White Paper

The State Council Information Office published on Monday a white paper titled Environmental Protection in China (1996-2005). The document, composed of 10 chapters, gives a systematic introduction to the unremitting efforts made by China in environmental protection over the past ten years. Learn more here.;

NY SWM Regulations on the Web

Last Monday, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's (NYS DEC) preliminary draft regulations for the State's Solid Waste Management Regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 360 posted on their web site. In the effort to obtain public input prior to initiating the formal rule-making process, public comments are invited for one month only. Learn more here.;

Taking the Weight Off the Top

Rebuilding of the one-mile stretch of Ky. 8 in Oneonta is the first project in Northern Kentucky to use geofoam. Learn more here.;

e-Live™ Presentation

Unexpected and Unusual Failures of Polymeric Materials, Best of ANTEC 2006 presented on June 13, 2006. Time: New York 11am / Los Angeles 8am / London 4pm / Paris 5pm (Presentation is scheduled to be one hour in length). Learn more here.;

Trash to Cash

The rise in oil and gas prices may positively impact landfill operations. Methane harvesting is an alternative form of energy, something local, state and federal government agencies want to support. The subject has become popular enough that even mainstream news is giving it attention, as demonstrated in this CNN article. Learn more here.;

Here's a Question

The National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission has recently begun working on solutions to myriad problems facing America's roadways. Raising taxes on gas and diesel (a planned four- to six-fold increase over the last price hike in '93), charging tolls, and leasing out entire road systems are some of the "winning" solutions. We ask: Why not include more geosynthetics in new and refurbished roads so we won't be facing this problem again and again in the much too near future? Think about it Washington. Learn more here.;

NY SWM Regulations Update

Bob Phaneuf of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC), informs us that the Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials is in the process of an on-going rule-making to update the State's Solid Waste Management Regulations, 6 NYCRR Part 360.

Success After Capping

Landfill reuse projects are being approved with ever-greater frequency, thanks in large part to successful geosynthetic designs at old, extremely difficult sites such as Oregon's St. John's Landfill. Vegetation and birds have returned. The methane is being harvested and sold. Also, hiking trails are being constructed. Learn more here.;

On the Links

The Park Ridge Golf Course is about to open, bringing to South Florida something it rarely has: hills. The rolling, treeless course has been constructed atop a former landfill. A geomembrane cap and a half-million cubic yards of dirt provide not only the landfill's protective cover but enough soil in which a course irrigation system may function. Learn more here.;

GeoAmericas 2008

A message from Jorge Zornberg, Conference Chair of GeoAmericas 2008, The First Pan American Geosynthetics Conference & Exhibition, "Please accept this invitation to submit a proposal to organize a Technical Session, Short Course and/or Training Lectures during GeoAmericas 2008. We hope to see you in Cancún!" Learn more here.;


Fatigue of Plastics, a SPE e-Live™ Presentation on May 30, 2006, at 11am EST. Topics covered will include fatigue failure mechanisms for plastics, factors affecting fatigue resistance, and fatigue testing. Learn more here.;

Geosynthetic Goals at the World Cup

NAUE wants to know if your knowledge of geosynthetics is as strong as your knowledge of football (aka, soccer). Visit NAUE's site to learn how to register for the company's World Cup 2006 match-picking contest. Prizes await. And while at NAUE's site, visit the resource pages on geosynthetic products and applications. Learn more here.;

Spring Newsletter

NAUE has distributed its May 2006 (Issue 27) of NAUE News. Contents include: NAUE's 1st SE Asia distributor conference report, Federal Autobahn A23, Senftenberg Bypass, Nonwoven geotextiles in roadways, Rehabilitation of a sewage system, Secugrid® reinforced "soil pressure absorber," CE marking for Bentofix® and Carbofol®, and much more.

June Committee Week

The Sheraton Centre Toronto has agreed to extend the Hotel Cut-Off Date to: May 26, 2006. ASTM Preregistration Cut-Off Date: June 7, 2006 If you have not already preregistered, the Meeting and Registration Information for the ASTM June Committee Week (June 11-16, 2006) in Toronto, Canada is available on the ASTM web site at the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

The Name Makes a Difference

Royal Ten Cate has launched its new corporate and visual identity, which is the result of a Global Branding Project. All operating companies within Royal Ten Cate will now be known as TenCate, followed by the descriptive commercial division.

