IECA Training Course Manuals

The International Erosion Control Association is proud to offer a one-time discount for the following Training Course Manuals. Hurry - quantities are very limited. Ordinarily, you can only buy these manuals at the Annual Conference. Price effective for all orders received on or before May 20, 2003. Learn more here.;

World Highways Introduces New Web Site

The new Web site includes daily industry news, features, keyword searches, an industry index (on-line buyers guide), links to major industry sites, recruitment, much more. Learn more here.;

New IGSPeru Web Site

The IGS has developed a new site for the Peru Chapter. Visit at, or the IGS Newsletter for news and recent happenings. Learn more here.;

Global Market Analysis of Spunbonded Polyester Nonwovens

John R. Starr has released a market analysis titled "World Supply and Demand Outlook for Spunbonded Polyester Nonwovens." World demand is expected to increase by 80,000 tons over the next several years despite the trends towards lighter weight fabrics, according to Starr. The report also has detailed information about the emerging spunbonded polyester medical fabrics market and the established roofing market. Filter media, and other end-use applications are discussed. For more information contact John R. Starr, Naples, FL., (239) 430-1989, e-mail, Web site

ASTM D4595 Inactivity

With apparent inactivity on the updating of ASTM D4595 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles by the Wide Width Strip Method, ISO10319 Geotextiles - Wide-Width Tensile Test is being developed. Some feel that this will become the primary standard for wide width strength measurement. Discussions are planned at the June D35 meeting on how to deal with D4595.

IFAI Board Positions

The Nominating Committee of the Industrial Fabrics Association International is now seeking candidates to be considered for positions on the Board of Directors which expire in October 2003. The following are the available positions: Chairman of the Board (2 yr. term), !st Vice Chairman/Treasurer (2 yr. term), 2nd Vice Chairman (2 yr. term), and Director (3 yr. term). In order to be considered, a candidate must !) be employed by either an Active or Associate member in good standing: 2) submit a writtenm confirmation that he/she wishes to be considered; and, 3) complete an application form and return it to President Stephen M. Warner, CAE, no later than May 30, 2003. The nominating Committee will meet inJune to consider the qualifications of the candidates. The membership will be notified of the committee's recommendation in late June or early July.

Geotextile-Filter Performance Test

ASTM D6767, Standard Test Method for Pore Size Characteristics of Geotextiles by Capillary Flow Test (2002) is now available. Please click on the link below. The PSD (pore-size distribution) approach is faster than AOS (apparent opening size) approaches and may be appropriate for geotechnical engineers designing drainage systems for roads, retaining walls, dams, and landfills. Learn more here.;

South African Standards Name Change

The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) recently changed its name to Standards South Africa (STANSA). Where previously the documents had been titled SABS XXXX (eg. SABS1234) - this has now changed to SANS 1234. SANS stands for "South African National Standard". Two documents are being developed at the moment: - SANS 1526, Specification for Thermoplastic Sheeting for Use as a Geomembrane ( later this year) - SANS 10409, Code of Practice for Design, Selection and Installation of Geomembranes (to be published early next year) Learn more here.;

International Achievement Award

Award of Excellence: Providence Design and Manufacturing in Shreveport, LA. Three uniquely shaped four-celled flexible tube structures were manufactured and installed behind the Sans Souci Condominiums in Pensacola, FL., to protect the beach and buildings from long-term erosion of beach sand. The shape dissipates the energy of incoming ocean waves, preventing movement of the structure in heavy storms. The structure aims to prevent future catastrophic erosion while allowing natural sand to redeposit. The units are 61, 51.8, and 56.4 meters (200, 170, and 185 feet) in length, the average weight of each being 2t (4500 pounds) for a total fabricated weight of The Project Manager and Designer was Jay Sample, Advanced Coastal Technology (ACT), and the fabrics used were PVC-coated polyester by Cooley Group and Protectshield by Twitchell Corp.

Joint Testing Announcement

TRI/Environmental (Austin, TX, USA) and British Textile Technology Group (BTTG) Laboratories (Didsbury, England) are jointly performing a testing program to certify geosynthetic products for CE marking. Contact Sam Allen at TRI or Clarissa Austin at BTTG for more information.

Geosynthetica Moves Offices

We are happy to announce that our new headquarters has moved further north to the beautiful city of West Palm Beach. Our new contact information is as follows: 605 Belvedere, Suite 13 West Palm Beach, FL 33405 (tel) +1 561 655-2060 (fax) +1 561-655-9922

TechFab India Seeks Equipment and Licensing

TechFab India is in the process of setting up a plant for manufacturing PP woven Geotextiles in India. They are looking urgently for the availability of Sulzer Looms of width 213” for weaving PP mainly for geotextile applications with gsm from 80gsm upto 350 gsm. They are looking for looms with width of 213 inches with “R” or “RR” and preferably “D2” or “D12”, and are looking to buy attachments to manufacture geogrids to the looms. They are ready to place orders and take deliveries asap. They are also interested in having agreements/understandings for geotextile weaving technology.

