WasteCon 2007 Exhibition Hall, held in Reno, Nevada, USA.

Sixty one people attended the panel discussion session “Factors Influencing the Quality of Geoelectric Liner Integrity and Leak Location Surveys” lead by Mark Sieracke (design/CQA), Bob Phaneuf (regulator), and Ian D. Peggs (practitioner) at Wastecon 2007 in Reno, NV., held October 16-18, 2007. Seven minute introductions by each panel member were followed by 35 minutes of lively discussion on topics such as the predominant locations of leaks, the types of leaks, depths of soil/waste surveyable, secondary liner surveys, and separation distances of injector electrode and surveyed location.

Huesker’s booth CETCO Lining Technologies
geosynthetica’s newest Underwriter, Raven Industries Engineered Films Division Paul Payeur of Solmax International

Go to the WASTECON 2008 website for conference and registration information.

Follow the link below to view the Fall 2007 New York State Association for Solid Waste Management (NYSASWM) newsletter "Wasteline." Bob Phaneuf provides a write-up of the LIS Course that he, Sam Allen of TRI and Ian Peggs, I-CORP INTERNATIONAL organized. The course was co-sponsored in June 2007 (Colonie, Albany, NY) by NYSASWM & NYSDEC’s Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials.
Newsletter (please scroll to page 6).