Tensar Group Sees Continued Growth Opportunity in Purchase by US Licensee

The Board of The Tensar Group, owners of Tensar International, the market-leading producer of geogrids, has agreed to accept an offer from US Company, The Tensar Corporation, to purchase the company. The deal is expected to be completed within the next 4-6 weeks. The Tensar Corporation is wholly owned by Arcapita, a global investment group, based in Atlanta, with corporate investments exceeding $1Billion. Arcapita acquired The Tensar Corporation last year in a deal worth $405Million. The Tensar Corporation manufactures Tensar geogrids in the US under licence to The Tensar Group and markets these in North and South America. The Tensar Group manufactures Tensar products in the UK and China, supplying most other parts of the globe. Jim Paul CEO of The Tensar Group says: “This is a great opportunity. The offer comes on the back of our continued growth in sales and recent expansion of our manufacturing capacity. There are obvious benefits to be realised by combining the talents, knowledge and expertise of both organisations. We know the Tensar Corporation very well, they have a similar philosophy to our own”. The offer from Tensar Corporation follows a record year for Tensar International with increased profits and sales growth of 14% over the previous year. Sales of Tensar products into the UK construction sector have remained strong, while significant growth has been gained from elsewhere in Europe. The Tensar Group evolved from a management buy-out supported by venture capital providers 3i plc and Electra Partners Ltd. Jim Paul says: “We are grateful to our current investors who have been with us since 1994. They have been very supportive, providing the financial resources that have allowed us to expand and maintain our market leading position”. The prospective purchasers have indicated their intention to retain all employees, facilities and operations. They intend to continue the growth and investment plans currently pursued by The Tensar Group.

Increased LLDPE Supply

GulfNews.com reports that a multi-billion dollar plant will soon be constructed in Doha, Qatar. The plant will specialize in the production of linear low density polyethylene (LLPDE) for use in products such as geomembranes for environmental applications. Most of the supply will be sold into Asian and European material manufacturing markets. Learn more here.;

Geotextiles for the Future

DuPont Packaging and Industrial Polymers is introducing a new polymer additive that will improve the softness and smoothness of geotextiles and bulk bags, thus making fabrication easier and reducing abrasion wear. Also, the company intends the polymer line to increase filler acceptance in geotextiles, which will help reduce costs by allowing the use of higher levels of low-cost fillers. Learn more here.;

Urban Design: Root Control

In Monterey Bay, California, tree roots searching for nutrients have lifted sidewalks, introducing an aesthetic and liability problem for homeowners. Gardener Tom Karwin, writing for the Monterey Herald, outlines the problem, how some barrier systems have worsened the situation, and how Fiberweb's BioBarrier system is the right solution. Read the article at the link below. Learn more here.;

Roof Gardens

The Daily Telegraph's gardening column includes a section on green roofs and the layering system necessary to make them effective--systems that include liners and geotextiles. Read the article at the link below. (For the non-gardener readers, please scroll past the initial item on deer.) Learn more here.;

Remediation Group Forms

CETCO has formed a Remediation Technology Group to address one of the most rapidly developing segments in civil engineering. The Group will draw upon the company's experience in capping contaminated settlements, installing permeable reactive barriers, and other vital environmental strategies. More information is available at the link below.. Learn more here.;

Free Dictionary of Engineering Download

Derived from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th Ed., this engineering reference software offers a wealth of essential information in a convenient, quick-find format. Learn more here.;


The International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI) offers HDPE welding certification. Do you have what it takes? IAGI study guides are available in English, French and Spanish at the "continued" link below. Additional HDPE and reinforced geomembrane welding information can be found by cutting and pasting this URL into your browser: Learn more here.;

Moving Day

Fluoro-Seal International is building a new headquarters and research and development center in Katy, Texas, the Houston Business Journal reports. The company specializes in polyethylene barrier enhancers and fluorination treatments, improving products from drinking bottles to geomembranes. Learn more here.;

Jail Time for Ignoring Engineers

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, illegal dumping has become enough of a problem that mandatory jail time has been proposed for the offending contractors, reports the New Straits Times. As part of additional environmental changes, the country expects to close 40 open landfills, install proper covers and leachate collection systems, and construct new modern landfill systems to meet future disposal needs. Learn more here.;