Liner Integrity SurveyDuring the recent CQA Week events at TRI/Environmental’s campus in Austin, Texas, two days were given to the T-CLIC geoelectric Liner Integrity Survey and Assessment (LISA) course, which combines both classroom and practical, hands-on field training in on-site test cells. The course saw a very eclectic, enthusiastic, and international group learn about locating leaks in geomembrane lining systems. Participants came from South Africa (2), Portugal, and Peru, as well as North America. Installers, engineers, and construction quality assurance (CQA) firms were represented. In a new development for the course, instructor Ian D. Peggs (I-CORP INTERNATIONAL) was supported by Abigail Beck of Ausenco Vector. Ms. Beck presented segments on development of LISA as a business, liner design considerations, case histories and defects found, and future directions. Rich Lacey (TRI) presented the segment on Electricity 101.

As usual, Peggs finished the one-day classroom session with an overview of complementary developing technologies, including the natural/streaming potential method to locate leaks in geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).

On the second day, everyone used the equipment to locate leaks in soil-covered, water-covered, and exposed liners, the last of which included conductive geomembrane and conductive geotextile and GCL substrates. The challenge to find all holes in the soil-covered liner and who was closest provided the usual entertainment.

The next LISA course is expected to be held in conjunction with Geo-Frontiers 2011 (March 2011, Dallas). Contact Sam Allen at or Ian Peggs at for more information.

Ian D. Peggs, Ph.D., P.E. P.Eng, is president of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL Inc. ( and a regular instructor during the CQA Week activities with TRI/Environmental Inc.