Hydraulic Engineering Solutions Seminar, July 14

Waterways are dynamic environments. Strong hydraulic engineering solutions are needed to create resilient infrastructures that minimize environmental impact, control costs, and provide long-term performance. On July 14, Maccaferri will...

Global Waste Management Symposium Extends Abstracts Deadline

The biennial Global Waste Management Symposium (GWMS) offers international, comprehensive, critical content and research. The 2018 edition of the Global Waste Management Symposium will be held 11 - 14 February 2018...

Drainage and Venting of Geosynthetic Containment Systems

The recent increase in discussion on finer points to geomembrane installations (e.g., managing geomembrane wrinkling) has us revisiting stories on other significant points regarding geomembrane system performance. Here, we...

The Geotechnical Poetry of Mary Nodine

Geotechnical engineering requires a lot of waiting. You wait on calls, test results, the weather. You wait on a construction activity to finish, on software to complete extremely complex...

Congratulations, Joel Sprague and Grace Hsuan

Two of the geosynthetics field's most respected figures, Joel Sprague and Grace Hsuan, were honored on Thursday, June 15, at the ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics meetings in...

Geosynthetic Technology Seminar Schedules Three Stops in Australia/NZ

The International Geosynthetics Society Australasian Chapter will host a multi-city seminar series on geosynthetic technology in water containment, waste disposal facility rehabilitation, and tunnelling. The seminar will be held in Auckland...

PODCAST: Robert Bowers on Geosynthetics in Segmental Concrete Pavements

The Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute published its Tech Spec 22 this year. The document provides general guidelines on the use of geosynthetics within segmental concrete pavements. ICPI’s Director of...

Sprague Earns ASTM Award of Merit for Geosynthetics Work

ASTM International’s Committee D35 on Geosynthetics will present its highest honor, the ASTM Award of Merit, to C. Joel Sprague, senior engineer for TRI Environmental. The Award of Merit...

IGS Technical Committee Organizes November Hydraulics Events in NOLA

Two hydraulics events are coming to New Orleans, Louisiana in November 2017 thank to a technical committee of the International Geosynthetics Society. The engineering professional development gathering will consist...

Solmax USA Open and Manufacturing Geomembranes in Houston

Two months ago, the 35-year-old international geosynthetics company Solmax Inc. announced that would for the first time begin manufacturing geomembranes in the United States. The company had acquired the Houston, Texas...

Geosynthetics Education: A Case Study

By Preston Kendall – The International Geosynthetics Society has set a goal of getting geosynthetics engineering information into undergraduate civil engineering programs. This is being accomplished in part through...

Titan Environmental USA Opens Houston Office

After a string of product development and research updates, Titan Environmental has announced a new Texas-based office for its US division. Titan Environmental USA has established an office in...

Incomat Gets Raw and Potable Water Compatibility Certification

Geosynthetic barriers and systems provide essential containment of fluids in a wide variety of applications. One of the most important is for the protection and management of water resources....

A Geosynthetic Solution for Tehran Highway Wall

By Maccaferri – For a 33m-high, 300m-long retaining wall along the new Tehran North Highway, a composite geosynthetic solution from Maccaferri is being utilized. This geosynthetic approach has enabled the...

PODCAST: Craig Benson on Sedimentation, Dams, and Watershed Health

Geosynthetica opens its 2017 series of GeoTalk podcasts with a conversation about sedimentation, dams, and watershed health. Our guest is Craig Benson, an International Erosion Control Association Board Member...

Coal Seam Gas Site Uses Graphene-Enhanced Geotextiles

A coal seam gas facility in Australia has become the site of the world’s second commercial-scale use of graphene-enhanced geotextiles. The product utilizes Imagine Intelligent Materials’ imgne® X3 coating,...

NZ’s Central Plains Headrace Canal Update: 600,000 Sq M of HDPE Geomembrane

The ongoing infrastructure works in Canterbury, New Zealand’s ambitious Central Plains Water Enhancement Scheme is centered around a 55m-high dam and affiliated storage and diversion canals. Up to 60,000...

Reinforcing India’s First Vertical Expansion of a Landfill

The city of Vapi in the state of Gujarat, India, has a deep industrial history, with chemicals, pesticides, dyes, textiles, and other sectors active in the municipal area. Though such...

VIDEO: Reduction Factor for Creep Rupture Behavior of Geosynthetics

In HUESKER’s May 2017 videocast, engineer Christoph Hessing discusses a highly important reduction factor that engineers must know to properly design with geosynthetics: creep rupture. This is essential to...

Custom Nonwoven Geotextiles Fight Lake Eutrophication

Can nonwoven geotextiles prevent the suffocating damage of eutrophication in waterways? That is a question Titan Environmental Containment's Sam Bhat, M. Eng., is helping answer in a collaborative project...

REVIEW: 2nd International Geosynthetics in Road Construction

The 2nd international Geosynthetics in Road Construction conference was held May 19 in Moscow. Key sponsors for the event included Maccaferri, NAUE, Thrace Group, Bohnenkamp AG, and New Ground....

IGS Brasil to Celebrate 20 Years of Activity with Special Program

One of the world’s most active chapters of the International Geosynthetics Society was created 20 years ago. This year, when IGS Brasil members gather for the chapter’s annual meeting,...

Expert Geosynthetics Installation for Better Silver and Gold Mining ROI

The Coeur Rochester mine in Rochester, Nevada produced 4.6 million ounces of silver and 52,600 ounces of gold in 2016. One of the reasons for the success of the...

REMINDER: 2018 IECA Abstracts Due May 31

The International Erosion Control Association Region One reminds the engineering community that abstracts for the 2018 IECA Conference and Exhibition are due May 31. The 2018 IECA conference will be held...

Engineering Professors: Educate the Educators Applications Due June 1

The deadline for engineering professors to apply for a seat in the International Geosynthetics Societey’s non-commercial Educate the Educators program (4 - 5 December 2017, Kingston, Ontario) is approaching. All...