Kane County Landfill
A year after it took its final load of garbage, the Kane County (Illinois) Landfill is a seeded field. A high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cap, including textured HDPE on sloping zones, now separates the waste from the cover soil. Local officials are now debating site reuse potential.
Learn more here.;
EuroGeo4's Secret Attraction
In September 2008, the field of geosynthetics will gather in Edinburgh, Scotland for EuroGeo4. We noticed an interesting tourist attraction from Edinburgh in the BBC news last week. It's not in the conference information (yet?), but perhaps you'll want to visit it next September in your free time.
Learn more here.;
AEG's New Technical Manager
As American Environmental Group, Ltd. strengthens and expands to exceed the demands of their client’s requests for work associated with landfill gas collection, geosynthetic lining systems, and operations and maintenance, Chris Eichelberger has been appointed Technical Manager. In this position he will play a key role and add value to the existing technical capabilities of the firm, identify new markets for expansion, and assist in the day-to-day operations. “My experience and lessons learned within the geosynthetics/solid waste industry have been extremely enjoyable as well as challenging. I look forward to the additional responsibilities associated with achieving the team-based goals established by AEGL and conducting business at the exceptional level their clients have come to rely upon”, said Eichelberger. Carl Apicella, AEGL President, said “Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the AEGL team. His addition will allow us to continue to grow and expand our services, while continuing to provide superior service to our clients”. Chris can be contacted at ceichelberger@aegl.net.
Today is the Deadline!
Environmental Connection 2008 (EC08), IECA's annual conference and expo in Orlando, Florida, USA is the place to be February 18-22, 2008. Make sure you get the most value from this event by registering at the lowest rates. Early registration prices are good thru today Friday, December 14.
Learn more here.;
Awards: Geosynthetics Magazine
Congrats! Geosynthetics Magazine (formerly GFR) has earned a Gold Award from the 2007 TRENDS All-Media Awards competition in the Scholarly/Technical/Scientific Journal category. Judges commented that "...technical complexities of the topics covered are discussed in clear language specific to the task. Design and layout are excellent for the readership."
Learn more here.;
GSI Award-of-Excellence
Mr. Fred Struve
to Receive
GSI's Award-of-Excellence
"Expertise in Geosynthetic Manufacturing and Fabrication Processes"
at the
GSI Annual Meeting in Cancun, Mexico,
Tuesday evening, March 4, 2008. This is GRI's Third Award-of-Excellence granted to an individual who has selflessly served the entire geosynthetics industry. Previous awardees were Bob Landreth of the U.S. EPA (for agency/regulation development) and Alberto Scuero (for geosynthetic applications in hydraulic engineering). Please consider joining us, if you attend the GeoAmericas Conference, or sending Fred a congratulatory note at freds@ix.netcom.com.
IECA Names International Associate Editor for Environmental Connection Magazine
In an effort to facilitate the dissemination of erosion control information from around the world, the International Erosion Control Association has selected Rick Morse, CPESC from Picton, New South Wales, Australia to serve as International Associate Editor for the association’s members-only publication, Environmental Connection.
In his new role, Morse is responsible for obtaining manuscripts discussing a topic or application implemented outside North America. Morse will then send the manuscript through the peer-review process and work with the author to make any necessary revisions.
"I see the project as a very important step in broadening IECA’s erosion and sediment control technology base from one that serves North American members very well, to one that helps all our members and, through this, fosters further development of the technologies promoted in North America," said Morse. "It is a win-win situation—the entire membership will benefit."
For this section of Environmental Connection Morse is seeking articles that are practical and clearly demonstrate how soil erosion or sediment pollution is controlled. Morse will require that articles be explicit so that others can fully understand the processes used. This is so others, if necessary, can replicate the project under different conditions.
"While many of the basic parameters that underpin our technology are the same, their outworking can be very different, depending on local soils, climate, facilities, services and socioeconomic structures. We can all learn by listening and sharing with each other, providing we can think laterally," said Morse.
Once reviewed by Morse, the articles will then undergo a double-blind, peer-review process that ensures all technical material printed in Environmental Connection meets IECA’s standards of accuracy, quality and that the article is non-commercial.
"My experience is that practitioners from countries outside North America have so much to contribute to the industry, but they need a forum for sharing their ideas to see these thoughts bud and, eventually bear fruit. Environmental Connection can play a very important role in this," Morse said.
Anyone interested in submitting an article to Environmental Connection should visit IECA’s Web site at the "continued" link below for information and guidelines.
Learn more here.;
Cumberland Expansion
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has approved the landfill expansion proposal in Cumberland County. The expansion is expected to involve an additional 93 acres and 20 years of service. However, the site permit is good for only 10. Another permit will be required at that point to continue operations.
Learn more here.;
Charitable Fund
The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) announces its Save Our International Land (SOIL) Fund. The aim is to provide a permanent funding source for programs and projects that improve the environment by addressing erosion and sediment control issues through education, research and applied technology. For more information, please visit the Fund's website.
Learn more here.;
Production Expansion
GSE Lining Technology, along with our partners in the Bentofix™ GCL joint venture has expanded our production capacity to include Bentofix production in the USA. Previously, all of the Bentofix GCL materials sold into the North American market were produced at our Canadian facility in Barrie, Ontario. Effective today, GSE has added capability for Bentofix GCL production at our plant located in Spearfish, South Dakota. The new production facility at Spearfish is completely operational and has the capabilities to manufacture all of the Bentofix product varieties.
