China Five-Year Plan

Highlights of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015)

  • Construct large-scale hydropower plants in southwest
  • Extend high-speed railway network to 45,000km (Total railway network to 120,000km)
  • Extend highway network to 83,000km
  • Construct major new airport in Beijing. Civil airport coverage to reach 80% of population (1.39 billion) with number of airports increasing from 175 to 220.

China’s geotextile market currently exceeds 300 million square meters, with 40% of the volume being nonwoven geotextiles. From 2006 to 2010, the country’s manufacturing output of geotextile materials rose more than 35% annually, according to information exchanged during the December 3 China Geotextiles Composite Materials Summit 2011 held in Lingxian, Shandong.

In an article from Yarns and Fibers Exchange (YNFX), Li LingSshen, President of China Nonwovens and Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA), attributes much of the geotextile market’s growth to sustained, heavy infrastructure investment, particularly in regards to water management and transportation.

YNFX reports that geotextiles are among the construction materials emphasized in China’s 12th Five-year Plan, which provides guidance on development from2011 to 2015.

The nation’s output of geotextiles rose to 405,000 tons in 2010 and is expected to reach 730,000 tons by 2015.


On December 5, during the Durban, South Africa climate talks led by the United Nations, China became the somewhat surprising pusher of climate change commitments. Representatives from China have pushed an extension of the Kyoto Protocol as well as a $100 billion annual fund to mitigate climate change impacts on poor nations.

This would mark a significant turn in Chinese international interaction on the environment, though it remains to be seen if this is a clear commitment or a proposal put forth simply to apply climate change commitment pressure on Western governments, which previously supported commitments when China did not but have since cooled on firmer emissions and financial contribution targets.