Following the recent meetings of ISO TC 221 – Geosynthetics, Past President of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Daniele Cazzuffi sat down to discuss geosynthetics and how standardization efforts at the national and international level benefit the global civil engineering community, including through the Europe-wide CEN TC 189 – Geosynthetics Committee, of which Cazzuffi is Chairperson.
The interview has been posted to YouTube by UNI, the Italian Organization for Standardization.
“The most important thing in creating an international standard,” Cazzuffi says, “[is that] it could allow producers, the manufacturers of these products, to compare the characteristics of the products using the same type of test methods. It’s quite important for these materials, for very often they are produced in one country and distributed in another.”
Cazzuffi comments on the roles standardization committees play on national and international levels as they interact to harmonize standards and facilitate safer constructions and ensure industry dependability and public confidence. The work also poses implications and solutions for international competition.
Harmonization in this case, Cazzuffi notes, is with UNI, CEN TC 189, and ISO TC 221 – Geosynthetics within the International Organization for Standardization.
An article about the geosynthetics committee’s standardization work is available here (in Italian).
Learn more about CEN TC 189 at the committee’s website.
GeoAmericas 2016