Cobramseg 2016 The Organizing Committee of Cobramseg and the the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Rock Mechanics (SBMR) have assembled a strong short course program. These courses will be held on October 19 at the School of Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte. Instructors include internationally recognized experts in their fields. The 10 offerings include topics such as tailings dams, numerical methods of analysis in geotechnics, foundations, field trials, and more.
Space is limited for participation in the Cobramseg 2016 Shourt Courses.
Registration is open. NOTE: These are separate registrations from the full Cobramseg 2016 / SBMR 2016, but they require registration in the full conference. Students and ABM, ABGE, ISSMGE, and ISMR members received a discount.
The Cobramseg includes four events:

  • XVIII Brazilian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
  • VII Brazilian Symposium on Rock Mechanics
  • VII Brazilian Symposium and V South American Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
  • International Conference on Geo-Engineering Education – Shaping the Future of Geotechnical Education


Liquefaction Analysis of Tailings Facilities
Instructor: Prof. Scott M. Olson (University of Illinois, USA). The course is taught in English and will feature simultaneous translation.
Rocscience Tools for Surface & Underground Mining Applications
Instructor:  Thamer Yacoub, engineer (Rocscience). The short course will be taught in English.
Numerical Modeling  with GeoStudio 2012
Instructor: Prof. Saul Gutemberg Ribeiro (Federal University of Ouro Preto, Continuing Education Institute of PUC-Minas [IEC PUC-Minas], and GeoSlope International, Brazil)
Two and Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis of Tailings Dams
Instructors: Murray Fredlund (SoilVision Systems) and Prof. Gilson Gitirana (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil). The short course will be taught in English and Portuguese.
Metal Cuttings: Design Aspects and Execution
Instructor: Alexandre Gusmão (Executive Secretary of the ABMS, Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil).
Cone Test (CPT) and Piezocone (CPTu)
Instructors: Prof. Edgar Odebrecht (University of the State of Santa Catarina – UDESC and managing partner of Geoframa Engineering), Fernando Damasco Penna ( Secretary of Field Research, Technical Committee – CTIC / ABMS and company partner Damasco Penna Geotechnical Engineering), and Prof. Heraldo Luiz Giacheti (USP São Carlos and representative of Brazil TC-102, ISSMGE).
Flat dilatometer (DMT) and Seismic dilatometer (SDMT)
Instructor: Diego Marchetti and Francesca Buselli, engineers. The course will be presented in English.
Pathology, Diagnosis and Design – Falls and Debris Flow
Instructors: Anna Laura Nunes (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro [COPPE – UFRJ]) and Andrea Balbuzano Pelizoni (Maccaferri, Brazil).
Research and Instrumentation in Geotechnical Tailings Dams
Instructors: Jeferson Guimarães (Fugro) and Prof. Monica P. H. Moncada (Universidade Federal Fluminense and Fugro)
Soil Bioengineering: Slope Stabilization and Slope and Soil Surface Protection
Instructor: Luiz Lucena (Director, International Erosion and Sediment Control Association – Brazil; and Deflor Engineering).
Learn more about the Cobramseg 2016 Short Courses (PDF)
Register for Cobramseg / SBMR 2016