The new geographic location offers several advantages; lower freight expenses, particularly to the western and southern United States, easier documentation, with none of the requirements of crossing the US-Canadian border and closer proximity to the Wyoming bentonite mines. We hope that you will take advantage of our new facilities to supply your GCL needs; we expect these changes to allow us to be more responsive to marketplace demands while maintaining our standards with the highest quality GCL products supplied to the industry. Data sheets and other information on our products can be obtained from our website.
Learn more here.;
Massachusetts Superfund Agreements
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Justice have reached agreements with two companies affiliated with manufacturing at the Groveland Wells Supderfund Sites 1 & 2 in Massachusetts. A metal-parts cleaner, trichloroethene (TCE), is the main concern, as it leaked into the 850-acre site's soils. The agreement ensures some repayment for the EPA's cleanup operations.
Learn more here.;
ISO 14001: Solmax Considerably Reduces Water Consumption…
...simply by modifying its Beringer oven system. Continue on to Solmax's site to learn about how Beringer ovens work and the changes that Solmax has made to reduce water consumption.
Learn more here.;
Conference Review
The Waterproof Membranes 2007 conference review is now availble online. geosynthetica.net is proud to have been a Cooperating Organization to this event. Next year's event will take place 3-5 November 2008 in Cologne, Germany.
ASTM Meeting Cancellations
Attention D35.01 Members.
The following D35.01 Task Groups for the January Meetings have been cancelled:
D35.01 Connection Strength D6638 - January 31, 2008 - Tampa, FL, and
D35.01 Segmental Block Shear D6916 - January 31, 2008 - Tampa, FL.
Learn more here.;
The November 2007 issue of the IGS News is currently available online. Read about the change in the IGS News Editorship (thank you Karina McInnis, welcome Gerhard Bräu!), calls for the IGS Awards, Council candidates and the 10th ICG candidate city, as well as meeting minutes, chapter reports and conference synopses.
Learn more here.;
Update: Rialto
A follow-up to Wednesday's "Next Superfund Site?" news item: the city council of Rialto, California has voted to seek federal help in cleaning up lingering perchlorate pollution. The city had hesitated to accept the Superfund designation, because of the negative stigma associated with it. But the costs of cleanup are high. Rialto will request the Superfund designation from the US EPA.
Learn more here.;
Envy in Wyoming
Casper, Wyoming's landfill has become a superstar in the state's waste disposal operations with its new double liner system. Other landfills, most of which lack a geosynthetic liner, are now turning to Casper to dispose of their waste. The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality now requires modern geosynthetic lining systems. Other landfills need to follow Casper's lead.
Learn more here.;
The Next Superfund Site?
A vote tonight by the city council in Rialto, California may signal a Superfund designation for a perchlorate-polluted site. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is evaluating the site, potential boundaries, and cleanup and capping measures that may be required. The city, in the meantime, must decide whether it wants the EPA to come in. Superfund projects tend to give a city a negative reputation.
Learn more here.;
Welcome, ECTC!
This week we welcome the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) to West Palm Beach, Florida. ECTC is meeting just down the road from our office. It's a nice opportunity to catch up on their activities and meet with our shared members, such as American Excelsior, Colbond, East Coast Erosion Blankets, Erosion Control Blanket, North American Green and Propex. And: Update EC data on geosindex's permanent and temporary materials tables!
Learn more here.;
Erosion Control Seminar
The Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District, which serves both counties, will hold a seminar on December 12. The event, "Soil Erosion and Sediment Control," will take place from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm at James "Pate" Phillip State Park. Information provided will be for engineers, planners and consultants and will cover local, state and federal rules, BMPs, installation and more.
Learn more here.;
New Website
Terrafix Geosynthetics, Inc. has a new look. The updated website features sections including Products, Solutions, Featured Projects, E-Newsletters, Ask an Expert, Request a Quote, Employment Opportunities and more.
Learn more here.;
Product Review
Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG) has produced a training DVD Tailings - From Concept to Closure, Best Practices for Tailings Disposal. The DVD provides guidance to personnel involved in the management and operation of tailings storage facilities that will
facilitate the adoption of accepted best practices for the management of mine tailings. Mr John Phillips, senior manager, GHD Pty Ltd, Australia provides a review at the following URL https://www.geosynthetica.net/abstracts/Tailings_Phillips.pdf. Please go to the "continued" link below to learn more about ordering the DVD.
Learn more here.;
Sheet Piles and Geogrids
Tensar and Northstar Vinyl Products have released the AquaTerra Retaining Wall System--a method by which sheet piling and geogrids may be used in combination. The process is helping resolve some issues association with shallow trenches, piping and global stability. Also, the system gives communities new options where once only steel sheet piling would be selected.
Learn more here.;
Registration Extension
GeoAmericas 2008, the First Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, has extended its early bird registration deadline to January 1, 2008. The early-bird rate offers savings of up to $200 against registering on site. Download the PDF registration document or visit the conference site for more information. The conference will be held March 2 - 5 in Cancun, Mexico.
Learn more here.;
Asheville on Call
More from North Carolina: the city of Asheville with offer an afterhours on-call service for residents who spot emergency erosion control violations. In principle, it's a good idea, putting erosion control alongside other public works situations that may require emergency repair. But there's also the potential for residents upset over development to misuse the service.
Learn more here.;