Brownfields Conference in Canada

The Canadian Brownfield Urban and Industrial Land Development conference (CanBUILD) 2009 is designed to drive sustainable development by educating industry stakeholders about the latest innovations in site remediation, financing opportunities, environmental successes, and the legislative developments that matter most to brownfield builders, owners, and municipalities. It aims to bring peers together to share information, challenges and successes, and to give each municipality a clearer vision on how to reach long-term community sustainability. The event will be held in Toronto 1-2 April 2009. Learn more here.;

EPA Issues New CAFO Rules

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized a rule helping to protect the nation’s water quality by requiring concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to safely manage manure. EPA estimates CAFO regulations will prevent 56 million pounds of phosphorus, 110 million pounds of nitrogen, and 2 billion pounds of sediment from entering streams, lakes, and other waters annually. Read more in the release.
RemTech 2013

Il Ministro dell'Ambiente Orlando inaugura RemTech Expo 2013 (Italian version)

La settima edizione di RemTech Expo 2013 (, il Salone più specializzato in Italia sulle bonifiche dei siti contaminati e la riqualificazione del territorio, sarà inaugurata dal Ministro dell’Ambiente...

Live and On-Demand Engineering Webinars in December

As the calendar year winds down, professional development opportunities such as engineering webinars are utilized more. For some, these sessions provide needed PDHs. For others, it is simply...

Geosynthetics Asia 2012 Announced

Dr. Dennes Bergado writes with news of a gathering in Thailand: Geosynthetics Asia 2012, the 5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics. The first Call for Abstracts for this event, to be held under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and to be hosted by IGS Thailand, can be viewed in PDF here. Geosynthetics Asia 2012 will take place 10-14 December 2012 in Bangkok.
Geomembrane installation image for July 27 GeoWire

The GeoWire for the Week of July 27

Start the week with the latest in the geoengineering world. Here's the GeoWire conversation for the week of July 27. WORK SMARTER. BIG PROJECTS In the battle of Salmon vs. Gold,...

Chris Eichelberger Joins Agru America

For the past seven years, Chris Eichelberger has served as a business development director and vice president of one the biggest geosynthetics installation and environmental companies in the United...

$2B stormwater plan to give Philadelphia greener infrastructure

Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia have signed a $2 billion plan to begin building a sustainable stormwater-management system in the city over the next 25 years. The green infrastructure plan includes installing porous pavement, roadside plantings and green roofs to collect rainwater runoff. The project is expected to prevent up to 8 billion gallons of water from entering the sewer system. Learn more here.;

Employment: Technical Sales and Sales Engineers, Maccaferri

Maccaferri, Inc., a global leader in civil and geotechnical engineering applications, seeks Sales Engineers/Technical Sales Reps to support the Washington DC and Riverside, California markets. These individuals will...

Waterproof Membranes 2017 Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities

Waterproof Membranes 2017 will be held November 14 - 16 in Cologne, Germany. The event is the 11th annual installment from AMI. The program will soon be released, with...

Lake Cataouatche Levee Enlargement, Hurricane Protection Project

Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE District, New Orleans This solicitation will be issued as a Request for Proposal (RFP) resulting in the award of a single firm fixed price (FFP) contract. The work consists of clearing and grubbing; placing compacted embankment; fertilizing, seeding, and mulching; placing surfacing material and geotextile fabric; maintaining access/haul road and ramps; and other incidental work. A Request for Proposal will be issued on or about 3 December 2009, and the Proposal Due Date will be on or about 4 January 2010. The estimated value of this work is $25 million to $100 million.

Scientists Looking for Cure to Alzheimer's Invent Self-Cleaning Solar Panels

A group of researchers under prof. Ehud Gazit at the Tel Aviv University were looking for a cure for Alzheimer's Disease when they discovered a new way to get peptides to self-assemble at high-temperatures in a vacuum. The resulting structure, a "peptide forest," has some interesting physical properties that could make it useful for solar energy. This "peptide forest" is useful in that it repels both water and dust. If solar panels were coated with it, they would be self-cleaning and could produce more clean energy. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetics 2013 Issues First Call for Proposals

The bienniel Geosynthetics conference series continues 1-4 April 2013 in Long Beach, California. This event will be co-located with the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) annual Southwest Geotechnical Engineers Conference and the Geosynthetic Institute's (GSI) 25th Geosynthetic Research Institute conference (GRI–25). Geosynthetics 2013 has issued a call for proposals for short courses, panel discussions, and technical papers. Deadline for submission: 1 February 2012.

