GSE Resets Its IPO

International geosynthetics manufacturer GSE has revised its planned initial public offering (IPO) of stock. The company had intended to offer shares in mid-December, but was one of three companies to pullback from an IPO that month in the tepid investment environment. The new IPO terms, just filed, announced a 7 million share offering at an expected $8-10/share price. Roughly $63 million is expected to be raised. This offering will make GSE one of the only geosynthetics companies with publicly traded shares. It will also announce the return of the company to being publicly traded after years of private equity ownership. Learn more here.;

6th Edition of Designing with Geosynthetics

In a letter to engineers using geosynthetics and instructors, students and researchers working with them on the college and university level, Dr. Robert Koerner of the Geosynthetic Institute writes on the publication of the 6th Edition of his Designing with Geosynthetics text. Dr. Koerner's letter includes discussion of the financial realties of textbook publishing, the difficulties of on-demand publishing, and the stunningly economical nature of e-publishing.

Plastic Pipe Industry Recovering in Europe and NAFTA but Booming in South America

In three new reports, Applied Market Information Ltd. (AMI) has documented the established European and North American pipe extrusion industries, as well as the up-and-coming industry of South America. What these reports make evident is that the effects of global recession are still taking their toll on the plastics industry and that the pipe extrusion industry is no exception. But the demand for pipe extrusion in Latin America has been growing strongly, thanks in large part due to a sustained commitment in infrastructure development. Learn more.

AEGL's Power Management Division

In October 2011, we announced the acquisition of Goleta, California-based Power Management, Inc. (PMI) by American Environmental Group Ltd. (AEGL). The company is now unveiling a new logo for the PMI division. The PMI acquisition has been part of a rapid growth period for AEGL, which was already a leading landfill gas (LFG) systems company. AEGL's geosynthetics division has been involved in many industry firsts in recent years too, such as the first pilot and commercial scale exposed geomembrane solar energy-generating cap installations. PMI continues the company's diversification into complementary service markets. For more information on PMI's services, visit Or contact Randy Chapman at +1 805 692 8905, Learn more here.;

PRCI Conducts Geotextiles for Pipeline Stability Research

The Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), a 60-year-old not-for-profit industry group, is currently reviewing a Final Report on "Assessment of Geosynthetic Fabrics to Reduce Soil Loads on Buried Pipelines." According to the the PRCI's latest update on the collaborative research, "This research determined that the use of two layers of geotextile fabric on a sloped trench boundary is effective in reducing maximum horizontal soil loads at small displacements with observed reductions of approximately 30% and 40% in the horizontal soil restraint provided by gravel for various trench wall angles." The project has aimed to find a methodology and approach that would be repeatable, in the lab and in the field. Learn more here.;

Rod Kirch promoted to newly created position as Manager

GSE announced today that Rod Kirch has been promoted to the newly created position of Manager for Upstream Energy Sales. Rod will be responsible for the sale and marketing of GSE geosynthetic products into the energy exploration and transportation applications, specifically targeting the non-conventional energy and shale gas plays in the U.S. Geosynthetic opportunities in refining, long-term storage, mid and downstream applications will remain the responsibility of GSE's Regional Sales Managers.

Matt Skinner New Sales Region Announcement

GSE announces today that Matt Skinner will take over the role as Regional Manager for the Southeast Region formerly held by Mike Rublaitus. Matt will also continue to manage his current role as Regional Manager - Midwest Region until a replacement is found. During this transition, Matt will be responsible for both sales regions and will continue to provide the best geosynthetic brands, partnerships and dealer support that customers have come to expect from GSE.

Pennsylvania DEP Accepts Public Comment on Oil and Gas Erosion Control Permit

The Department of Environmental Protection announced today it has submitted a revised version of its erosion and sediment control general permit for earth disturbance associated with oil and gas activities for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, along with four other supporting documents, including a draft permit application and a policy explaining the permit requirements.

Author Robert M. Koerner Comes Out with New Edition of Book on Geosynthetics

Prof. Robert M. Koerner has come out with the Sixth Edition of Designing With Geosynthetics. As with prior volumes, it comes with helpful test questions after each chapter with answers provided at the end of the book. Currently, Koerner is professor emeritus of Drexel University.

On the Publication of the Sixth Edition of Designing with Geosynthetics

Dr. Robert Koerner has announced the publication of the sixth edition of his seminal text, Designing with Geosynthetics. This new edition marks the first two-volume set--but it is much more affordable. Having used an independent publishing service instead of an academic press, the cost of a hardbound copy costs just USD $34. Softbound is just $24. Read more about the new edition in an introduction from Dr. Koerner.

Interim Staff Manager for D35

ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has appointed an interim staff manager: Jeff Adkins. He can be contacted at +1 610 832 9738 or Jeff will attend the committees upcoming meeting in Atlanta (1-3 February 2012). Additional support for D35 will continue to be provided by Barbara Lake, or +1 610 832 9713. Visit the committee's home page for more information on standards work, publications, symposia and more. Learn more here.;

GeoAmericas 2012 Extends Early-Bird Room Rates

GeoAmericas 2012 marks the Second Pan-American Geosynthetics Conference and Exhibition. It will be held 1-4 May 2012 in Lima, Peru under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). Organizers have announced that the Early-Bird Room Rates for the venue hotel (Westin Libertador Hotel) have been extended until 15 February 2012. Reserve your room today and get the best rate at this key Latin American infrastructure event. Learn more here.;

TenCate Geotube® technology selected for largest tube project in USA

TenCate Geosynthetics Americas has been selected by Parsons Engineering of New York as the sole source to supply TenCate Geotube® containers for the dredging project on Onondaga Lake, in the State of New York. This project is the largest geotextile tube project in the US and North America. As a result of over a century of industrial activity on the shores of Onondaga Lake, lake sediments have been contaminated with chemicals such as heavy metals, PAH's and volatile organic compounds (e.g., chlorobenzene). Due to this contamination, Onondaga Lake and related upland sites were added to the Federal Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) in 1994.

