Liner Integrity Surveys, CQA WeekThe growing issues and opportunities in construction quality assurance (CQA) will be explored on two sides of the world in March and April. From March 25 – 28, CQA Week and its affiliated professional training and certification opportunities will be held on Australia’s Gold Coast. Approximately 8,200 miles and two weeks later, CQA Week events will take place in Austin, Texas (April 14 – 18, CQA Week).
TRI Environmental, the global independent testing company, has organized these events since 2004. A variety of international and in-house experts have served as instructors, and while the lionshare of training courses have been held at TRI’s corporate campus in Austin, Texas, sessions have also been held in Australia, the Philippines, in Nova Scotia, at a special site in New York State, etc.
CQA Week offers high-quality, intensive training in geosynthetic installation CQA, liner integrity survey (LIS) training, and professional certification exam proctoring.
Learn more about the Australian and US CQA Week opportunities in the downloadable brochures or register to participate.


Liner Integrity Surveys

Liner Integrity Surveys, CQA Week
Some visitors to the Austin, Texas testing site utilize liner integrity survey equipment to locate leak in a water-filled geomembrane test cell.

The Liner Integrity Surveys/Assessments (LISA) class has been developed by TRI to provide state-of-practice information on survey methods and standards (e.g., ASTM). The class is ideal for companies interested in adding this service to their business lines, design engineers, construction quality assurance (CQA) firms, site owners, and other stakeholders in geomembrane-utilizing sectors.
CQA firms that incorporate LIS expertise have established new revenue centers for themselves. While only a small percentage of geomembranes installed globally utilize liner integrity surveys with new construction, the technology is being accepted by regulators, particular in more vibrant markets (e.g., US, Germany, Australia, China)—and far more quickly than engineering services firms have added this skill. As such, companies going into the market with this as an option may offer a valued skill their competitors cannot.
While the waste management field has been the biggest adapter, water resource conservation, lined tanks, mining and other sectors are quickly emerging in LISA utilization.
Course participants in Texas with have access to special on-site test cells that allow students hands-on learning with LIS equipment (such of which is available for rent, some for purchase after the course).

Field CQC/CQA Training

CQA Week
Landfills, energy facilties, mining sites, and major installations utilize the geosynthetics CQA knowledge taught during CQA Week.

TRI’s CQC/CQA training courses offer guidance preparing CQC/CQA plans, reviewing them, performing the affiliated and requisite observations and tests, and reviewing field procedures. From specifying engineers to project managers to regulators and third-party inspectors, this is the training that enables one to ensure that geosynthetic installations begin their service lives in optimal condition.
Designed primarily for work with waste management facilities, TRI’s CQA field-oriented training offers a comprehensive view of the work. Sessions take participants through principals and general responsibilities to the project/material implications of different geosynthetic manufacturing techniques and polymers. Seaming and welding of different types of geomembranes are addressed. Demonstrations are provided.
The training goes far beyond “just” geomembranes too. Important interaction with and details on other materials (cover soils, geotextiles, drainage composites, GCLs, etc.) are part of it—including the role of compacted clay liners in current design and facility performance.


The field CQC/CQA training provides a strong lead up to the Geosynthetic Certification Institute -Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) Exam, for those who wish to advance to this credential.
Also, those taken the LISA course may achieve a Level 2 certification in that area of expertise.
Learn more at