Summer 2011 MiraFACTS

TenCate Geosynthetics has released the Summer 2011 issue of MiraFACTS. This issue includes a case study video on global projects, Mirafi® 1450BB installation guidelines, the new Mirafi® RS380i woven geosynthetic, and an updated list of market managers. Also, three case studies are included, covering topics of weak subgrade stabilization, commercial parking lot reconstruction, and the utilization of design software and the right material to save 10" of aggregate. Learn more here.;

IGS News 27.2 Available

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has published its second issue of IGS News of 2011. Issue 27.2 includes a feature piece on the regional conferences of the IGS, reports on 2011 events and a look at 2012's opportunities, chapter news, a success story profile from South Africa, Daniele Cazzuffi's receipt of the Paolo Scolari UNI Award 2011, and much more. Read the issue here (PDF).

Rebuilding After the Floods, Better, Safer and Smarter

With many municipalities and nonprofit organizations busy repairing and rebuilding after this year's flooding, federal and state officials offer reminders that additional funding for projects that can prevent future flood damage may be available. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is one such program. The Vermont office has issued a note about the program's work, including how geosynthetics have been used in mitigation projects. They've found that every dollar spent on mitigation can save four dollars in future repair costs.

Harkin Announces Over $6 Million for Highways in Iowa

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) has announced that Iowa will receive $6,064,150 for highway-related projects. The funding comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Highway Administration. Harkin is a member of the Appropriations subcommittee that funds the DOT. Among the highlights in the projects announced are geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) bridge abutments.

Strata India Achieves National Highway Construction Milestone

As an emerging nation India is a case study in milestone events -- economic growth, global joint ventures and rapid investments in infrastructure, from airports to highways. It's in this last category -- highway construction -- that Strata India recently completed a milestone event for the company and for the nation. By the end of May, Strata India had produced retaining walls for 16 overpass structures in little more than 10 months along an 80-kilometer highway stretching between Mumbai and Surat. More than 1 million special concrete blocks were produced on-site and used to create the flyover structures, some of which are more than 40 feet high. More than 1 million square yards of StrataGrid® was used to stabilize the soils used in building the overpasses.

GSI's Second Inspector Certification Program

At a Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) Workshop held on 1 April 2010, representatives from about 20 member organizations suggested the need for a program to help reduce the number of mechnically stabilized earth (MSE) wall, berm and slope failures. Our current database in this regard is well over 100 such failures. While inadequate design and construction were the root causes of these failures (both excessive deformation and/or actual collapse), both could have been avoided, or at least mitigated, by proper construction inspection. This two-way orientation by field inspectors (notification of design anomalies and correction of contractors errors) should help stem the failures of these structures going forward. Read more.

More NAGS/GMA Short Courses Announced

The North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) and the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) are co-organizing a series of geosynthetics short courses here in the second half of the year with the support of numerous industry sponsors and expert instructors. Forthcoming sessions will be held in Houston, Atlanta and Orlando and address "Geosynthetic Wall and Slope Systems" and "Geosynthetics in Pavement Systems." Read more and register.

Now Available Online: The Mercer Lecture Series

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), and Tensar International have sponsored the publication of all of the previous Mercer Lecture Series papers online for free. The Mercer Lecture Series honors Dr. Brian Mercer, the inventor of the modern reinforcement geogrid. The prestigious Mercer Lecture is selected by a panel comprising of one representative from Tensar, ISSMGE, IGS and previous Mercer Lecture Award Winners.

New Principles for Geotechnical Design – Eurocode 7

In December 2004, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design - Part 1: General Rules (EC 7-1) was ratified by the European member states. This prompted a two-year calibration period and a three-year coexistence period between EC 7-1 and national standards. It will not be mandatory to design to the EN Eurocodes in a particular member state, but a designer proposing to use an alternative design standard will have to demonstrate that the alternative is technically equivalent to an EN Eurocode solution. Read more.

Precision's Belanger Has Passed Away

We have received word this week that industry veteran and friend Ronald Belanger has passed away. Ron owned and served as president of Anaheim, California-based Precision Geosynthetics Laboratories International (PGLI). In a letter to the industry, PGLI Vice President Cora Queja noted that "We join Ron Belanger’s family in this great loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Gisela (Gigi); daughter, Michelle; and granddaughter, Sydney. We will surely miss him." PGLI confirms that it is continuing its operations with the direction of long-time key personnel Cora Queja and Carmelo Zantua. Learn more here.;

New Book: Concise Eurocodes: Geotechnics

The British Standards Institute (BSI) has just published Brian Simpson's book "Concise Eurocodes: Geotechnics: BS EN 1997: Eurocodes 7." Structural Eurocodes are a suite of design codes which will harmonize technical specifications for building and civil engineering works across Europe. Their introduction in March 2010 required the withdrawal of more than 50 British Standards. The change has been described as ‘the single most important change to construction standards ever’. Eurocode 7 (Geotechnics) includes information on the utilization of geosynthetics. Simpsons' book serves as a transition support primer for consulting engineers on Eurocode 7 design updates. Learn more here.;

Saving Drivers and Salmon

Realignment of the popular A7 trunk road was required to improve the safety, comfort and reliability of journey times on the A7. This involved eliminating several dangerous bends at Auchenrivock, Dumfries and Galloway. Adoption of Tensar International's low impact Tensartech slope and wall systems avoided potential possible environmental problems with the River Esk.

