GeoShanghai Update

0 is proud to be a Cooperating Publication to GeoShanghai 2006. At least 14 geosynthetic papers have been accepted for presentation at the conference, 6-8 June 2006, Shanghai, China. Sessions, paper titles and authors are now available.

IECA: Call for Presentations

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) has issued its Call for Presentations for EC07. Deadline: 1 May 2006. Seven technology sections will be explored: Slope Technology, Stream Restoration, Vegetative Establishment, Storm Water Management, Wetlands Technology, Erosion & Sediment Control, and Beach & Shoreline Stabilization. The conference will be held 12-17 Feb 2007, Reno, NV. Learn more here.;

Infrared Shines Through

Infrared thermography may be the next step in nondestructive testing of seams for certain geomembranes. Solmax has announced its use of this testing approach. Read about it here. And for more about infrared thermography, read Ian D. Peggs' (I-CORP INTERNATIONAL)accounts of the technology's capabilities: Tech Note 1 can be found at the link: and Tech Note 2 can be found at (please cut and paste into your browser). Learn more here.;

Modernizing after Disaster

A modern, 45,000-square-foot, geomembrane-lined landfill cell is being constructed on Grand Cayman Island to hold waste ash. The ash stems from burning treated and untreated wood debris strewn about during Hurricane Ivan's devastation. The new cell is being constructed alongside the 23-year-old George Town Landfill, which is thought to be the highest point on the island, rising nearly 100 ft. Learn more here.;

Mining On-Line

Mining Journal Online editor, Simon Jessop, welcomes existing subscribers and new readers to the launch of Mining Communications` new website. Learn more here.;

A New Chapter

In India, coir fabric production and export is expected to increase significantly. A movement is underway to bring the producers together to form the Indian chapter of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). The coir fabrics are classified in the Indian market as geotextiles and used in similar applications as geosynthetic geotextiles. Learn more here.;


The US Army Research Laboratory has developed and seeks to license a fabric-strengthening technology they refer to as shear thickening fluid (STF). STF fabrics have shown increased tear resistance and might be applied in certain geosynthetic manufacturing operations. Interested companies are encouraged to read the ARL's introductory report and contact its key personnel.

Steady Funding

The Department of Defense has requested nearly $4 billion for 2007 environmental projects. The request seeks the same funding the DoD has been approved for in recent budgets. The 2007 focus is expected to be on renewable engery and making significant progress at contaminated sites, reports Waste News. Learn more here.;

Royal Performance

The Netherlands-based Royal Ten-Cate has announced its recent financial performance. The company's many business specialties include geosynthetics, with major divisions in operation around the world. Learn more here.;

Waste Report

The Environmental Research and Education Foundation retained R. W. Beck Inc. and Chartwell Information Publishers to conduct an independent survey to measure the United States solid waste industry. The survey gauges total revenue, employment, quantities of solid waste managed, and other meaningful industry statistics. Read the Executive Summary at the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

Seeking Manufacturer

I-CORP is seeking potential licensees to manufacture an internationally patented structured geomembrane/bentonite (or other mineral layer)/geotextile single unit composite liner - constant thickness, no sideways migration of bentonite (place on walls), always intimate contact, etc. Contact Learn more here.;

Cuckoo for Coconut

India's Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has implored the country's scientific community to do more to pass along knowledge to the common man. As example, he cited the positive role that geotextiles can play. Though Bhattacharjee referred to coconut-fiber "geotextiles," a fast-growing industry in India, his message applies to the entire geotextile field. The natural fiber varieties (more closely akin to short-term erosion control blankets) are used in embankments and roads in India. While they do not offer as much strength and long-term performance as synthetic geotextiles, they provide a way for developing countries to subtly improve infrastructures at lower cost. Also, and more importantly, they help pass along engineering knowledge on a broad level. Learn more here.;

4th Quarter and Year End Results

GSE, a Houston-based geosynthetics manufacturer, has issued its fourth quarter earnings statement. Also, the company has announced an investor's conference call for March 13. For more information, visit GSE's Web site at Learn more here.;

Mentioned in Passing

DailyIndia has published a short, informative article on building decorative water features. Rigid, fiberglass lining units are cautioned against. While flexible liners, such as geomembranes, are not mentioned at the outset, they are noted in the installation steps. The discussion is light--it's a "beginner's guide"--but the mention is important. Even the most basic commodity application helps extend general knowledge of the core properties and utility of geomembranes.

