Ryley Beddoe, Jean Hutchinson of GeoEngineering Centre
The GeoEngineering Centre’s Ryley Beddoe (top) and Jean Hutchinson (lower) were among those honored by the Canadian Geotechnical Society during GeoMontreal 2013

OCTOBER 2013 – Several members of the GeoEngineering Centre and their students were recognized at CGS events held in conjunction with GeoMontreal, the 66th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society.

PhD student Ryley Beddoe received the first prize for best Graduate Student Paper in 2013 for her paper titled “Physical modeling of rainfall induced landslides”. She gave a presentation of her paper during the morning plenary session on the last day of the conference.

The runner-up winner of the Undergraduate Report Award (Individual) prize was Dale Brunton (Civil Engineering) for his paper “Characterizing the Instability Line of Silica Sand as a Potential Landslide Triggering Mechanism”.

The first prize winners of the Undergraduate Report Award (Group Category) were Gary Cui, Jessica Galavan, Duncan Leung, and Matthew Lloyd (Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering) for their paper, “Holmestrand Underground Rail Cavern”.

Quigley Award Honourable Mentions for the best paper in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in 2012: First Honourable Mention went to R. Kerry Rowe, Melissa Chappel, Richard Brachman, and Andy Take for their paper “Field study of wrinkles in a geomembrane at a composite liner test site” and the Second Honourable Mention went to R. Kerry Rowe for his paper “Short- and long-term leakage through composite liners”.

Finally, Jean Hutchinson was the recipient of the CGS Thomas Roy Award. The Thomas Roy Award is presented to honour an individual for his or her excellence in the field of engineering geology OR to a group of individuals for a paper that makes a significant contribution to the advancement of engineering geology in Canada. Thomas Roy was one of Canada’s earliest geologists and civil engineers whose work formed the foundation for the profession in Canada.


The GeoEngineering Centre, founded in 2001, is a collaborative venture between faculty members at Queen’s University and the Royal Military College in Kingston. Drawn from four different engineering departments at the two Universities, the Centre’s members are dedicated to innovation and advancement of knowledge in geotechnical, geohydrological, geochemical, geomechanical and geosynthetics engineering. Through the development of collaborative research projects, with involvement of government and industrial partners, the Centre provides exciting opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers in specialized or multi-disciplinary fields of interest. www.geoeng.ca