MSE Berm for Landfill Vertical Expansion

By Strata Systems - A high-pressure gas line running through a landfill site near Lewiston, New York presented a challenge to the landfill owner, Modern Landfill of Model City,...
RemTech 2013

"Bonificare i siti per chiudere col passato e conciliare green economy…"

Le parole del Ministro dell’Ambiente Orlando, che con il suo messaggio ha inaugurato la settima edizione di RemTech Expo (Fiera di Ferrara, 18-20 Settembre), suonano al contempo come un...
Fiberweb and PGI

PGI Increases Offer for Fiberweb

Reuters has reported that nonwovens giant Polymer Group, Inc. (PGI) has gained stronger support from Fiberweb's Board of Directors in PGI's bid to acquire Fiberweb.  Fiberweb is a major...

Mattex Starts Up Latest Facility; USA Expansion Next

Mattex Geosynthetics started successfully its new nonwoven geotextile line in Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia. The newly created company is a vertically integrated ultra-modern production facility within the fast-growing Mattex...

Seismic Behavior of Hybrid Reinforced Soil High Walls and Slopes

By Pietro Rimoldi, A.D. Gharpure, and R.R. Mahajan - Reinforced soil walls offer economic advantages over conventional mass gravity wall systems as the height of the wall increases. The cost...
RemTech 2013

Il Ministro dell'Ambiente Orlando inaugura RemTech Expo 2013 (Italian version)

La settima edizione di RemTech Expo 2013 (, il Salone più specializzato in Italia sulle bonifiche dei siti contaminati e la riqualificazione del territorio, sarà inaugurata dal Ministro dell’Ambiente...
RemTech 2013

Environment Minister to Open RemTech Expo 2013 in Ferrara (Italy)

The seventh edition of RemTech Expo 2013 (, the most prestigious event in Italy on the remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites , will be inaugurated by the Minister...

Pullout Performance of Strip Reinforcements for MSE Walls

By John Sankey and Robert Lozano - For discrete reinforcing strips used in MSE walls, standards developed under the AASHTO codes have identified a method for evaluating pullout of...

VIDEO: Interview with Beth Chesson

During the last International Erosion Control Association (IECA) conference and exhibition, Geosynthetica's Elizabeth Peggs sat down with Beth Chesson, Co-Chair of the IECA Committee on Standards & Practices. The...
Maccaferri - Polymeric Marine Mattresses

WEBINAR – Coastal Applications with Polymeric Marine Mattresses

Polymeric Marine Mattresses (PMM) are compartmental structures composed of a high density, flexible, UV stabilized, extruded geogrid specifically developed for the demanding performance required in coastal and marine applications. On...

New Association to Provide Geohazards Leadership

In October 2009, a rock slide along Interstate 40 in Haywood County, North Carolina, was so severe that it closed this major stretch of road for more than...
Geosynthetics Middle East 2013

Geosynthetics Middle East Preliminary Program

Held under the patronage of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City, the 6th Geosynthetics Middle East (GeoME 2013) conference from SKZ will take place 29-30 October 2013 in Abu...
SWEMA - Stormwater Equipment

Stormwater News – SWEMA STEPPs with WEF

ST. PAUL, Minn. - 10 September 2013 - The Stormwater Equipment Manufacturers Association (SWEMA) is currently participating in the Water Environment Federation's (WEF) Stormwater Testing and Evaluation for Products and Practices (STEPP)...

Geogrids Improve Bakken Oil Region Roads

By Chris Kelsey – The Bakken Oil Boom has been great for America as a whole. The boom has employed thousands with good paying jobs, revitalized towns with new...

Geo Products Receives CE Mark for Envirogrid® Geocells

9 September 2013 – Geo Products LLC is proud to announce that we have received our certificate for CE Marking of our EnviroGrid® geocells. EnviroGrid® cellular confinement products are...
Low & Bonar

Low & Bonar Acquires Texiplast

Low & Bonar, an international manufacturer of geosynthetic and other materials, has announced its acquisition of Slovakia-based Texiplast, a reinforcement-specialized geosynthetic materials company. The deal is reportedly worth €18.9m...

Koerner's Korner: MSE Walls Webinar Series Concludes Sept 11

By Robert M. Koerner - "Korner's Koerner" is a regular column from the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI).  In the last installment (July 30), GSI's 2013-launched professional webinar series was discussed,...
Classifieds on Geosynthetica

Classifieds: Investor Seeks New Geosynthetic Opportunities

Classifieds: Investor with geosynthetics background interested in opportunities to invest in new products, inventions, or start-up ventures. Please submit opportunities for consideration to Please provide an executive overview of the...

International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) News, Vol 29 Issue 2

In the opening column to the International Geosynthetics Society's IGS News (Volume 29, Issue 2), IGS President Jorge Zornberg notes, "The conferences of the IGS have played a remarkable...

NCDOT Updates Geotextile Specifications

In a letter dated 20 August 2013, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) announced an update to its geotextile Approved Products List (APL). This impacts all geotextiles to...

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Research Trends in Asia

By Dr. Yoshihisa Miyata and Dr. Toshifumi Mukunoki - Soil reinforcement has been a significant geotechnical concept since the ancient era. The oldest example is the ziggurat, built by...

Ian Fraser Joins Fiberweb plc

Fiberweb is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Fraser as Business Director of Geosynthetics. Ian has more than 25 years of experience working in the geotechnical industry and has...
FEMA - Shoreline Protection

FEMA: Circumstances Dictate Approach To Shorefront Protection

LINCROFT, N.J. -- FEMA -- With the most developed and densely populated coastline in the country, New Jersey has communities along the Shore that are discovering the numerous ways to...

INTERVIEW: Beach Slope Stabilization with Integrated Armoring

During the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) 2013 Region One Conference and Exhibition (Environmental Connection), Geosynthetica’s Elizabeth Peggs sat down with Jill Pack, CPESC of Tensar North American Green...
Geosynthetics India 2013

Geosynthetics India 2013 – Celebrating 25 Years

This year, the Indian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) is celebrating its Silver Jubilee: 25 years of service to the Indian Geosynthetics Community! To mark the Silver...