New MSE Wall Software for Geocell and Geogrid Designs

Mechanically stabilized earth constructions, such as MSE walls, have enabled economical, safe, more vertical constructions. Often, these designs have yielded shorter construction windows, offered vegetated faces, and reduced the...

Polyolefins Additives 2009 Brochure

Applied Market Information (AMI) has released the brochure for Polyolefins Additives 2009, the 2nd international conference on Polyolefin Additives. The event will be held at the Maritim Hotel in Cologne, Germany from 30 March - 1 April 2009. Adding value and enhancing performance are key functions of additives for polyolefins. The chemical industry is constantly aiming to produce better products and this conference brings together experts in plastics and additives to discuss the latest developments. Download your copy today.

How to Prepare for International Expansion

Thanks to President Obama’s recently announced National Export Initiative, now may be a good time to expand your business globally. The program aims to increase financing and other support to small businesses and, ultimately, double the amount of exports over the next five years. Anne Field's article at Open Forum provides a number of resource ideas. Learn more here.;

World Bank Group Opens Data to All

The World Bank Group has announced that it has thrown open the doors to its statistical databases and is challenging the global community to use the data to create new applications and solutions to help poor people in the developing world. Recognizing that transparency and accountability are essential to development, the World Bank Group is now providing free, open, and easy access to its comprehensive set of data on living standards around the globe -- some 2,000 indicators, including hundreds that go back 50 years. The data will be available in Arabic, French and Spanish in addition to English.
Keyline Builders Merchants

Keyline Expands Geotechnical Expertise in UK

Keyline Builders Merchants, a large, United Kingdom-based supplier of civils, heavy building materials and drainage products, has announced the establishment of a new geotechnics  team. The enhanced focus on...

Does EC Make a Difference?

While the term "best management practice" (or, BMP) may be misleading, especially since agencies from town to town may disagree on which BMPs are acceptable--that is, which are actually "best"--erosion control is clearly of need. You can see this on a very large scale around Las Vegas. The Review Journal looks back at 10 years of major erosion control and bank stabilization projects and how sediment loads have been reduced by 75%, 38,000 native plants have returned, more than 100 species have returned, and much more. Learn more here.;

APWA Sustainability Conference

From 8-10 June 2010, the American Public Works Association (APWA) will host a conference on sustainability in public works. The event will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota (site of the 2005 APWA annual conference). And exhibit hall will be available at the conference hotel (the Hilton Minneapolis) and education sessions will focus on key issues such as low-impact development, measuring sustainable return on investment (ROI), selling sustainability politically, success stories, best practices, and much more. Learn more here.;

Interview: Boyd Ramsey on WRRDA’s 7-Year Itch

Following the historic and overwhelmingly bipartisan passage in the US House and Senate of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), Geosynthetica’s Chris Kelsey talked to Boyd Ramsey,...

Infrastructure Investment World Brazil 2010

The Brazilian infrastructure market is expanding rapidly. Over the next three years, USD $500 billion is expected to be invested, both to keep pace with the country's growth and two major international sporting events (2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympic Games). These growth opportunities and more will be discussed at Terrapinn's Infrastructure Investment World Brazil 2010 conference, 31 August - 1 September 2010 in Rio de Janeiro. Key investors, developers, construction companies, government officials, development banks, and hedge and private equity funds will all be involved.

IRF's 4th Annual Preserving Our Highway Infrastructure Assets Seminar Comes to Miami

The International Road Federation's (IRF) annual "Preserving Our Highway Infrastructure Assets" seminar is an international event that brings engineering and construction leaders and key government stakeholders together. Experts from all levels of government and private industry, engineers, contractors, equipment manufacturers and others gather to discuss cutting-edge technologies, design and maintenance strategies, case studies, and more regarding how transportation infrastructures can be strengthened. The event will be held at the Miami Beach Holiday Inn in Miami, Florida, 11–13 September 2012.

D35 on Geosynthetics Terminology Revised

ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has revised D4439, "Standard Terminology for Geosynthetics." Learn more here.;

Recovery Act Reaches 10,000 Transportation Projects Nationwide

Vice President Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced that the Department of Transportation has jumpstarted more than 10,000 transportation projects across America thanks to its swift allocation of Recovery Act dollars. As of this week, state agencies reported a total of 10,041 approved. Read more.

