After more than 1,000 participants and 76 exhibits, more than 60 papers and presentations, 9 short courses, 4 special sessions, 3 keynotes, and 2 panels – after all that in just 4 days, the Geosynthetics-2007 Conference and Trade Show came to a close in Washington, D.C.
The January 16-19, 2007 event marked an enthusiastic high point on the geosynthetics community’s calendar. The conference was billed as a “3-in-1” event, with 2 days devoted to an Environmental Conference, 2 days devoted to a Transportation Conference, plus a unique GRI 20th Anniversary Conference with a focus on homeland security.
Held at the Hilton Washington, the conference launched on the 16th with all-day short courses on the environment. The courses were followed by a Plenary Session/J.P.Giroud Lecture presented by Chris Lawson: “Geotextile Containment for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering.”
The Trade Show Welcome Party on the evening of the 16th featured a presentation by former congressman, HUD secretary, and vice presidential candidate, Jack Kemp. His company, Kemp Partners, along with the firm of Whitmer and Worrall, are leading the government relations efforts for the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA).
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Jack Kemp opens the trade show floor |
The Environment Conference continued on Wednesday, Jan. 17, with a kickoff keynote by David Daniel: “Engineering Lessons Learned from Levee Failures in New Orleans.”
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Keynote Lecturer David Daniel |
A full day of technical sessions followed, capped by an afternoon panel discussion led by Dr. Daniel: “Uncertainties Applied to Real World Geosynthetic Design.” That evening’s reception on the exhibit show floor was sponsored by Geosynthetics magazine.
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Geosynthetics sponsored reception on the trade show floor |
The Geosynthetics Research Institute’s 20th Anniversary Conference on Jan. 18 ran concurrently with the first day of the 2-day Transportation Conference. The GRI event featured the presentation of 18 papers plus a noontime luncheon and Technology Café organized by
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GRI-20 Morning Session |
Day 1 of the Transportation Conference included 4 short courses and the day concluded with a Fiesta Cancun reception to showcase GeoAmericas 2008.
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NAUE’s Kent von Maubeuge and geosynthetica’s Elizabeth Peggs at the Fiesta Cancun Reception. Top insert: NAGS’ Dave Suits. Bottom insert: ACE’s Geosynthetic’s Amie Wang with Ryder Peggs, Elizabeth Peggs’ newest geo-addition. |
The first Pan American Geosynthetics Conference and Exhibition will be held March 2-5, 2008, at the Hilton Cancun Beach & Golf Resort.
Day 2 of the Transportation Conference on Jan. 19 started with a keynote address from Richard Capka, Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration: “The Future of Geosynthetics in Transportation.” A 90-minute panel discussion followed, moderated by Corey Bobba of the FHWA.
Morning and afternoon Transportation Conference technical sessions proceeded throughout Friday, the 19th. A closing wine and cheese reception concluded the week for Geosynthetics-2007.
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Ron Bygness, conference review author and Editor of Geosynthetics magazine |
Geosynthetics 2007 – Environment Conference
January 17 2007
The latest techniques for evaluating geomembrane installation were presented and the methodology to perform contaminant migration equivalency assessment for municipal solid waste landfill.
- Image Analysis for QC/QA of Geosynthetic Deformation during Wide Width Tensile Testing
Ahmet Aydilek, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland - Spark Testing of a Conductive Liner – Liner Vs. Underneath the Weld Flap
Jimmy Youngblood, Product Manager, GSE Lining Technology - Enhanced Geomembrane CQA Through Proper Application of Geomembrane Leak Location Surveys
Bradford Smith, Associate, Stearns & Wheler, LLC - What IAGI Approved Installation Contractor Program Can Do For You
Laurie Honnigford, Managing Director, International Association of Geosynthetic Installers - Infrared Thermography: A nondestructive technique for assessing geomembrane seam bond strength
Ian D. Peggs, I-CORP International, Inc. - A Contaminant Migration Equivalency Assessment for a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
Craig Lake, PhD, Dalhousie University
Drainage and Filtration
Issues regarding flow capabilities, design criteria, and a better strength/creep for geonets, geocomposite drainage nets and geotextiles were presented.
- Proposed Design Criteria for Geotextile Biofilters
Cevat Yaman, PhD, RT Environmental Services Inc. - A Strength-Based Design Method for Drainage Geocomposites
Dhani Narejo, PhD, PE Caro Consultants, Inc. - Measuring the Strand Inclination Angle of Bi-Planar Geonets
Sam Allen, vice president, TRI/Environmental, Inc.
Research 1
These sessions included presentations on the latest research into organic compound (liquid and vapor) containment, factors impacting longevity of geomembranes, and testing methods for geosynthetic clay liners.
