Chief Oil and Gas, Marcellus ShaleThe Pennsylvania DEP announced yesterday that Chief Oil & Gas has paid a $180,000 fine for a spill at a site in Somerset County more than a year ago in March 2010. Chief had a small spill of hydraulic oil at this site last summer. Hydraulic oil is used to operate machinery onsite. The spill did not leave the perimeter of the pad site and all soil samples showed no environmental impact whatsoever.

While no harm was done to the environment, Chief takes all incidents seriously. In late 2010, we made many changes to our best management practices. One improvement included lining all site operations with a protective plastic liner so that small spills like this don’t come into contact with the environment at all.

More information on the best practices we have implemented to protect the environment are available on our website at:

Media Inquiries

Kristi Gittins
+1 214 402 8137