GSI's Koerners to Speak on Geosynthetics and Shale Gas

During the January 2012 Dinner Meeting of the Delaware Valley Geo-Institute Chapter, the Geosynthetic Institute's (GSI) Drs. Robert Koerner and George Koerner will speak on the subject of "Geosynthetics Issues with Marcellus Shale Development." The dinner will be held 17 January 2012 at the Radisson Valley Forge. (Meeting at 5:30 pm; dinner at 6:30; presentation at 7:15.) Learn more about this dinner and GSI's research into geosynthetics and shale gas.

GeoManitoba 2012 Deadline

The abstract submission deadline for GeoManitoba 2012 is 15 January 2012. This Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) annual conference will take place 30 September - 3 October 2012 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Abstracts of up to 400 words may now be submitted online. Key subjects expected for the event include brownfields remediation, sustainability, landslides and slope stability, MSE walls, and much more. Visit the latest call for papers information on the event website. Learn more here.;

FGI Release Selection Matrix

The Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI) has released an Excel-based "FGI Selection Matrix" designed to provide users with a method for general geomembrane selection and information on attributes, physical properties, test methods, and polymeric types. The matrix is polymer based and is designed to narrow the search for alternative types of geomembranes that could be suitable for a specific application or project. The matrix is also intended as an educational tool to provide insight and definitions for attributes, properties, and test methods. FGI intends to further develop and update this new matrix tool as new information or standards develop.

D35 on Connection Strength – Reinforcement and Concrete Units

ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has revised D6638, "Standard Test Method for Determining Connection Strength Between Geosynthetic Reinforcement and Segmental Concrete Units (Modular Concrete Blocks)." This connection strength test is meant to be a performance test (laboratory or field); it should be conducted using full-scale system components. Learn more here.;

Assessing Maximum Allowable Strains in PE and PP Geomembranes

Geomembranes used as separation liners between old and new waste in vertical expansions of landfills may be subject to differential settlement strains. It is important to define a maximum allowable strain that any given geomembrane can tolerate without compromising its required service life. Here, we take another look at work from Peggs, Schmucker and Carey. The authors assess competing notions of maxiumum allowable global strain from different world regions and liner selection. This information has previously been delivered in a live session but until now has not been published in print.

Tensar Civil Engineers Join the World's Elite

Chaido Doulala-Rigby (Yuli), Chief Engineer Tensar International, and Mike Dobie, Tensar Regional Manager Asia Pacific, have both recently been admitted as Fellows of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the world's oldest professional engineering society and a pre-eminent international organisation for civil engineers of all disciplines. Congratulations, Mike and Yuli!

Carbon Management Conference Early Reg Rate

The inaugural Carbon Management Conference conference from the Society of Petroleum Engineers will focus on engineering solutions to climate change, carbon management in construction and operations, and much more. Drawing professionals from all engineering disciplines, the event will be held 7-9 February 2012 in Orlando, Florida. Perspectives will be presented on greenhouse gas reduction, case studies, life cycle assessment, applicable technologies, and much more. Register by January 16 for the best rates. Learn more here.;

Tensar Corporation Promotes Robert Vevoda to Chief Operating Officer

Tensar Corporation has announced the promotion of Robert Vevoda to Chief Operating Officer (COO). In this new position Vevoda will be responsible for global manufacturing operations in addition to heading up commercial operations as President of Tensar International Corporation, a leading producer of geosynthetic soil reinforcement and stabilization materials.

IGS Second Photo Competition Closes February 1

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Photo Contest was created to showcase the outstanding work of IGS members and exceptional geosynthetic engineering solutions. The inaugural contest response was phenomenal--a 2nd IGS Photo Contest was demanded. Submission deadline: 1 February 2012. Learn more about the competition here.

Renew Membership / Join IGS and Chapter in 2012

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and its 34 country/regional chapters provide exceptional opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange in the greater civil engineering and construction fields. Those opportunities are only increasing as in 2011 the IGS was invited to join the Federation of the International Geo-Engineering Societies (FedIGS). This union is providing fantastic links and information resource developments with the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), and the International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). Geosynthetica strongly encourages its readers to renew their IGS memberships and applicable chapter memberships. If you have never joined, we strongly encourage you to now. Learn more about membership and chapters, including online registration/renewal, at the IGS Membership page. Learn more here.;

2011 Year-End Review: North American Geosynthetics Society

In his year-end review letter, North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) Executive Director David Suits writes, "The year 2011 has been a very good year for the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS)….We are maintaining a healthy membership. This year we had 32 new or revived memberships. Under the guidance of the past Board, the early part of the year was devoted to working with IFAI, and the Geo-Institute organizing the Geo-Frontiers 2011 Conference. We had close to 2000 attendees and 150 exhibitors. As a result NAGS received one of the best, if not the best financial return that we have experienced for any of the conferences in which we have participated." Read more, and don't forget to renew your membership (or join).

IGS News 27.3 Now Available

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has published its third issue of IGS News for 2011. Issue 27.3 includes a lead editorial from IGS President Jorge Zornberg on IGS's relationship with international sister societies (which includes an interesting comparative table on memberships, chapters, and technical committees), a call for IGS Council members, a chapters activity report, news on the October 2011 memorandum of understanding between IGS and ICID, event reports, and much more. And don't forget to submit your photo to the 2nd IGS Photo Competition. Read the issue here (PDF).