Now is the time to get your welders certified in IAGI’s HDPE Welders Certification program. Developed to test the competency of welding technicians out in the field, the certification program includes both a written and a hands-on welding examination. Tests are administered for both wedge and extrusion welding and are available in three languages. The member price for testing is$225 (USD) per candidate (this includes fees for one welding certification) and nonmember price is $325 (USD) per candidate; additional proctor fees may be incurred. For the past year, IAGI has offered an introductory HDPE Welders Certification testing discount. 10% off the testing price if 5 or more candidates are tested and 15% off the testing price if 10 or more candidates are tested. However, this discount will be discontinued December 31, 2003. Apply now and take advantage of the reduced testing price; tests must be concluded by December 31, 2003. Contact Laurie Honnigford at 651-554-1895 or for more information.