Rail Support

An 8-mile extension of commuter rails in St. Louis presented some difficult soils and load calculations. Many walls were required. Geogrid-stabilization techniques with segmental retaining wall (SRW) units were selected. Read the article from CE News (go to the link below and search on "Rail Support"). Learn more here.;

L&W Acquires

In his January/February editorial, Land and Water magazine's president Kenneth Rasch noted that the magazine had entered into a strategic partnership with the Erosion and Sediment Control Network (, a weekly online news broadcast. In the latest broadcast, anchor James Ridgway reports that Land and Water has acquired ESCN. Learn more here.;

Huesker's New Website

The North American subsidiary of Huesker Synthetic GmbH, Huesker, Inc. has unveiled its new website. With full access to Huesker Synthetic’s facilities and product lines, Huesker, Inc. has become a major North American supplier of quality geogrids and high strength geotextiles. Learn more here.;

A Civil Discussion

Among West York, Pennsylvania's recent budget discussions and public works projects is a proposal to install geotextiles beneath pavement in city alleys. Geotextiles help extend pavement life and reduce maintenance needs. Learn more here.;

RTC Divests Plasticum

Technical textiles business Royal Ten Cate (RTC) has sold Plasticum, its plastic moulded packaging business, to NPM Capital and the firm's management.

IAGI Buyer's Guide

IAGI strives to strengthen the knowledge, image and communication within the geosythetics industry. As part of this mission, IAGI, together with geosynthetica, created this online Buyer’s Guide tool in addition to its standard Member Directory. Site visitors may use the Buyer’s Guide to search by Application, Product and/or Service in order to find IAGI member companies that provide what they need. Learn more here.;

Grand Opening

East Coast Erosion Blankets has opened a new facility in Lake City, South Carolina--and the event has drawn more than just the attention of erosion control blanket users. The company's impact on local employment and particularly upon local wheat growers has been recognized by prominent politicians, such as Hugh Weathers, South Carolina's Commissioner of Agriculture. He spoke along with others at the facility's Grand Opening ceremony. Read the news coverage of the event at the "continued" link below and link from there to multimedia coverage that includes comments from the speakers and photographs from the site. Learn more here.;

Correction: NOT in Your Backyard

Where a city's garbage is disposed of can be a tense political and environmental issue. Along the US - Canadian border, it's further complicated by waste acceptance agreements between facilities on either side; agreements that may be canceled if national diplomatic relations change. To clarify its strategy for waste allocation and its readiness for change, and to correct erroneously published information about moving Toronto's municipal waste to sites near Ottawa, Waste Management Inc. has issued a press release (see the "continued" link below). Learn more here.;

Relocation in Florida

The US Environmental Protection Agency has decided that soils at the former Escambia Treating Co., Escambia County, Florida, are too toxic and would be too costly to clean. Instead of full remediation of the site, the EPA is capping the site with geomembrane, clay and clean soil; and nearby residents are being relocated. The site served as a wood-preserving mill for 40 years (1942 - 1982). Learn more here.;

A Message from the Chairman of 8ICG

"We are very pleased to inform you that now you can make a registration to the coming 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama 2006. We expect your active participation into the 8ICG. We all look forward to seeing you soon in Yokohama. Yours sincerely, Tatsuoka, F., Chairman, Organising Committee." Learn more here.;

EC Flow Rates

The Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) offers a series of four flow rate videos for free download at the Council's Web site. (Note: Videos play through Windows MediaPlayer.) Learn more here.;