Construciton quality assurance (CQA) with geosynthetics, training
Abigail Beck, P.E., discusses soil-covered geomembrane surveys during a CQA Week session.

Ten years ago, TRI Environmental held its first liner integrity survey training course. Today, the educational arm of the Austin, Texas-based independent testing services company has grown substantially, offering courses in multiple countries on geomembrane surveys, construction quality assurance (CQA) for geosynthetic and compact clay installations, certifications, and more.
CQA Week, a twice-yearly event with short courses centered around electrical leak location training and installation CQA, returns in April with expert guest lecturers and long-time instructors of the professional development program.
The schedule is as follows:

  • April 13 – 14: Liner Integrity Surveys/Assessments
  • April 15: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations
  • April 16: Construction QA/QC for Compacted Clay and GCL Installations
  • April 17: Geosynthetic Certification Institute – Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) Exam

Construction Quality Assurance Professional Development

Waste management CQA, cell constructionThe liner integrity surveys/assessments (LISA) two-day training includes classroom and field training. On-site test cells and equipment give attendees an opportunity to perform and better understand electrical leak location (ELL) surveys in soil-covered, water-covered, and exposed geomembrane situations. Instructor Abigail Beck has performed more than 90 million square feet of surveys in the field and has been very active in the ASTM D35 committee work on ELL standards. She directs the TRI Liner Integrity Services division.
Weaver Consultants Group’s Jeffery Blum joins as a guest instructor for another session. As one of the first in the industry to have gone through the LISA training course, he offers 10+ years of field experience and direct class insight for how the short course applies to the field.
LISA participants may also register for Level 2 ELIS Certification status. See details in the event brochure.
The CQA for geosynthetic installations short course can be taken singly or in combination with the CQA of compacted clay and GCL installations course. Both days prepare attendees for an opportunity to sit for the GCI-ICP exam. (TRI only proxies the GCI-ICP exam; interested attendees must pre-register for the exam with the Geosynthetic Institute. See details in the CQA Week brochure.) But CQA short courses are particularly relevant for engineers, CQA professionals, regulators, and others working with and within the waste management field.
TRI Vice President and Geosynthetics Division Manager Sam Allen will be joined by Weaver Consultants Group’s Mark Sieracke, P.E. for the CQA of geosynthetics installations course. Both instructors possess many years of experience in the field and in standardization roles.
New to CQA Week is the expertise of Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, P.E., who serves as the director of TRI’s geotechnical laboratory. Kuhn has been added as an instructor for the April 16 course on construction QA/QC with compacted clay and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) installations. Prior to joining TRI, he researched evapotranspirative and alternative covers for the EPA and investigated expansive clays for the Texas Department of Transportation. He also worked on the Circuit of the Americas Formula One Race Track in Texas, a challenging geotechnical project (e.g., expansive clays with tight differential movement criteria).
Learn more in the CQA Week brochure (PDF)
Online registration is also available