Minnie Water wall a dud: residents

After only months in operation, a waterfront sandstone retaining wall in Clarence Valley, Australia. The rock wall was intended to protect the coastline and boat access road from erosion, but the wall actually seems to be increasing erosion, including on the non-water-exposed side. The road is being undermined. Some critics cite the omission of geotextile fabric as key to the design's failure. Learn more here.;

Waterproof Membranes 2010

Waterproof Membranes 2010, the 4th international industry conference organised by AMI, will take place at the Maritim Hotel in Cologne, Germany on 30 November-2nd December 2010. The focus is on roofing membranes and geomembranes. On the first evening there is a welcome cocktail reception and registration, followed by a 2-day programme of expert presentations. A small specialist exhibition runs alongside the conference. Abstracts are invited through 28 May 2010. Learn more here.;

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Leads Conference on Domestic High-Speed Rail Manufacturing

Noting the need to create good jobs in America and the importance of a revitalized manufacturing sector, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced that more than 30 rail manufacturers and suppliers, both domestic and foreign, have committed to establish or expand their base of operations in the United States if they are chosen by states or groups of states to build America's next generation high-speed rail lines. Earlier this year President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), which included $8 billion for states to build high-speed rail corridors and improve intercity passenger rail service.


David Suits, the Executive Director of the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS), has written to say that NAGS has extra copies of the Geo-Frontiers 2005 proceedings on CD. He's offering these proceedings for just $25 while supplies last. (Link to the order form below.) Geo-Frontiers 2005 was the first joint conference between ASCE's Geo-Institute, NAGS, and IFAI. These same entities are now teaming up to hold Geo-Frontiers 2011 in Dallas (13-16 March 2011). Download the special offer for the 2005 proceedings here and catch-up on these important publications.

Workington bridge push reconnects flooded town

New Civil Engineers' (NCE) coverage of the Tensar flood damage response in Cumbria. Learn more here.;

Rapid Response to Bridge Flood Damage

Following the 21 November flood destruction of the town's bridges over the River Derwent in Workington, Cumbria, Army Royal Engineers have used Tensar International's TriAx™ geogrid to help construct new bridge abutments for a 40 ton temporary footbridge. Connecting the north and south of the town, the actual bridge will take a week to assemble, and is expected to be in place for the Monday morning school run. Read about this vital work and how it took less than three weeks from need to design to construction.

Scales Joins Colorado Lining International

Colorado Lining International is pleased to announce that Greg Scales has joined the firm's sales division as Outside Sales for the East Coast Region. He will be based in Asheville, North Carolina. Mr. Scales has 20 years of professional experience in the geosynthetic industry. He graduated from the University of Louisville School of Engineering with Bachelors of Applied Science in Civil Engineering (1983) and from Webster University with a Master of Arts in Marketing and Management (1985).

ETB Becomes EngineeringUK

The United Kingdom-based Engineering and Technology Board (ETB) this week changed its name to EngineeringUK (EUK) and set out a simplified strategy to refocus its activities on promoting investment and careers. Learn more here.;

Cleveland seeks $219 million to Repair Failing Cuyahoga River Bank

The city of Cleveland is seeking $219 million to permanently fix a crumbling slope above the Cuyahoga River that threatens the waterway's vital shipping traffic, a major sewer line, two roads, and several buildings. Learn more here.;

New Online Forum Increases Public Access to EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has launched an online discussion forum designed to enhance communication between EPA and the public on contaminated sites, waste management, and recycling issues. The forum, which is a public comment board, is another important component in EPA's ongoing efforts to increase transparency and public engagement.

SIFEM joins Egyptian distressed assets fund

Geneva-based Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets (SIFEM) agreed to participate in a $100 million fund to buy distressed small and medium-sized assets in Egypt, the fund's sponsors said on Thursday. Projects in the fund's pipeline include "geotextiles, automotive assembly, cosmetics, logistics, food processing, specialty glass and pharmaceuticals," Egypt's Citadel Capital said. Learn more here.;

New Issue of IGS News

The newest IGS News is available! Volume 25, No 3 from the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) contains a message from IGS President Fumio Tatsuoka; another excellent report from Jorge Zornberg, this time on IGS in the Americas; reports on IGS meetings and actitives, including an announcement of an IGS Photo Contest to coincide with the soon-to-be relaunched website; 2010 IGS elected positions candidates; conference reports; chapter news; and much, much more. Read the latest in PDF today. Learn more here.;

Forester Events Website

Forester Communications--publisher of magazines such as Erosion Control, MSW Management and Stormwater--has launched a website for Forester Events. The company, as many in the field knows, manages events such as the annual StormCon conference. New symposiums in sectors such as energy, water conservation, municipal solid waste and grading and excavation contracting are forthcoming. Track the latest at the new Forester Events website: http://www.foresterevents.com/ Learn more here.;


As a part of the ongoing commitment to growth in the underground storm water market, effective 23 November 2009, Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS), has agreed to acquire the remaining 50% interest in StormTech LLC. StormTech was created as a 50/50 joint venture between ADS and Infiltrator® Systems Inc. to engineer and manufacture chambers for use in underground storm water retention/detention systems. Since inception, StormTech has become the market leader in the retention/detention market. Read more in the release.

