GSI Fellowships Continue to Have Extraordinary Impact on Geosynthetics

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) has invested tens of thousands of dollars in its engineering research over the years, both in-house and with its GSI Fellowships program. The latter endeavor...

ISGPEG Honoring Erol Güler Moved to 2021

The International Conference on Innovative Solutions for Geotechnical Problems was originally scheduled for June 2020 in Istanbul; but, in light of the global coronavirus outbreak, organizers have announced moving...

International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) News, Vol 29 Issue 2

In the opening column to the International Geosynthetics Society's IGS News (Volume 29, Issue 2), IGS President Jorge Zornberg notes, "The conferences of the IGS have played a remarkable...

Geohazards Photo Contest: Stunning Views and Engineering

The Association of Geohazard Professionals (AGHP) has announced the winners of its inaugural photo contest. The professional society is dedicated to promoting geohazard technologies, standards, and best practices, with...

GeoAmericas 2012 Call for Abstracts

The Second Pan-American Geosynthetics Conference and Exhibition (GeoAmericas 2012) will provide a forum for geosynthetics engineers, practitioners and academe to explore current and potential applications for geosynthetics, while offering an active marketplace for the promotion of geosynthetic products and technology to users throughout the Americas.The event will be held 1-4 May 2012. Abstracts are currently being sought. Due date for abstract submission: 31 May 2011. Learn more.

Tensar Puts Fast Track Store in Full Swing for Ryder Cup

Tensar geogrid technology has been used to solve the extensive ground stabilisation problems encountered in Kier's development of a major new supermarket in Newport, Gwent, United Kingdom. Located on the former Crindau coke-fuelled gasworks close to the banks of the River Usk, the store project is on track for completion before the 2010 Ryder Cup.

TenCate Geosynthetics appoints new managing director Europe

TenCate Geosynthetics has appointed Paul Firrell (44) as new managing director Europe, effective 1 January 2011. Mr Firrell has vast experience in the geosynthetics industry, including 18 years with GSE Lining Technology Inc., manufacturer of geosynthetic liners and related products and services. Here he was Managing Director of the company's EMEA and Russian operations and also held the role of Group Chief Operating Officer of the global business.

SIBUR Optimize the Raw and Commodity Supply System

SIBUR has begun implementation of the SCM - Supply Chain Management project aimed to save logistical costs, optimization of the raw and finished products stock level, and improvement of client service. The project provides for centralization of management functions of the supply chains starting from purchase of the fresh raw materials and ending with delivery of the finished products to its end users. The whole process is supposed to be entirely automated by integrating of the existing autonomous software products into a uniform SCM IT-system.
Low Impact Development Symposium

ASCE-EWRI at Low Impact Development Symposium

The American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) has announced a number of short course opportunities during the Low Impact Development (LID) Symposium. The...

Earth Retaining Technology Breakthrough Meets Jeddah Challenge

A breakthrough in the construction of earth retaining structures in Saudi Arabia using technology from Tensar International has provided a safe and rapid solution to building 8m high bridge wing walls at two major infrastructure projects in Jeddah. The four major new bridge embankments are the first geogrid-reinforced soil modular block retaining walls to be constructed in Saudia Arabia and the first reinforced soil structures to be constructed in Jeddah. The solution overcomes the challenge of aggressive soil chemistry in the region, which had earlier caused the Saudi Ministry of Transport (MOT) to rule out the use of reinforced soil structures.

Top 100 Infrastructure Projects Announced

CG/LA Infrastructure LLC, the world leader in infrastructure project identification and development, announced today the release of the Top 100 Global Strategic Infrastructure Projects. The total estimated value of the projects identified is nearly US$550 billion. The Top 100 List is released prior to the 3rd Annual Global Forum (New York City, 9-11 December 2009).

ASTM Geosynthetics Committee Honors David Suits

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. — 28 March 2014 — ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has established a new award in honor of L. David Suits, executive director of the North American Geosynthetic Society,...

