Secutex Green, 100% biodegradable nonwoven from NAUE

PODCAST: Fully Biodegradable Materials Mimic Geosynthetics

Geosynthetic materials are renowned for their sustainability qualities. One of the ways in which the geosynthetics field really excels here is through constant innovation in...
Photo of the mega fish farm pond array in Port Said, Egypt

Solmax Acquires TenCate Geosynthetics

Well, this is a surprise! Montreal-based Solmax, which was already a global leader in geosynthetics when it acquired GSE Environmental in December 2017, has...
Kent von Maubeuge

Kent von Maubeuge Celebrates 30 Years at NAUE

Geosynthetica congratulates Kent von Maubeuge for 30 years in geosynthetics with NAUE! Kent joined the international company in April 1991, not long after the...

Concrete Canvas USA Hits the Ground Running

Today marks an important, new chapter for Concrete Canvas Ltd. The company has been very active globally in the geosynthetic barriers market, establishing offices,...
Geomembrane installation image for July 27 GeoWire

Online Geosynthetics CQA Week Training, May 10 – 14

The long-running geosynthetics CQA Week training courses from TRI Environmental return 10 - 14 May 2021 in an online format. The live, online format...
Image of a businessman's clasped hands and and chess pieces on an old wooden table. Photo by Gajus via Shutterstock license.

Two Geosynthetics Business Moves: NAUE, BontexGeo

Last week, many in the geosynthetics field were participating in virtual panel discussions and special sessions with the online Geosynthetics Conference. Two geosynthetics business...
Photo of basal reinforcement with Secugrid HS from NAUE

NAUE Offers Working Platform Software

Large-scale working platforms have become important solutions to infrastructure projects. grown in use in infrastructure, such as for situations in which load transfer enables...
Close up of fabric on a Concrete Canvas product

The Patent Dispute between Concrete Canvas and Eurobent Continues

For three years, a patent dispute has played out between Concrete Canvas and Eurobent over the latter company's material Tiltex™. Concrete Canvas Technology Ltd....
GCL installation - Photo by NAUE

The IGS TC-B Takes on GRI-GCL3

On March 3, renowned geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) expert Kent von Maubeuge (NAUE) will deliver a live webinar on “GCL Standard Specification GRI-GCL3: Background,...

What’s Hot: Geosynthetics Virtual Conference 2021

The long-running Geosynthetics Conference from IFAI and the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) was able to hold its event in person in 2020, with its...
Image of the river along downtown Austin, Texas, site of GeoU 2023

2021 Endeavors to Support in Geosynthetics

What will you and your organization support in 2021? We’ve got a few favorites in events and memberships that we hope you’ll take part...
Roman Colosseum. Photo by Ijby Berg via Shutterstock license.

12 ICG Extends the Call for Abstracts through February

The 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics (12 ICG) will be held 18 – 22 September 2022 in Rome, Italy at the Auditorium Parco della...

ACIGS Webinar: Ethics in Geosynthetics, January 28

The Australasian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (ACIGS) has quickly become one of the most active chapters in the world. One of its...
Geosynthetic Clay Liner Installation Image from Solmax

Hydraulic Barriers Video: GCL Fundamentals

Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) have a tremendous record as hydraulic barriers in engineered lining and capping systems. Still, they are not necessarily well understood...
Globe graphic, white background with blue continents overlain (and spread out widely to fit a half globe)

IGS Conferences – Opportunities in 2021 and 2022

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and its 40+ chapters organize and support numerous conferences around the world, including quadrennial regional conferences and the quadrennial...
NAUE News 50 Project Photo from Serbian Landfill Modernization

NAUE News Celebrates Its 50th Publication

There’s an old saying in media that “content is king.” Our friends at NAUE Group are certainly celebrating a regal milestone in the field,...
Top 10 Articles on Geosynthetica 2020

Geosynthetica’s Most-Read Stories of 2020

Each year we look back at the most-read stories on Geosynthetica. One of the fascinating things about this year’s list is how our readers...

Brine Ponds for Coal Seam Gas Operations

Editor’s Introduction: This coal seam gas article was first published 20 July 2016 on Geosynthetica. We re-release it here in honor of the author,...
Mining Engineering with Geomembranes

Floating Covers, Evaporation and Mine Economics

Editor's Introduction: This floating covers article was first published 24 September 2013 on Geosynthetica. We re-release it here in honor of the author, Mike...
Aerial image of pond array being lined, from Solmax Leak Location Suite video.

Solmax Unveils Leak Location Suite

International geosynthetics manufacturer Solmax is well known for its barrier technologies, including with conductive lining systems that can enhance site quality assurance. The company...
Library stacks on right receding into bright light in the center background

IGS Journals Announce Best Papers of 2019

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) supports two official geotechnical publications: Geosynthetics International and Geotextiles and Geomembranes. Both IGS Journals are among the most highly...
Geomembrane installation image for July 27 GeoWire

IGS and GSI Launch Database of Geosynthetic Barrier Guidelines

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Technical Committee on Barriers (TC-B), in partnership with the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), has launched a database to track global...
TRI Geosynthetics CQA Week Training - December 7 - 11, 2020 Cover Image

Geosynthetics CQA Week Training Online in December

The long-running geosynthetics CQA Week training courses from TRI Environmental return 7 - 11 December 2020 in an online format. This marks the second...
HafenCity Hamburg construction photo from NAUE Group

Webinar: Piled Embankments and Geogrids

The NAUE Academy puts engineering knowledge at your fingertips through its series of webinars on geotechnical solutions. The free, live webinars address a wide-range...

HUESKER Seeks North American Sales Representative

HUESKER North America is adding a sale representative to its team, to further expand its operations and facilitate service to its growing customer base....