Aquisition Complete

Propex Fabrics Inc., a subsidiary of Propex Fabrics Holdings Inc. (formerly AFFC Holdings, Inc.), announced it has finalized the acquisition of BP's Amoco Fabrics and Fibers subsidiary and its associated assets. Learn more here.;

IGS Members

Geotextiles and Geomembranes is now available free in electronic format to IGS members. For directions to activate free access and personal account, please go to the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

Award Recipient

Prof Jean Lafleur, President of the Geosynthetic Division of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, presented the Geosynthetic Division Award to Prof. André Rollin for his outstanding technical contribution to the use of Geosynthetics in engineering practice. For a picture, please go to the "continued" link. Learn more here.;

2005 Specifier's Guide

The 2005 edition of the GFR Specifier's Guide will be published in December. The guide is a comprehensive project resource for companies whose civil and environmental work involves geosynthetic materials at some stage (e.g., slope stability, erosion control, canals and reservoirs, landfills). The Spec Guide connects 20,000 readers with 170 firms (manufacturers, installers, designers, test labs and QA/QC experts), and provides data on roughly 2000 products: geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, rolled erosion control products, geocells, geonets, sheet drains, prefabricated vertical drains, pavement edge drains, and geosynthetic clay liners. Subscribe online at the link below and receive the 2005 Specifier's Guide as part of your print subscription, as well as online access to the GFR archives (1999-present). Learn more here.;

ISO TC221 Review

Bob Mackey reports on the ISO TC 221 Geosynthetics Meeting in Seoul, South Korea 24-25 June 2004.

Dr.-Ing. Georg Heerten Appointed Honorary Professor

On September 21, 2004, Dr.-Ing. Georg Heerten, managing partner of Naue Fasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Luebbecke, Germany, was appointed honorary professor by the president of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) in Aachen, thus paying recognition to his many years of teaching during his lectureship “geosynthetics in geotechnical application” for the chair geotechnics in structural engineering at the faculty for civil engineering at RWTH, Aachen. Professor Heerten’s lectures were directed at teaching young civil engineers about innovative structural methods using geosynthetic materials, e.g. in civil engineering, road construction, hydraulic engineering as well as in environmental protection applications. For more than two years, Dr.-Ing. Georg Heerten has also acted as deputy Chairman for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. with registered headquarters in Essen. The DGGT e.V. is the technical and scientific contact center for more than 2000 geo-engineers and engineering geologists. The DGGT e.V. has just held its 28th Deutsche Baugrundtagung (subsoil conference) in Leipzig, Germany, with more than 1000 attendees and a special session “Forum for Young Geosynthetic Engineers” chaired by Dr.-Ing. Georg Heerten for around 200 of the up-and-coming generation of young engineers, aged up to 35. It was this part of the conference which, on the one hand, documented the high level of professional knowledge and responsibility in the science and practice of geotechnics among the young civil engineers and, on the other hand, provided incentives and motivation for students. Even in the Ancient World it was said that building meant designing the future and a society which did not, or no longer built, was one doomed to decline. Naue Fasertechnik are committed to supporting young civil engineers and keeping them informed about the application of geosynthetics in geotechnical applications.