Fernley Canal Mystery

No one in Fernley, Nevada is yet sure about what caused a breach in the canal's earthen wall. The flood caused significant damage to the town. The US Bureau of Reclamation (BuRec) has indicated a cause may not be discovered; but that what is for sure is that the canal will be repaired with stronger materials and a more modern design. The precise design has not been selected yet. Learn more here.;

Park Place

Will Delury Square in Manhattan get a new park? Only if a landownership group gets a couple assurances: one, teenagers will be discouraged from congregating; two, a sinkhole will be fixed. While officials say they can do little about the teenagers (who apparently use a nearby Burger King), they are planning to correct settling soil with geotextiles. Learn more here.;

LyondellBasell Announces Management Changes for Olefins and Polyolefins

LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced that Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel has been named senior vice president, Olefins & Polyolefins-Europe, Asia and International (EAI), with additional responsibilities for licensing and catalyst sales, effective immediately. Patel will succeed Anton de Vries who has departed from the company. Read more.

Geogrid Requested to Fix Construction Timeline

In Carl Junction, Missouri, contractor Larry Snyder and Co. encountered an uncharacteristic and protracted spell of bad weather in what had been a fairly direct construction project. After 56 days of construction were disrupted by snow, rain or excessive mud, the city council extending the contract timeline (to avoid fines being assessed to the company). The company has now requested money for geogrids to conduct some parking lot construction. Geogrids, the company believes, are the only approach it can use in these less than ideal weather conditions and to get the project done more quickly without sacrificing quality and safety. Learn more here.;

Coming in March 2011: the 1st T&DI Congress

The 15,000 member Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has announced its First Congress will be held 13-16 March 2011 in Chicago. The theme will be "Integrated Transportation and Development for a Better Tomorrow." Abstract submissions are invited through 20 April 2010. Five concurrent paper/presentation tracks, a technical tour and pre/post Congress workshops are planned. Prof. Imad Al-Qadi (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) and Scott Murrell (Port Authority of NY and NJ) are serving as conference co-chairs. Learn more here.;

A Sign of Dedication

Here's a sign of dedication from one of Prospect Contractors' team members. His gabion expertise is not just a job, it's a way of life. And he's got the tattoo to prove it. Anyone else inked up in support of your geotechnical work? - Learn more here.;

Recommended Reading: Durability of Geosynthetics Report from CUR

For this installment of "Recommended Reading," we asked Richard Bathurst, Ph.D., FCAE, FEIC, P.Eng., what others in the geosynthetics and affiliated engineering sectors might learn from or like to...

EPA Conference Focuses on Greener Cleanups

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is holding a two-day conference 10-11 February 2010 at Drexel University in Philadelphia to explore the most environmentally safe methods to clean up and revitalize contaminated properties. The Green Cleanup Symposium will feature presentations from the nation's top thinkers on how to properly clean up abandoned or contaminated properties so that the land can be reused as a safe and sustainable community resource.

Googling Geosynthetics

geosynthetica is proud to announce that it has cleared the application process to begin supplying original content to Google News. This platform will help extend the reach of geosynthetic engineering information to users, potential users, journalists, and many others. For information on how your work could be part of a story, contact Chris Kelsey.

IECA Abstracts Due May 15

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is accepting abstracts for its annual conference through May 15. EC10 will be held in Dallas, Texas 14-17 February 2009. IECA organizes its work into 8 technology sections: slopes, stream restoration, vegetative establishment, stormwater management, wetlands, erosion and sediment control, beach and shoreline stabilization, and wind erosion. The "Hot Topics" for 2010 are LEED for new construction, sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, and innovation and design process. Learn more here.;

Sand Mats Protect World Cultural Heritage Site Underwater

The prehistoric pile dwellings in upper Lake Zurich, Switzerland originated 4000 years ago and were awarded the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011. These unique sites...

GeoPASS II Offers a Strong Geotechnical Program – October 11

Last year, Charlotte, North Carolina-based HUESKER hosted a high-level, invitation-only geosynthetics technical networking event called GeoPASS. The inaugural series delivered top-tier lectures and perspectives on diverse topics such as...

Revolutionary Natural Stone Porous Paving

Cell-Tek Geosynthetics, LLC will have on presenting products at the 2010 Mants Show in Baltimore, Maryland. Anyone in the landscaping business is aware of the biggest event of the year which is the Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show known as MANTS occurring on January 6th through the 8th. The three day event features over a thousand businesses in the landscape industry as well as new products and innovation in the industry. Cell-Tek Geosynthetics a manufacturer of geocellular confinement systems used to control erosion will also have on display it's newest product Gravel-Lok.