The Buzz on Geoelectric Liner Integrity Surveys

The demand for performing geoelectric integrity surveys as the final stage of liner construction quality assurance (CQA) has significantly increased. This has been spurred not only by regulator understanding and wide-spread use in the waste management sector but also by other closely monitored, environmentally concerned industries such as mining, wastewater and fuel/oil storage. This in-demand skill is taught at only one place in the United States, and the next opportunity takes place during CQA Week (April 12-16) at TRI's Austin, Texas campus. Read more about it here.

GSI Newsletter – March 2010

The March 2010 Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) newsletter is available. The current issue includes a roundup of the Institute's many activities and research projects (such as Grace Hsuan's ongoing stress-cracking studies on geomembranes and geopipes), generic specification updates, a report on GRI-24, short course and special meetings notes, a list of the 75 GAI-LAP accredited laboratories, and much, much more. Download a PDF copy today. Learn more here.;

Gas industry seeks to change pit-liner rules

In Colorado, a rule change in 2010 has mandated that oil and gas pit liners must be disposed of in proper (ie, modern, lined) facilities. But a law suit and industry complaints are seeking to halt full implementation of the rule. Until the new rules were in place, disposing of these liners in a landfill was optional and an option not often exercised. Gas operators, with landowners' permission, would often bury the liners on private property. Megan Graham, director of the San Juan Citizens Alliance, discusses this in an op-ed piece in the Durango Herald. Learn more here.;

Call for Papers – 3rd Geosynthetics Middle East

The 3rd Geosynthetics Middle East (9-10 November 2010) will be held at Le Meridien Hotel in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Reda Ashkar, BMC Gulf, will serve as conference chairman. A call for presentations has been issued and abstracts are due to the conference manager, Irina Bender of SKZ by 15 April 2010. Read more about the event and the topics sought.

Call for Presentations – Environmental Connection 2011(EC11)

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is calling for submittals for Environmental Connection 2011 (EC11), annual conference and expo of IECA. Combining quality education with a world-class expo, EC11 is the premier gathering place for the erosion and sediment control community, drawing attendees from over 20 countries and 150 exhibitors to Orlando, Florida, 20-23 February 2011. Deadline to submit an abstract is 20 May 2010. Learn more.

Report from GMA's Lobby Day

Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) members were in Washington, D.C., 1-3 March 2010 for the association's semiannual Lobby Days. GMA has consistent representation in Washington through our contracted firms, Kemp Partners/Whitmer & Worrall. But to reinforce GMA's message on Capitol Hill, twice a year GMA-member companies send representatives to meet with Members of Congress as both constituents and members of our trade association. Read more in the summary report from GMA managing director Andrew Aho.

UD team takes top honors in national geotech competition

A team of University of Delaware engineering students has taken top honors in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-Challenge Student Competition on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Construction. Held at GeoFlorida 2010 on February 23, the competition required teams of students to design and construct a scaled-down model of a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall in which dry sand reinforced with paper is retained behind a paper wall that has been constructed in a plywood form. Read more from Diane Kukich.

EPA Announces the New Office of International and Tribal Affairs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, who has highlighted strengthening tribal partnerships as a top priority during her tenure, today announced an internal restructuring that brings EPA's international and tribal programs together under one umbrella organization called the Office of International & Tribal Affairs (OITA). This restructuring was initiated in response to a request from the tribes to reconsider the proper location of the American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO).

New Website for International GCL Event

SKZ, with scientific committee support from Cemagref and the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), will host the 3rd International Symposium on Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GBR-C 2k10) 15-16 September 2010 at the Fortress Marienberg in Würzburg, Germany. Technical sessions will address shear and mechanical behaviour of GCLs, chemical resistance of GCLs, testing of GCLs under unsaturated conditions, behaviour of GCLs in landfill covers (case studies), regulations, new concepts and developments in the use of GCLs, and GCLs for hydraulic and construction applications. Visit the conference's new website. Learn more here.;

Busy Days for Kaytech

The African geosynthetics industry, and particularly South Africa's experts, took center stage last September during GeoAfrica 2009, which was the first African regional conference on geosynthetics. One of that region's main players is South Africa-based Kaytech, a wide-ranging manufacturer and distributor of materials for road construction and maintenance, drainage and filtration, erosion control, waterproofing, separation and reinforcement. Kaytech is growing steadily in the international market, both from its headquarters and through expanding its involvement elsewhere.

Geo-Florida 2010 Event Report

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-Institute held its annual event in West Palm Beach, Florida 20-24 February 2010. And I am very pleased to report that the event was vibrant with a broad range of activity and healthy level of attendance. One of the remarkable characteristics of this event was the diversity of both attendee specializations and subject matters covered. Every facet of industry and academia seemed to be represented by the 850+ attendees. The 3.5-day technical program was so completely full that at times it was difficult for attendees to choose which of the sessions to attend. Read more from Elizabeth Peggs.

TRI to Host Next CQA Week April 12-16

TRI/Environmental will host another CQA Week that offers essential education in these areas during the week of 12 November 2010 at its Austin, Texas campus. Activities will include both classroom and field study (in on-site test pits) of liner integrity surveys--also known as, leak location--with electrical resistivity testing; two days of QA/QC short courses on geosynthetic installation and use of compact clay and geosynthetic clay liners; and the CQA Certification Exam from the Geosynthetic Institute's (GSI) CQA Inspectors Certification Program. Learn more about it here.

