil engineers. EBM will be assigned target locations and will work with Region Manager(s) to develop and implement a plan for each location. Learn more about the responsibilities on Geosynthetica's Employment Page posting.

Solmax Increases Flexibility for European Customers

Solmax International announced that all European customers will now benefit from a 7-day grace period free-of-charge for on-site deliveries (DDP). All fees due to merchandise pick up delays will be covered by Solmax for up to 7 days for deliveries transiting via Liverpool, South Hampton, Anvers, le Havre and Hamburg port. Read more about this benefit. Learn more here.;

FOAMS 2010 Speakers Announced

The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) has announced the keynote speaker and three plenary speakers for FOAMS 2010, which will be held 28 September - 1 October 2010 in Seattle, Washington. The first two days will focus on the FOAMS 2010 Tutorial tracks. The last two days will focus on the topical conference. The event is sponsored by SPE's Thermoplastic Materials and Foams Division and Pacific Northwest Section. A special advanced registration rate is available for those who register before 10 September 2010. Read more.

Federal Stimulus Money for Pond Liners

Aquaculture production is up with the installation of pond liners. In some cases, production is dramatically improved (ie, 57 percent better). The Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery in North Dakota is set to receive close to $1 million in support from the federal stimulus funds for the installation of more pond liners. The fish are used throughout the Midwestern United States. Learn more here.;

Article: Pipe Lining

The latest issue of Water & Wastes Digest includes Mark Oriol's article on protecting pipes with engineered liners and coatings. He underscores quickly just how major of a need this preventative measure is: there are nearly 1.2 million miles of sewer lines in the United States alone. Among the liners he highlights you'll find GSE's StudLiner, a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) embedment liner that uses extruded studs rather than ribs for anchor points. A system of this sort can deliver more than 50 years of service. Learn more here.;

US Congress Requests Geosynthetic Case Studies

Andrew Aho, managing director of the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA), has met with staff members of the US House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. This meeting was related to the Transportation Reauthorization Act. Those Andrew and his colleague met with have requested geosynthetic case studies in stormwater runoff and clean water management. This is a tremendous, unprecedented opportunity to deliver geosynthetics into federal infrastructure legislation. If you have the appropriate case study information, please contact Andrew to find out how to become part of this effort. Learn more here.;

Until They Can Stand It No More

Neighbors of the contentious New Ventures-owned landfill in Newburyport, Massachusetts have filed suit against the site, which has had a stalled cap construction for most of the last decade. City and state fines for the Crow Lane Landfill have totaled more than $250,000, but only a portion of those fines have been paid and the lionshare have been suspended. Learn more here.;

EPA's First National Regulations for Coal Ash Disposal

PRESS RELEASE - 19 December 2014, WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced the first national regulations to provide for the safe disposal of coal combustion...

Precision Geosynthetic Laboratory International Announces New Department

Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories International (PGLI) has added new services to their Thermal Analysis Capabilities. A new department has been added for Differential Scanning Calorimetry that will be full service DSC. In addition to the normal DSC methods Modulated and High Pressure DSC have been added. Differential Scanning Calorimetry is a thermoanalatycal technique that measure a difference of heat flow observed between a sample and a reference as a function of temperature. The main advantage of DSC is studying the transition of the material such as melting, crystallization or glass transition temperature. Learn more.

Williston Deal

The Williston City Commission has agreed to install a pond liner on a municipal golf course holding pond that has been leaking onto airport property. The drainage issue has impaired the airport's ability to improve runway capacity--a $14 million expansion project the city has been determined to begin. The liner will halt the long as they install it properly. Though time presses, one hopes proper CQA is allowed. Learn more here.;

Stimulus Funds Make Way to Superfund

When the United States Congress, working with President Obama’s administration, released the massive American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the staggering billions it opened for allocation were in part to go to “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects. Whether the nation's most polluted sites would benefit, however, was not clear. On Wednesday, April 15, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced $600 million of the Recovery Act funds would be made available to National Priorities List (NPL) projects—otherwise known as Superfund. Chris Kelsey reports.

Custom Nonwoven Geotextiles Fight Lake Eutrophication

Can nonwoven geotextiles prevent the suffocating damage of eutrophication in waterways? That is a question Titan Environmental Containment's Sam Bhat, M. Eng., is helping answer in a collaborative project...

Colorado Hopes to Treat Old Tailings

A new plan in Colorado hopes to rectify many decades of environmental injuries from mining practices that came before the advent of modern containment technologies. For example, the US Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a mine tailings treatment facility. Road widening has been proposed. All of it, however, requires significant government support. Stimulus funds have been applied for, and the plan backers are battling Colorado preservationists who do not want new development in the historic gold mining region. Learn more here.;