CETCO Contracting Helps MSW Landfill Go Solar

In Madison County, New York, the municipal solid waste landfill is about to power the adjacent the nearby recycling center with energy generated by an exposed geomembrane cap. CETCO Contracting Services spent July installing the thin-film, flexible photovoltaic cells, which are adhered to the exposed membrane. It's part of Carlisle Energy Service's Spectro PowerCap system. Learn more here.;

India Ministry Leaders Join Geosynthetics Summit

The 2nd Global Geosynthetics Summit will be held 19 – 20 May 2016 in New Delhi, India. The key speakers for the event, just announced,  include India ministry...
Geosynthetic Clay Liner Installation Image from Solmax

Benson Headlines Geosynthetic Clay Liner Webinar Series

Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) have a tremendous record as hydraulic barriers in engineered lining and capping systems. Still, they are not necessarily well understood by the larger geotechnical design...

60 Diplomats from 35 Embassies Present at the Tea-View of World Bioenergy 2010

How can we move forward after COP15 in Copenhagen? And how will the global bioenergy community be affected? What are the opportunities and potential for modern bioenergy? These were the questions at the "Afternoon Tea-view of World Bioenergy 2010" held at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. More than 60 diplomats from 35 embassies were there to learn more about Swedish and global bioenergy. Read more in the release.

REMINDER: Register Now for IGS June Workshops in Munich

The International Geosynthetics Society has two exceptional, standalone events being held back-to-back in Munich. The June workshops kick off with the 1st GeoReinforcement Workshop, June 4 - 5. Then, on June...

New Short Course: Slope Stability of Containment Systems

Containment facilities require multiple geosynthetics, which creates a need to design with a strong understanding of the interface between soils and geosynthetics and between different geosynthetics. The new...
Flooded road image

Unsaturated Analysis of Water Flow in Granular Layers of Inundated Pavements

Climate change has created less predictable precipitation and in many cases more intense precipitation events. This influx of water flow is a significant challenge for infrastructure planning, with and...

SIBUR begins selling self-extinguishing brands of expandable polystyrene

SIBUR is starting to actively conclude contracts with buyers for the supply of expandable polystyrene, which the company shall manufacture in accordance with the state-of-the-art Austro-Norwegian production technology SUNPOR. The new facility, with a design capacity of 50 thousand tonnes per year, is located on the site of the CJSC "Sibur-Khimprom" and will be commissioned in late 2010. To date, work has been completed with respect to the installation of equipment, and test work is currently being conducted. Among the sectors for which materials will be produced is building insulation.

Renewable resources could meet all energy needs in 20 to 40 years

In 20 to 40 years, using today's technology, 100% of the world's energy could come from renewable resources, a study by the University of California-Davis and Stanford University found. Wind and solar power, and electric and hydrogen fuel cells would all play roles. "This really involves a large-scale transformation," says Stanford researcher Mark Jacobson. "... But it is possible, without even having to go to new technologies." Learn more here.;

PGI Rebrands as AVINTIV

Polymer Group International (PGI), which made a big entry into geosynthetics only a couple years ago in acquiring Fiberweb and its key TYPAR Geosynthetics and Terram brands, is changing...

Incomat Gets Raw and Potable Water Compatibility Certification

Geosynthetic barriers and systems provide essential containment of fluids in a wide variety of applications. One of the most important is for the protection and management of water resources....

New Erosion Program Launched

The Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) Inc. is excited to announce the development of it's Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector Certification Program (CESSWI). This new program will be available to all qualified technicians and inspectors who wish to demonstrate their proficiencies in construction and post construction inspection skills and abilities. Learn more here.;

George Koerner to Speak at Two Terrafix Seminars

The annual terrafix® Winter Seminar Series delivers updated engineering and geosynthetic product information in a concise, free-to-attend seminar in multiple cities across Canada. This year's program involves substantial updates,...

Technical Note: CCR Closure and Geocomposite Drainage

By GSE Environmental - This technical note focuses on CCR closure and post-closure care for facilities closing with the coal combustion residual waste remaining in place. In the United...

Halted construction filling US waterways with silt

The housing bust that has pockmarked the nation's landscape with half-built construction projects has done more than crash home values. Federal officials and environmentalists says abandoned developments are polluting nearby waterways with sediment, endangering fish and plant life and flooding areas where the silt has built up. Learn more here.;

Energy Transformation is within East Asia's Reach–at a Price, Says World Bank Report

The six major energy-using countries of East Asia could stabilize their greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 without compromising growth, a new World Bank report has found. The report, "Winds of Change: East Asia's Sustainable Energy Future," says major investments in energy efficiency and a concerted switch to renewable sources of power in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam could simultaneously stabilize greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy security while improving local environments.

1st GeoBarrier Workshop – Munich, June 6 – 7

The International Geosynthetics Society Technical Committee on Barriers (TC-B) will host the 1st GeoBarrier Workshop 6 – 7 June 2018 in Munich, Germany. This highly anticipated gathering combines presentations...

GSI Issues RFP for Graduate Student Fellowships

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) has a long history of supporting student research and development projects with geosynthetics. The investment helps spur the next generation of understanding with geosynthetics. GSI...

Wind Energy Investment Fading in Economy

The American Wind Energy Association has announced that with only 700 MW added in the second quarter of 2010, wind power installations to date this year have dropped by 57% and 71% from 2008 and 2009 levels, respectively. Manufacturing investment also continues to lag below 2008 and 2009 levels. AWEA and a broad coalition of renewable energy, labor, utility, and environmental organizations are calling on Congress with an urgent appeal to put in place a strong national renewable electricity standard to spur demand for renewable energy, attract manufacturing investment, and save and create jobs. Learn more here.;

South African Geosynthetics: GIGSA Extends Photo Contest

The South African geosynthetics industry has steadily grown, in no small part due to the activities of the country’s International Geosynthetics Society Chapter: GIGSA. On the technical side...
International Erosion Control Association

Walmart Helps IECA Launch Online Training Modules

Denver, Colo. – The International Erosion Control Association Region One (IECA) has received an education grant from the world's largest retailer, Walmart, to develop online training content. The two‐year...

CQA Week Events, April 25 – 29

CQA Week events highlight how important Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) is to geosynthetics. CQA activities ensure the effectiveness of the materials and their role in providing long-term service lives and economical...
Image of a businessman's clasped hands and and chess pieces on an old wooden table. Photo by Gajus via Shutterstock license.

Two Geosynthetics Business Moves: NAUE, BontexGeo

Last week, many in the geosynthetics field were participating in virtual panel discussions and special sessions with the online Geosynthetics Conference. Two geosynthetics business moves were announced during the...

Still Learning

A New Jersey developer has received a $763,500 fine for not controlling sediment runoff from a construction site. The developer had previously received 18 warnings. Properly used, silt fencing, turbidity curtains, and other geotextile products can prevent many of the conditions that lead to these hefty fines. Read about the developer's troubles in the Mt. Olive Chronicle (link below) and the Daily Record (cut and paste the following link into your browser http://www.dailyrecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060721/COMMUNITIES34/609210310/1203/NEWS01 ). Learn more here.;

August Webinars on GCLs in Coal Ash and Caustic Leachate Applications

On August 4 and 5, CETCO will host webinars on "Understanding and Monitoring Polymer Amended Bentonite in Geosynthetic Clay Liners for Use in Coal Ash Impoundments and Caustic Leachate...