Standards News

U.S.-Based Standards Organizations to use $399,500 Commerce Department Award to Establish Presence in China. Consortium Aims to Identify and Remove Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade. On October 13, 2004,, the U.S. Commerce Department announced that it would make $399,500 available for the establishment of an office in Beijing for China Standards and Conformity Assessment. The CSCA office is an initiative by a four-member consortium: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), The American Petroleum Institute (API), ASTM International, and CSA America. Consortium members have a significant knowledge base and resources for standards and conformity assessment in a broad array of industry sectors including: consumer products, medical devices, manufacturing components, tools, petroleum & gas extraction/processing/distribution, power generation, building materials, boilers, and compressed gas. Through its CSCA office in Beijing, the consortium will form relationships with peer agencies in China, monitor standards development, and promote acceptance of members' standards and conformity assessment systems. Once established and staffed, the CSCA Beijing office will prepare Chinese marketing materials and a website, obtain market and standards information of strategic importance, network with government agencies and standards officials, and conduct training. “The Commerce Department is pleased to partner with ASME, API, ASTM International, and CSA America on this project,” said Ben Wu, nominee for Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy nominee. “This partnership reflects the Bush Administration’s commitment to opening new markets, growing better American jobs and creating an environment for businesses to innovate, compete and prosper.” The funds awarded to the consortium are made available through the Commerce Department’s Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP), a public-private partnership developed to help small and medium-sized U.S. Firms expand exports that support jobs. The MDCP is a competitive program of the Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration. The program builds partnerships by providing financial and technical assistance to non-profit organizations involved in improving competitiveness and developing foreign markets. The consortium will match every federal dollar with two dollars of its own. Ben Wu, President Bush’s nominee for Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy, made the announcement this evening at the U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day 2004. The event, which culminated with a dinner at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C., was attended by representatives of about 50 trade associations, professional societies, standards development organizations, corporations, and government agencies. World Standards Day recognizes the important role standards play in meeting the technical needs of business, government, and consumers. The U.S. event was organized by the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology and the American National Standards Institute, in cooperation with the Aerospace Industries Association. For more information about the Market Development Cooperator Program, please visit the "continued" link below. Learn more here.;

Rohe to Speak at Peru Congress

Fred P. Rohe will be presenting three technical papers at the First National Congress on Geosynthetics in Lima, Peru, October 27-29, 2004 (go to for more information on the conference). Rohe is the former president of Environmental Protection, Inc. in Mancelona, MI USA. He will be making presentations on the application, installation and testing of PVC geomembranes in specialized applications. His primary presentation is the paper “Geomembrane Installation over Structural Foam Fill – General Motors Renaissance Center Plaza and Promenade”. The use of expanded polystyrene Geofoam for many construction fill applications is growing all over the world. EPI provides geomembranes for protection of Geofoam and numerous projects throughout the United States. The second presentation titled “PVC Geomembrane Liner Placement Underwater in an Operating Irrigation Canal” will detail a case study of using PVC geomembrane liner to eliminate seepage of water from an operating canal. Lining canals has specific interest in the arid areas of Peru. The final presentation is titled “Electrical Leak Location Survey of PVC Lined Oxidation Ponds”. This paper combines the use of the latest in thermal welding and electronic leak location technologies to provide secure PVC geomembrane containments that have zero defects. The case study is based on lining and testing at the Oscoda WWTP. For more information, contact EPI at 9939 US-131 South, Mancelona, MI 49659. Phone 800-OK-LINER or 231-587-9108, or on the web at

On-Line Presentation

SPE and Brian Walther, New Product Development Specialist of the Dow Chemical Company, offer the on-line presentation Novel Polymer Modifier Improves the Flow Characteristics of TPO Compounds October 21, 2004. Learn more here.;

Last Quarter Updates from ASTM

Includes four work items and two new approved standards.


Swana is offering Bioreactor Landfill E-sessions. Receive an education sitting at your own desk. Learn more here.;

Congratulations to Lange Containment

Lange Containment Systems Inc. announced that the company has recently celebrated their 10 year anniversary in the geosynthetic membrane business. gsa wishes them success for the next 10!

Technical Document

The EBA (Eisenbahn-Bundesamt), or federal office for railways in Germany, has issued a new guideline Bekanntgabe der Prüfbedingungen für Geokunststoffe in Zulassungsverfahren des Eisenbahn-Bundesamtes (Test Conditions for Geosynthetics in Approval Procedures of the Eisenbahn-Bundesamt) that became effective on 31 May 2003. Naue Fasertechnik (a gsa Underwriter) has since received EBA approvals for seven of their products. Please note that the document at the link below is in German.

Developer Fined for Polluting Lick Creek

By Kevin Carmody, American-Statesman Staff Writer, Tuesday, October 05, 2004 - LCRA say another violation at housing construction site took place after Saturday's rains. The Lower Colorado River Authority has imposed a relatively rare $5,000 fine and threatened identical daily fines on the developer of a Hill Country subdivision whose dam has been deemed responsible for polluting Lick Creek. The penalty, for exceeding pollution limits at the West Cypress Hills development after a mid-September rainstorm, was levied this week. And after heavy rains on Saturday again overwhelmed the additional pollution control measures the developer had installed, LCRA officials said they will fine him the maximum $5,000 a day unless he fixes the problem quickly. Parker said Tuesday that he was confident he could meet the new deadlines. He said he has mobilized a crew of about 30 workers to triple erosion control structures, such as silt fences, and does not plan to challenge the fine. The cost of the corrective work has easily surpassed tens of thousands of dollars, he said. For more information on this article, please contact the American-Statesman at the link below. Learn more here.;