- Secondary Containment Applications: Long Term Behaviour of Geomembranes Exposed to Diesel Fuel
Daniele Cazzuffi, PhD, CESI S.p.A. - Diffusive Migration of Gas-Phase Volatile Organic Compounds through PVC Geomembranes
Rebecca McWatters, PhD Candidate, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s University-RMC - Use of Geosynthetics at The Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Deicing Facility
Chris Athanassopoulos, P.E., CETCO - Temperature of Secondary Liners In Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
R. Kerry Rowe, Professor/Vice Principal, Research, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s University-RMC - Influence of leachate checmical comp
osition on the depletion of antioxidant from HDPE geomembrane
R. Kerry Rowe, PhD, Vice-Principal (Research) and Professor of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University; M.Z. Islam, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC
Research 2
These sessions included presentations on the latest research into organic compound (liquid and vapor) containment, factors impacting longevity of geomembranes, and testing methods for geosynthetic clay liners.
- Influence of Strain Gage Adhesive’s Stress-Strain Behavior on PVC Geomembrane Tensile Test
Laura Hannum, Graduate Research Assistant, Lehigh University - Alternative Gripping Systems for GCL Internal Shear and Interface Friction Testing
John Allen, Director Geosynthetic Interaction Laboratory, TRI/Environmental; Patrick Fox, Department of Civil Engineering & Geodetic Science - Cyclic Shear Strength of a Needle-Punched GCL
Patrick Fox, PhD, Ohio State University; Christopher Nye, OSU; Jim Olsta, CETCO
Exposed Geomembranes
Issues regarding exposed geomembrane covers for landfills and exposed liners in wastewater applications were presented.
- Holding Your Liquor – Exposed Synthetic Liners in Wastewater Applications
Jack Hinshelwood, Vice President, Olver Inc. - Finalizing Exposed Geomembrane Covers for Landfills
Donald Hullings, Research Engineer, Jones Edmunds - Appropriate Final Cover Design for Optimal Landfill Airspace
Mickey Pollman, Geotechnical Designer, Jones Edmunds and Associates Inc.
Special Applications 1
Special applications of geosynthetic materials used in waste containment were presented, along with a presentation on understanding uncertainty in geosynthetic testing.
- MSW Final Closures Incorporating Structured or Embossed Geomembranes
Ronald Frobel, Owner/Principal, R. K. Frobel & Associates - Design Method for Utilizing Geosynthetic Clay Liners as Puncture Protection Materials
Dhani Narejo, PhD, PE, Caro Consultants Inc. - Restoration of Distressed Secondary Monitoring System at A Hazardous Waste Landfill
James J. Parsons, Principal Engineer, NTH Consultants, LTD
Special Applications 2
Special applications of geosynthetic materials used in waste containment were presented, along with a presentation on understanding uncertainty in geosynthetic testing.
- Understanding and Minimizing Uncertainty in Geosynthetic Testing
Rich Lacey, Laboratory Director, Geotechnics - Defining the Transmissivity Testing Requirements for Geonets and Composite Drainage Nets
Robert Mackey, Principal Engineer, S2L Incorporated
NAGS Student Paper Competition
January 18 2007
Session leader: Dr. Robert Holtz, University of Washington at Seattle
- Effect of Wet-Dry Cycles on Capillary Break Formation in Geosynthetic Drainage Layers
John McCartney, Doctoral Candidate, University of Texas at Austin - Development of Low Altitude Aerial Photometry Techniques to Quantify Geomembrane Wrinkles
Melissa Chappel, Graduate Student, R. W. I. Brachman and W. A. Take, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC - Assessment of Geotextile Filament Properties and Size Variation During Interface Shearing
Duhwan Kim, Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology
GRI-20 Conference
on the Use of Geosynthetics to Combat or Mitigate Acts of Terrorism and/or Natural Disasters
January 18 2007
Session A – George R. Koerner – Moderator
- Soil Filled Geotubes® for Emergency Sealing of Levee Breaks
Tom Stephens and Ed Trainer; TC Nicolon, Inc. - Rapidly Deployed, Soil-Filled, Blast Resistant Barrier Walls
Richard A. Reid; South Dakota State University - Use of Fiber-Reinforced Soil for Blast Protection
Jorge G. Zornberg, Chunling Li, and Brian Freilich; University of Texas at Austin - Shake Table Tests on Reinforced SRW Simulating the Kobe Earthquake
Dov Leshchinsky and Hoe I. Ling; University of Delaware and Columbia University - Potential Use of Nonwoven Geotextiles to Mitigate and/or Neutralize Biological Agents in
Water Supplies
Joseph P. Martin and Charles N. Haas; Drexel University - Illegal Immigration and Entry Fencing
Lara D. Costa, Elizabeth Peggs and Chris Kelsey; I-CORP International. Inc. and
Session B – Robert M. Koerner – Moderator
- Geotextiles as Camouflage to Mitigate Sensitive Target Areas
Richard A. Reid; South Dakota State University - Baker Life Chute for Rapid, Mass Evacuation from High Rise Structures During Life
Threatening Events
Ralph T. Baker; Baker Safety Equipment Co. - Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors for Geosynthetic Applications
Mahmoud A. El-Sherif; Drexel University and Photonics Laboratories, Inc. - Use of BOTDR to Measure Distributed Strains of Geosynthetics
Sibel Pamukcu and Mesut Turel; Lehigh University - Geotextile and Optic Fibers: Feedback After Four Years of Use in Soil
Alain Nancey, Bruce Lacina and John Henderson; Ten Cate Geosynthetics, Inc. - Intelligent Floating Covers for Early-Alert of Water Reservoir Intrusion and Possible
Y. Grace Hsuan and Robert M. Koerner; Drexel University
Session C – Y. Grace Hsuan – Moderator
- Floating (Geogrid Supported) Geomembrane Megabags for Emergency Water Supply
J. Richard Weggel and Robert M. Koerner; Drexel University - Geosynthetic Barrier Mounds to Guard Buildings from Truck Bomb Explosions
Stephan M. Gale; Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc. - Blast Protection for Lightweight Shelters via the Use of Retrofitting Polyurea Liner Systems
Sam R. Allen; TRI/Environmental, Inc. - Potential Use of Geosynthetics in Airport Engineered Materials Arresting Systems (EMAS)
Ian D. Peggs; I-CORP International. Inc. - Geosynthetic Solutions for Emergency Repair of Damaged Roadways and Airfields
George R. Koerner; Geosynthetic Institute - Applications of Geosynthetics to Homeland Security Issues: From the Conventional to the
Craig R. Calabria; GeoSystems Consultants, Inc.