Deep Foundations Short Course on LRFD

"Deep Foundations: Design, Construction and Quality Control - Load and Resistance Factor Design Platform (LRFD)" will be held 14-16 November 2011 at the University of Delaware Campus. This highly interactive 3-day course, presented by geotechnical engineering leaders Jerry DiMaggio and Christopher Meehan, will provide a thorough understanding of modern techniques for the design, installation and verification of deep foundations in LRFD platforms. Up to 2.3 CEUs or 23 PDHs may be awarded for full participation. Learn more here.;

TenCate Geosynthetics introduces TenCate Mirafi® RS380i woven geosynthetic

In May 2010, TenCate Geosynthetics North America introduced TenCate Mirafi® RS580i, a highly engineered, high strength, geosynthetic product for base reinforcement and subgrade stabilization. Today, TenCate Geosynthetics introduces TenCate Mirafi® RS380i, a lighter RS-Series product that will enable designers to continue to provide more economical solutions for roadway reinforcement applications.

Performance of Flexible Pavement Systems Containing Geosynthetic Separators

From TRB's Research-in-Progress Library: Richard Coffman is investigating if geosynthetic separators have prevented plastic "clayey" fines from migrating into the base layer from a prepared subsoil. The in-situ fines content at the site will also be compared with the preplaced quarry obtained fines content to determine if additional fines are created during transportation, placement, and use of the roadway base. Base course drainage, strength, and modulus are important parameters that must be considered in the design of a roadway system. Pavement service life is maintained if the base course is permeable, strong, and rigid. Two recent Mack Blackwell Transportation Center (MBTC) projects have focused primarily on the rigidity of pavement systems. MBTC Project 2027 focused on the strength, permeability, and rigidity of quarry obtained, preplaced, Class 7 base course using laboratory tests; while MBTC Project 3013 is investigating the effects of geosynthetic separators, geosynthetic reinforcement, and base course thickness on pavement system rigidity. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetics in Articulating Concrete Block Section Design

From CE News' Professional Development Hours (PDHs) series of educational articles: "Geosynthetics in Articulating Concrete Block Section Design" looks at various approaches to hard armor erosion control designs that require geosynthetic separation, drainage and reinforcement protection. Readers of the article may take the quiz at the end and submit it to receive 1 PDH credit. The article and quiz are approved for use through August 2013. Learn more here.;

D35 on Geotextile Trapezoid Tear Strength

ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has approved revision to standard D4533, "Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles." Most geotextile fabrics can be tested by D4533-11's test method. The trapezoid tearing strength method is useful for estimating the relative tear resistance of different fabrics or different directions in the same fabric. Learn more here.;

IECA Enhances Member Benefits with Free Webinarfor Members Only

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) has announced the addition of one (1) free webinar credit to IECA's membership benefit offerings. Each new and renewing member of IECA will be vested annually with a free credit that can be used toward any live webinar IECA offers throughout the year.

TenCate profit growth of 69% to €33.1 million

Royal Ten Cate has released its financial results for the first half of 2011. Overall, the company is performing well, despite rising raw material costs--posting a 69% increase in profit over the same period last year. The company foresees growth for the geosynthetics division in Asia and South America currently and going forward. Read select highlights, comments and a review of the Geosynthetics and Grass Division performance here.

APWA Extends Early Reg Deadline to Aug 8

The American Public Works Association (APWA) has extended the early registration rate for the International Public Works Congress and Exposition conference to August 8. The event will be held in Denver, Colorado 18-21 September 2011 and offer more than 125 education sessions, hundreds of exhibitors in nearly 90,000 square feet of exhibit space, and much more. Learn more here.;

Geofabrics Australasia's Updated Product Overview Brochure

Geofabrics Australasia has been providing geosynthetic solutions to engineering problems for more than 30 years. The company's core products are manufactured in Australia and include geosynthetics for landfill liners and covers, coastal protection, reinforcement, steep slopes, secondary containment, cellular confinement, and much more. Download the latest Product Overview and stay current on Geofabrics' offerings.

EWEA Report on Offshore Wind Farms in Europe

Download the European Wind Energy Association's (EWEA) offshore wind farm report in PDF. This July 2011 release includes details on the 4.5% growth in the sector through the first half of 2011 in Europe with 101 new offshore turbines adding 348 Megawatts (MW) of capacity.

EU offshore wind power shows solid growth in first half of 2011

The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) today published offshore wind energy statistics for the first half year of 2011, showing a comfortable 4.5% increase in installations of offshore capacity compared to the first half of 2010. EWEA reports that 101 new offshore wind turbines, with a total capacity of 348 Megawatt (MW), were connected to the power grids in the UK, Germany and Norway during the first six months of 2011. Read more and download the report.

Waterways and Flood Control Expert, Dr. -Ing Michael Heibaum appointed as 2012 – 2013...

The Mercer Lecture selection committee, chaired by Professor Fumio Tatsuoka, has announced that Dr.-Ing. Michael Heibaum has been appointed as the next lecturer for the 2012 - 2013 Mercer Lecture Series. He will be delivering his presentation on the subject of 'Geosynthetics for Waterways and Flood Protection Structures - Controlling the Interaction of Water and Soil'.

NAUE News 37 (July 2011) Now Available

The latest issue of NAUE News has been released. This issue features articles on the opening of a new Bentofix GCL plant in Malaysia to serve regional markets, scour protection for offshore wind farms, the new IQ series of GCL engineering information, construction of Berlin's new international airport (on geosynthetics), and much more. Read the issue here (PDF).