Investor Group Agrees to Purchase BP Fabrics and Fibers Business

AFFC Holdings, Inc., a newly formed company sponsored by an investor group comprised of The Sterling Group, L.P., Genstar Capital, L.P. and Laminar Direct Capital, L.P., today announced it has reached an agreement with a BP company to acquire BP’s Amoco Fabrics and Fibers subsidiary and its associated assets. As with other Sterling, Genstar and Laminar Direct Capital investments, management of the purchased company will also be participating significantly in the ownership of the newly independent organization. AFFC Holdings has not yet selected a name for the business. The transaction is expected to be finalized in the fourth quarter of 2004. Financial details of the transaction are not being disclosed.

SI Announces Pending Price Increases

Due to the current economy and soaring raw material prices, SI Geosolutions has announced that they have no choice but to up their prices on their PP erosion control mats and geotextiles. The June, July, and August resin price increases are mainly to blame says SI's VP and GM Hugh McCain. Global Insight industry analysts forecast raw material price increases to rise as high as 15-30% before 2004 is out. Si's price increases of 6-10% will take effect October 18, 2004.


Compiled by Andre Rollin, a comprehensive list of papers of over 300 references for GCLs found on Learn more here.;

Call For Answers

The session is based on the popular TV quiz show. GeoJeopardy players are given Answers, and have to formulate the Questions very quickly to win. Three clever geotechnical engineers will state questions for a given difficult answer in a short period of time, competing for valuable prizes, money, fame, fortune and possibly ignomy. All done in front of their peers at GeoFrontiers, in January 2005. Send us your GeoJeopardy Answers. Answers should be short, clear, trivial and suitable for family viewing. Please, no dirty jokes. SUGGESTED TOPICS: soil mechanics, shear strength, slope stability, dams, walls, famous engineers, infamous engineers, Great Moments in Civil Engineering, foundations, famous structures, geotechnical techniques, in situ, geosynthetics. Suggest your own areas and provide Answers. (example: Topic: Slope Stability. Answer: Divide and Conquer. Winning question: "What is the method of slices?") Please include appropriate, corresponding Questions. SUBMIT TO: Dr. David J. Elton, P.E., Civil Engineering Department, Auburn University, AL 36849, Vanna White will be present. The GeoJeopardy session will be Tuesday night at GeoFrontiers in Austin, TX, January 25, 2005, regardless of who wins the presidential election. Make plans to come, laugh and cheer. A Call for Contestants will be issued soon. So brush up on your geotechnical trivia.

Hurricane Frances


ASTM D35.03 Members

You are cordially invited to participate in a virtual meeting to discuss the new Geofoam Guide draft in preparation for D35.03 subcommittee ballot November 1. This meeting is scheduled on September 23rd from 3-4:30 pm Eastern time. There are approximately 10 seats available for this meeting, so participation will be awarded on a first-come first-serve basis. Please reply to Christi Sierk, D35 Staff Manager via reply email or at if interested. BackGround: The task group is working on developing a new Guide that covers the principles to be considered in the design of geotechnical projects incorporating EPS Geofoam. This guide is titled, "Standard Guide for Design of Geotechnical Projects incorporating EPS Geofoam". Todd Bergstrom is the task group leader. In order to participate, you would need simultaneous access to both a telephone line, and internet access (preferably cable/high-speed). A draft will be sent to all interested in participating one week prior to the scheduled time on September 23rd to allow for review. During the meeting, additional changes/suggestions will be made "real-time" in track changes, resulting in a draft that is "ballot-ready" by the close of the meeting. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate without the expenses of attending a meeting in person, and we encourage you to participate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christie Sierk directly at (610) 832-9728.