Two Failures, Then Success

Oasis State Park in New Mexico is a popular fishing spot in Portales along the eastern border of the state. The lake was recently restocked with catfish and reopened to the public. The man-made lake was restored after two failures of clay liners--the first of which (February 2008) was a failure after 20 years of use, and the second after about two weeks when a company attempted to rehabilitate the old clay. A geosynthetic lining system was acquired and now promises renewed, long-term use. Learn more here.;

Ready T-Bracket Spill Berms Measure Up to Largest Spill Containment and Support Requirements

Oil spills and discharges most commonly happen during the oil storage container transfer process, and during fuel and chemical deliveries. Even though the majority of spills involve less than 100 gallons, most facilities that maintain above-ground storage of more than 1320 gallons of oil are still required to have oil spill plans in place as part of EPA and other regulatory rules. Read more from Interstate Products Company.

Report from the Berlin 2 Workshop on Exposed, HDPE Geomembranes

By Chris Kelsey - On September 26, immediately following the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10 ICG), a high-level, one-day workshop on HDPE geomembranes convened at the headquarters of BAM,...

Greenroofing: More from Marconi

We noted the piece on the St. Louis-based Marconi Building greenroof installation the other day; additional project information is available in this write-up on the GreenScapes project from CETCO.

East Coast's T-RECS™ Provides an Economical, Tough, Permanent Erosion Control Solution

East Coast Erosion Control, a global supplier of rolled erosion control products, hydromulches and turf reinforcement mats (TRMs), announces its newest offering: T-RECS™ (Turf Reinforcement Erosion Control Solution). Designed to provide extremely durable erosion control more quickly and at a more affordable price, the T-RECS™ system utilizes a revolutionary, three-dimensional, woven polypropylene, geotextile TRM structure that enables the user significant flexibility in installation without sacrificing performance.

TMDL Comments Due in February

Late last year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Water's issued a draft document for developing watershed total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). Public comments are coming due on the “Handbook for Developing Watershed TMDLs." Please know that the public comment period closes on 18 February 2009.

EPA to Hold Public Listening Sessions on Potential Stormwater Rule

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold five listening sessions to provide information to the public about a potential rule to strengthen stormwater regulations and to establish a comprehensive program to reduce stormwater from new development and redevelopment. These potential regulations would help to reduce stormwater discharges that can harm water quality into nearby waterways.

Reckoning Day for Water Management

A new online tool is now available to help Australian farmers retain the huge quantities of stored surface water they annually lose to evaporation and seepage. Called the Ready Reckoner, the free, web-based program calculates the cost of using liners or dam covers against the cost of losing water. It was developed in a partnership between the Co-operative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures (CRC IF), National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture (NCEA), National Program for Sustainable Irrigation, FSA Consulting and the Queensland Government. Learn more here.;

Canal Lining: Naches Selah Irrigation District

Three local ranchers first formed the Selah Ditch Company in 1888 after several name changes it is now known by the Naches Selah Irrigation District (NSID). Currently the NSID provides 50,643 acre-feet per season for irrigation to the Yakima and Naches, Washington area ranchers in central Washington. Several lining systems (concrete, asphalt, and others) have been used in the NSID area over the years. Recently, the district installed Coletanche ES 2 from Axter Coletanche.

Tensar, CETCO Announce Distribution Rights For Triton® Marine Mattress System

Combining the efforts of two industry leaders in remediation technologies promises to provide increased value to the environmental remediation industry. Tensar International Corporation (TIC) announced today that it has signed an agreement with CETCO Remediation Technologies (CETCO) granting exclusive distribution rights to the Triton® Marine Mattress System in the United States and Canada for subaqueous capping of contaminated sediments.

GENIVAR Acquires Solmers

The income fund GENIVAR has acquired Quebec-based Solmers Inc., an environmental engineering services firm. The move significantly helps the fund's interaction with key areas of construction and engineering in Canada, such as municipal solid waste and industrial waste processing and disposal. Solmers' resume includes many millions of square meters of materials designed and installed. Learn more here.;

PERUMIN 2015 Welcomes Two Big Geosynthetics Presentations

In September 2014, Geosynthetica and its publisher, Minerva, began discussions with the organizers of the world’s largest mining event, PERUMIN 2015, on getting geosynthetics content into its technical program....