Confidence in the Future

The December 2010 issue of NAUE News is perhaps the company's most ambitious to date, in terms of content range. The introductory article addresses the departure of long-time managing director Prof.-Ing. Dr. Georg Heerten, who is retiring from his primary day-to-day operations with NAUE. Project stories in the issue look at countering the danger posed to a community by the sudden appearance of a sinkhole; high-speed railway improvement; foundation protection; landfill sealing; dam restoration; and much more. These projects are set in Australia, Germany, Romania, Burkina Faso, and elsewhere.

Soil Stabilization: Conquering a Colombian Mountain

A Soil Stabilization Story from Strata Systems - Exploration and development company, Continental Gold, established a mining operation in the mountains of Antioquia, Colombia. Situated 940m (3,084 ft.) above...
ASTM Committee D35

Standards Updates: ASTM D35 & D18

On the heels of the June ASTM International Committee Week meetings in Indianapolis, a number of new and revised standards and work items have been announced by Committees D35...

Update: Fernley Canal

In Nevada, lawmakers in the state house have passed ACR 32, a bill to demand that Congress repair the canal. When the canal suffered a breach last year that led to nearly 600 homes flooded. The US Bureau of Reclamation has been unable to date to decide on a long-term repair solution. Geosynthetics are certainly a possibility. The Bureau has previously conducted a 10-year study on canal performance with geosynthetic lining and found significantly supportive data for geosynthetic adoption. Learn more here.;

Geo-Frontiers 2011 Early Reg Deadline EXTENDED

In recognition of the Presidents Day holiday here in the United States, the Early Registration Deadline for Geo-Frontiers 2011 has been extended. Please register by 23 February to receive the best pricing. Learn more here.;
Image of the river along downtown Austin, Texas, site of GeoU 2023

GeoU 2023 Highlights Sustainability and New Courses

The biennial, 2.5-day GeoU in Austin, Texas focuses on geosynthetics in civil infrastructure. The event co-locates short courses on landfill design, landfill CQA, and civil infrastructure (roadway design, walls...
Highway retaining wall during construction - Image by NAUE Geosynthetics

Implementation of Geotechnical Asset Management

While bridge and pavement conditions receive much of the media attention and legislative directives for transportation agencies, the value and performance of other assets are also important to the...

New IGS Secretariat

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) President Jorge Zornberg has sent out a message to inform IGS members that the new IGS Secretariat is Diana Davis. With her appointment comes a new address and phone number for the IGS office. Contact Diana Davis, Secretariat Manager, 605 Belvedere Rd., Suite #13, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 USA. Telephone +1 561 249 0088, E-Fax +1 561 828 7618, Email: Learn more here.;


Founded in 1998, Taian Modern Plastic (TMP) in China has grown quickly. It now claims to be the largest geogrid manufacturer in the world, with roughly 80 million sq. yds. delivered each year. A short profile has been published at the Construction News Portal. Learn more here.;

Kevin Vaughan to Speak on Inverted Pavements at GAP 2019

The GAP 2019 transportation engineering event is honored to announce the NSSGA has arranged for Kevin Vaughan of Vulcan to speak on Inverted Pavements, Nov 4-6 at GAP 2019...

Environmental Connection 2016 Abstracts Due May 29

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA Region One) is accepting abstracts for Environmental Connection 2016 through May 29. Environmental Connection is the annual conference and exhibition of the association,...

ASTM D35 June Meeting

The home page of ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics now includes registration information for the next meeting, 8-11 June 2010 in St. Louis, Missouri. The current schedule includes the second meeting on geocells, reinforced geomembrane seams, asperity height, GCL design guidance, and much much more. Read the full schedule and keep up on D35 news at the committee website. Learn more here.;

Presto's New Website Highlights Geocells, Video, Construction Resources

Presto Geosystems® has launched a new website ( with a large range of construction resources for its soil stabilization and stormwater products. Much like the company’s successful international app...