Landfill Course Notes on the Web

Landfill course notes have been prepared under the auspices of the National Science Foundation. The notes are for a 45-lecture, full-semester, three-credit university course in engineering. The NSF notes are available at the link below in the 1. NSF LANDFILL course folder. The PowerPoint notes are accompanied by: 1. Instructor's Manual, comprehensive 2. Syllabus 3. Student reading material, in PDF format 4. Digital pictures 5. Digital videos 6. Tests 7. Class projects 8. Laboratory exercises 9. Software 10. Homework file, extensive 11. Case histories 12. Evaluation materials. The notes were prepared by David Elton, (Auburn University) Office: 1 334 844 6285, Fax:1 334 844 6290, Departmental phone: 1 334 844 4320, John Bowders (University of Missouri - Columbia), and David Shannon (Auburn University), with financial assistance from the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education. The notes have been used and evaluated in a university class. We hope these are useful to the profession, and help produce a better generation of engineers prepared to design/construct landfills. - Dave Elton, John Bowders, David Shannon, August 2004. Learn more here.;

BASF/Shell to Sell Basell Unit for $7 Billion

Oil giant Shell and German chemicals firm BASF will put their Basell petrochemicals joint venture up for sale later this month with a price tag of up to 6 billion euros ($7.2 billion), the Financial Times reported on its website on Thursday. Investment banks Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) and Lazard are preparing an offer memorandum for Basell that will go out to interested parties later this month, the report said. The banks are understood to have received preliminary approaches from both trade and financial buyers, the FT added. Last week, BASF said it would make a decision on Basell in the first half of 2005. Both BASF and Shell have said that options include selling their stakes or an initial public offering. Basell had sales of 6 billion euros and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of more than 300 million euros last year. A Shell spokesman in London declined to comment on the timing of any sale or on the value of Basell. - Yahoo Finance UK/Ireland. Learn more here.;

ACASPA Council Member

Max Brady, of Darling Downs Tarpaulins, has become one of seven members on the council of ACASPA (Australian Canvas & Synthetic Products Association Inc.). Max and his company have been active members of ACASPA since 1985.

G-I Geosynthetics Committee Votes Unanimously to Adopt New Mission Statement and Goals

Mission: To organize and coordinate geosynthetic-related education, application, and research activities within ASCE/G-I, and with other geosynthetics-related communities. Goals: The committee will focus on developing and organizing sessions and disseminating information on innovative developments within annual specialty conferences, by G-I and other organizations, that explore geosynthetics topics as related to the conference’ or event’s theme. To this end, the committee will coordinate with other G-I committees and other geosynthetics-related organizations to identify and incorporate timely issues and technologies. Organized sessions will be augmented by special events and various forums of publications to highlight and promote geosynthetics technologies and applications.

GeoSyntec Moves

GeoSyntec Consultants relocates corporate operations center and Florida branch headquarters - Jon Dickinson, CFO of GeoSyntec Consultants, announced August 1, 2004, that GeoSyntec Consultants, Inc. [] has moved to new offices at the Arvida Park of Commerce, located at 5901 Broken Sound Parkway in Boca Raton, Florida. The new space accommodates 80 employees, and serves as the company’s corporate operations center for support functions including accounting, IT, and human resources. It will also serve as the headquarters for GeoSyntec’s Florida Branch which has operations in five Florida & Gulf Coast cities (Boca Raton, Baton Rouge, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Titusville/Space Coast ). “This location based on the right combination of attractive space and location,” said Tom Peel, Ph.D., Principal and Florida’s operations manager for GeoSyntec. “We wanted to accommodate our continued growth as well as provide our employees with a comfortable work environment so they can better serve our customers.” Recently ranked as seventh on ZweigWhite’s Hot Firms 2004 List, this move is one of ten new offices and relocations this year designed to accommodate GeoSyntec’s growth. In addition to the Boca Raton move, in the past twelve months GeoSyntec offices in Jacksonville, Titusville, Austin, Walnut Creek, Warner Robins, Boston have relocated and new offices have been established in Ann Arbor, Charlotte, and Greenville, SC. GeoSyntec provides private and public sector clients with earth sciences and environmental consulting services. Founded in 1983 as specialists in geosynthetic design, engineering, and consulting, the company has grown to 500 employees with 30 offices in four countries. Practice areas currently include groundwater assessment and remediation; surface water and natural resources management; pollution prevention; risk assessment and management; brownfield site development; and waste disposal facility permitting, design, construction and closure.