International Achievement Awards 2003

The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) welcomes entries for the 2003 International Achievement Awards, an annual world-class competition for specialty fabrics professionals. For more than 50 years, the International Achievement Awards competition has recognized outstanding contributions to the specialty fabrics industry. The 2003 competition offers an opportunity for professionals to shine a spotlight on their recent projects and garner global recognition. The awards competition is for all manufacturers or subcontractors of end products suitably described by one of the 26 competition categories. Project entries include photos of outstanding specialty fabric projects and descriptions of their unique and important characteristics. Entered projects must have been completed between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2003. The deadline for submitting entries is July 1, 2003. The deadline for submitting entries is July 1, 2003. IFAI members may submit up to six free entries by May 1, 2003. Learn more here.;

GIGSA February Newsletter

Announcements include: 1st African Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (14-16 April '03, Swakopmund, Namibia), a 1-day Report-Back from Nice (27 February '03, between Durban and Pietermaritzburg at the Assagay Hotel), and Benefactor Highlights (I-Corp and the Gast family). Also included are three articles on Erosion Control, Evaporation Ponds, and Engineered Linings' Anchor Knob Sheets (AKS). newsletter (.pdf 923 KB)

IAGI Discussion Panel, Geosynthetics 2003 – Atlanta, GA.

Last month, a full-house audience of about 200 attended the IAGI discussion panel as a means to eliminate cutting destructive samples in geomembrane seams. Read about suggested actions that could be used to open up the frequency of destructive testing.


GSE's stock had been at a year-long high on Dec 31, 2003. By January 3, 2004 the company’s shares saw a significant drop to $17.96 after they announced their merger with GEO Holdings Corp., a newly formed entity indirectly controlled by Code Hennessy & Simmons LLC (CHS). Stock prices then increased to $18.15 on January 3, 2004 and have held relatively steadily coming in at $18.14 today. The Exchange contacted the company and requested that the GSE issue a public statement indicating if the unusual activity could be explained by any corporate developments. The company stated that its policy is not to comment on unusual market activity or rumors. Will the pending lawsuit filed by Twist Partners LLP have an effect on GSE's future prices? will keep you informed.

Beware the Heavy Machinery

Two examples of how everything can be planned right, yet still go wrong.

Change at Layfield

Andrew Mills is now the plant manager for the Layfield Geosynthetics & Ind. Fabrics Ltd., Edmonton Plant. He and Greg Parrent are taking over for Sam Desnoyers (who started the plant in 1978) and Mitch Hillman. Desnoyers and Hillman have both moved on to other work outside of the company. This is most likely to be an interim position for Andrew while Layfield transitions from old to new! Andrew's contact information will remain the same.

Announcing a New Geo-Challenge

An ASCE student chapter competition. A paper-reinforced soil retaining structure: Helped only by kraft paper taped to a posterboard face, an open-sided box must hold hundreds of pounds of dry sand in place. The SE regionals @ USF-Tampa will be doing competition this year. Frank Townsend is in charge of the event. 26 schools have been notified, sand samples have been sent, etc. Needed? 1) Student and faculty catalysts, nationwide 2) Professional Mentors 3) Industry sponsors. For rules and guidelines, visit the link below, or to volunteer, contact Barbara Luke, e-mail: or phone: (702) 895 1568. Learn more here.;

I-Corp Leak Location Survey News

I-CORP recently performed a a combined wading and water lance leak location survey on a double geomembrane liner separated by a geonet/single geotextile composite. The flat floor of the facility was surrounded by 45 ft long 1:1 slopes with a 6 ft concrete wall at the top. Normally it would only be guaranteed to find leaks where the leak detection system could be backfilled with water to provide a conductive medium from a leak to the location of the current return electrode. However, in this case the geotextile of the composite was a Sensom conductive geotextile - a PP nonwoven with high carbon black content. It provided a much-better-than-expected conductive layer, clearly requiring no added water in the LDS. However, there may have been some condensation from construction water in the LDS contributing to the conductivity. The current return electrode was simply clamped to the geotextile at the periphery of the facility.

SABIC has taken over the petrochemical activities of DSM

SABIC has taken over the petrochemical activities of DSM: with effect from 1st January 2002. From the 1st October, 2002, the company name will be SABIC Polyolefine GmbH. The new company takes over all responsibilities of the DSM Polyolefine GmbH. Address and telephone extensions remain unchanged.

Joining the GMA now will result in direct member benefits

Joining the GMA now will result in direct member benefits that total $4,472. One complimentary subscription to GFR ($52), 10 product chart listings in GFR's Specifier's Guide ($2,950), 10 directory listings in GFR's Specifier's Guide ($300), A 3% advertising discount in GFR ($870), and A Geosynthetics 2003 exhibition discount ($300) Call Danette Fettig at 800-636-5042 for more information.

Colorado Engineering Professor Wins PECASE

Colorado Engineering Professor Wins PECASE: Jorge G. Zornberg, an assistant professor in the civil, environmental, and architectural engineering department at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has been named a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Zornberg was nominated for the award by the National Science Foundation. His research work has focused on the use of evapotranspirative cover systems for hazardous waste sites in arid and semiarid climates.

GIGSA August 2002 Newsletter

GIGSA August 2002 Newsletter: 5 pages featuring GIGSA award nomination information, project review and upcoming events. Newsletter Note: This is a pdf file. For free software to download this newsletter: Acrobat Reader

Roofing, Waterproofing, and Bituminous Materials (Vol. 04.04)

These standards, almost half of which are specifications, establish property requirements for roofing and waterproofing materials such as: asphalt roof coatings, single ply membranes, underlayments, roll, and sheeting. Others detail EPDM roofing seams and analysis of roofing membrane materials. Accompanying the specifications are tests and practices, which fix standard procedures for measuring the properties of roofing and waterproofing materials. Learn more here.;