li class="BodyText">Geotextiles Filled with Shear Thickening Fluids Wrapped Around Oil and Gas Transmission
Lines to Withstand Explosive Blasts and Related Sabotage
Joseph V. Mullin and Robert M. Koerner; Drexel University
Geosynthetics 2007 – Transportation Conference
January 19 2007
Erosion Control
Various applications of geosynthetics used to control erosion in ocean seabeds, turf reinforcement, and slope stabilization were presented.
- Geocell and Reinforced Soil Restoration of Eroded Steep Slopes
Stan Boyle, Vice President, Shannon & Wilson, Inc. - Use of Geocell Retaining Walls for Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control
D. Wade Anderson, Design Engineer, USDA-NRCS-NDCSMC
Reinforced Soils 1
Presentations on geosynthetics used from a wide range of soil reinforcement applications for segmental retaining walls, marginal backfills, and footings, along with improved testing methodology.
- Offsetting Lateral Loads and Moments at the Top of Segmental Retaining Walls
James A. McKelvey, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Earth Engineering Incorporated - Geotextile Wrap-Faced Wall Using Marginal Backfill
John Bowders, Professor of Civil Engineering, Univ of Missouri
Roads & Highways
The use of geosynthetics for road stability, drainage, and dust control was presented along testing measurement, current and new.
- Laboratory Test Studies of Concrete Slab Over Drainage Geocomposite
Jianjun Leng, Design Engineer, Tenax Corporation - Geotextiles as a Dust Control for Unpaved Roads
John Bowders, Professor of Civil Engineering, Univ of Missouri - Development of a Method to Test Geogrid Reinforcement of Base Materials in Flexible Pavements
Ayam Halim Abusaid,E.I.T., Geotechnical Engineer, Golder Associates Inc
Reinforced Soils 2
Presentations on geosynthetics used from a wide range of soil reinforcement applications for segmental retaining walls, marginal backfills, and footings, along improved testing methodology.
- State-Of-The Practice Design of Segmental Retaining Walls: NCMA’s Third Edition Manual
Dr. James Collin, PE, The Collin Group, Ltd - Engineering Property Evaluation of Geogrids in Reinforcement System
Dr. Han-Yong Jeon, Professor, Division of Nano-Systems Eng., INHA University - Behaviour of Reinforced Embankment on Soft Sensitive Foundations
R. Kerry Rowe, Professor/Vice Principal, Research, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s University-RMC
These presentations included the use of geofoam to improve foundations, methodology to reduce seismic pressure, and electrically conductive wick drains to improve soil foundations.
- Understanding and Minimizing Uncertainty in Geosynthetic Testing
Rich Lacey, Laboratory Director, Geotechnics - Filtration Performance of Geotextiles in Cyclic Flow
Jonathan Fannin, PhD, University of British Columbia - Mechanistic Response Measurements of Geogrid Reinforced Flexible Pavements to Vehicular Loading
Erol Tutmluer, PhD, University of Illinois
Reinforced Soils 3
Presentations on geosynthetics used from a wide range of soil reinforcement applications for segmental retaining walls, marginal backfills, and footings, along improved testing methodology.
- Study of Granular Soil/Geosynthetic Interactions from Using Large Scale Direct Shear Tests
Chia-Nan Liu, Department of Civil Engineering, National Chi-Nan University, Taiwan - Deformation Prediction of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls Using Composite Material Properties
Robert Holtz, Professor, University of Washington
Soil Improvement & Foundations
These presentations included the use of geofoam to improve foundations, methodology to reduce seismic pressure, and electrically conductive wick drains to improve soil foundations.
- Reducing The Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls By EPS Geofoam Buffers – Numerical Parametric Analyses
G. A. Athanasopoulos, Professor, University of Patras - Performance of Electrically Conductive Vertical (wick) Drains in Treatment of Soft Clay
R.S. Douglas, Emas Kiara Marketing Sdn. Bhd.