Bowers Leaving Geo-Institute

After 13 years as the Director of the ASCE's Geo-Institute, Carol Bowers is departing…for another position within ASCE. Bowers is taking a fantastic new challenge in transferring to a newly created position within ASCE for the creation of a Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System. The project is just getting underway--Geosynthetica will keep you posted as the program develops. In the meantime, Carol is overseeing projects and keeping a hand on the Geo-Institute until such time as her successor is named. Applications are being accepted for this position. We congratulate Carol on her new endeavor and look forward to seeing the rating system develop. Learn more here.;

SOIL Fund Raises $4650 at EC10

The Charitable Fund of IECA, Save Our International Land, held a silent auction at EC10. The auction raised $4650 and featured unique items generously donated by members with all proceeds benefiting the SOIL Fund. The grand prize item was a Tommy Silt Fence Machine donated by Tom Carpenter, CPESC, which went to Jules St. Laurent for $3000. Learn more here.;

Geo-Frontiers 2011 Abstracts Deadline Extended to March 15

Geo-Frontiers 2011 brings together the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-Institute (GI) and the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI). It will be held 13-16 March 2011 in Dallas, Texas. The conference organizers have announced an extension to the abstract submission deadline. Abstracts will now be accepted through 15 March 2010.

$2.4million Geosynthetic Centre of Excellence launched in QLD

Parliamentary Secretary for Innovation and Industry Richard Marles today launched a $2.4million research centre that will investigate ways to contain potentially hazardous leaks from mine waste, domestic tips, tank farms and dams. Australian manufacturer Geofabrics Australasia has privately funded the centre, which will test the chemical reactivity, UV resistance and friction properties of materials used to line waste facilities.

IECA Chapters Recognized for Excellence in Educating & Serving Members

Located throughout the U.S. and in 6 other regions of the world, the Chapters of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) are instrumental in providing the erosion and sediment control community with education and networking opportunities through regional conferences, workshops, field days, newsletters, websites and other services.IECA is proud of the following Chapters for their achievements. (Continued.)

Cal Poly Professor Recognized at Annual IECA Conference

Cal Poly's Brent Hallock received the Presenter of the Year Award at the 41st conference and expo of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) held recently in Dallas, Texas. The award recognizes an outstanding presenter that demonstrates excellence in presentation skills, educational delivery and content preparation. Hallock received the award for his course "Principles and Practices for Using Vegetation to Prevent Erosion." Read more.

Tailings and Mine Waste '10 Abstracts

Tailings and Mine Waste '10 will take place in Vail, Colorado 17-20 October 2010. The event organizers--Colorado State University's Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering--invite short abstracts from prospective authors through Monday, April 5. Key issues for this year's event include a focus on Containment Systems, including geosynthetic liners, composite liner systems, leak detection and leachate collection, groundwater protection, and water management. Detailed guidelines and instructions are available in the call for papers. Download here in PDF. Learn more here.;

Solar Power Membranes at the BioSphere II

Solarmax Arizona has an experimental installation of their solar photovoltaic geomembrane strips on slopes at Biosphere II. The company has proposed placing their system on tailings piles as part of reclamation activities. The panels are impermeable, preventing erosion, while producing electricity. Solid panels are bonded to geomembrane. Learn more here.;

March GSI Courses and Exams

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), Folsom, Pennsylvania will be holding its next GSI Short Courses on March 22 and 23. A certification exam will also be offered on March 24. The opportunities are: "Geosynthetics in Waste Containment Liner and Cover Design," March 22; "Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Geosynthetics Installation," March 23; and the Examination for Inspector Certification, March 24. Read more about these events and download a registration brochure.

IECA Announces New Board of Directors Positions

At the 41st conference and expo of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) held in Dallas, Texas, 16-20 February 2010, the IECA Board of Directors installed one new officer and held an election to determine who would hold the position of Treasurer. All other members of the Board of Directors will continue to serve in their current roles. The IECA Board of Directors is made up of nine members, each serving a three year term. Read more.

Final Call: Abstracts on Soil-Structure-Geosynthetics Interaction

At Geo-Frontiers 2011, a special session will be held on "Soil-Structure-Geosynthetics Interaction." Session organizers invite abstracts through the overall conference abstract submission deadline: 8 March 2010. The proposed technical session will include presentations related to the development and application of analysis and design dealing with macro-scale mechanical interaction problems encountered in foundation engineering, underground construction, railroads and pavements, and ground improvement. Learn more.

Final Call: Geo-Frontiers 2011 Abstracts on Concrete Protection Liners

At the Geo-Frontiers 2011 conference, there will be a technical session on Concrete Protection Liners co-chaired by Ian D. Peggs ( and Peter Dimaio ( All those working on tunnels, wastewater treatment basins, process chemical containment, or any other aspect of concrete protection using geomembranes or thicker polymeric sheet products, are invited to submit abstracts through 8 March 2010. Learn more.

Blue Tee Corp. Provides Nearly $1.4 Million for Anderson-Calhoun Mine and Mill Cleanup

A former lead and zinc mine and mill located near Leadpoint, Washington will soon be cleaned up thanks to a $1.36 million settlement agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and Blue Tee Corp., the former operator of the site. These funds will allow EPA to complete remaining cleanup work at this Superfund site.The cleanup also involves placing a protective barrier over contaminated sediments in the tailings impoundment pond and in other nearby wetlands.