New GIGSA Newsletter

The latest issue of GIGSA News from the Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa is available. This issue includes stories on geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), GIGSA Award Winners, a GeoAfrica 2009 report, liquid geosynthetics, GCLs in landfill applications, what not to do with GCLs, and indext testing. GIGSA is the South Africa Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). Read the issue in PDF here.

AMCOL International Announces Changes to Executive Leadership

The Board of Directors of AMCOL International Corporation has appointed Ryan F. McKendrick to the position of Chief Operating Officer of AMCOL effective 1 January 2010. Mr. McKendrick has been with the company for a total of 25 years. For the last 11 years he has led AMCOL's Environmental segment, including serving as President of CETCO. The Board of Directors of AMCOL has appointed Bob Trauger to replace Ryan as head of AMCOL's Environmental segment and serve as President of CETCO. Mr. Trauger has been with CETCO since 1991, most recently serving as Vice President, Engineering and International Development. Learn more.

500,000 Engineers Needed, Says EngineeringUK

500,000 engineering and manufacturing workers will be needed in the coming eight years to satisfy demand in the transport, construction, aerospace and defence industries, according to EngineeringUK. Learn more here.;

ACE calls for infrastructure 'account'

A system of infrastructure accounting is urgently needed to keep track of what is needed and where, accordint to the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE). Learn more here.;

Letter from GMA Regarding Coal Ash Regulations

The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) has worked with various Congressional figures over the past few years on key issues in the United States infrastructure. One area in which GMA has been particularly active is in bringing proper coal ash containment technologies to the attention of legislators. A new letter from GMA Executive Director Andrew Aho helps illuminate this issue and the exemplary work GMA has done. Representatives such as Heath Shuler (R-NC) have taken notice and are working diligently to improve Congressional awareness of this much-needed environmental protection. Read a letter from GMA and one to the EPA.

COPRO's New Address

Beligum-based COPRO, which is heavily involved in product certification (e.g., CE Marking), testing, site inspection and more has moved its main office. You may now reach COPRO at Z.1 Researchpark, Kranenberg 190, B-1731 Zellik (Asse), Belgium. Contact numbers are +32 (0)2 468 00 95 and for fax +32 (0)2 469 10 19. , Learn more here.;

Nylex Plans Various Strategies To Boost Performance

Nylex (Malaysia) Bhd, a dominant player in the chemical, plastic and polymer business, is planning various strategies to boost its financial performance. Nylex is mainly involved in investment holding and the manufacture and marketing of vinyl-coated fabrics, calendered film and sheeting, and other plastic products, including geotextiles and prefabricated sub-soil drainage systems. Learn more here.;

Will they or won't they?

The United Kingdom seems to be having fits over whether to spend on high-speed rail upgardes for its national and international connections. Recent reports have indicated the government has all but scuppered the idea as a possibility before about 2030. But a new group is suggesting that high-speed rail may add approximately £55 billion to the UK economy. If true, it would make what seems a bitter pill go down much easier. Learn more here.;

Geogrid Rail Embankment Solution Model

By developing a cost-effective, rapid and highly sustainable solution for the Brigg Line embankment in Lincolnshire, Arup and Network Rail, with Tensar International and support services and construction company Carillion, have demonstrated a reinforced soil retaining wall approach using geogrids cast into in-situ reinforced concrete wall facing units that can be used to solve similar challenging problems all over the world. Read more.

BC Bridge Repaired with Geogrids and Geotextiles

A culvert on the bridge on Comox Lake Road in Cumberland, British Columbia was compromised during a flood last week--leaving 60 residents on evacuation alert. But emergency repairs were approved and the work should be completed with 72 hours. Wing walls have been erected and geotextiles and geogrids have been installed to reinforce and stabilize the structure. Learn more here.;

StormCon 2010 Abstract Deadline – December 2

The deadline for submitting abstracts for presentation at StormCon 2010 is 2 December 2009. StormCon is seeking abstracts for presentations at the 9th annual conference, which will be held 1-5 August 2010, in San Antonio, Texas. Abstracts are invited for the following session tracks: BMP Case Studies; Low-Impact Development; Stormwater Program Management; Water-Quality Monitoring; and Advanced Research Topics. To see a full description of the conference tracks and to submit your abstract online, visit www.StormCon.com. Learn more here.;