Liner surveys are increasingly required for geosynthetic containment installations. Part of the CQA Week is devoted to offering training and certification in this expanding area of engineering field services.
Photo: Liner Integrity Survey being performed

TRI Environmental is once again heading overseas with its CQA Week Training event. From 18–21 March 2013, Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Week professional development and certification opportunities will be offered in Perth, the capital and largest city in Western Australia.

To be held at the Western Australia Division office of Engineers Australia–the 100,000+ member association for professional engineers in Australia–CQA Week offers an exceptional education for engineers, regulators, companies, and contractors working in a broad spectrum of geotechnical applications, and in particular for those working with engineered barriers in waste, wastewater, and potable water applications.

Instructors include: Warren Hornsey, Pr.Eng. (Director, TRI Australasia), Abigail Beck, P.E. (Director of TRI Liner Integrity Services), Sam Allen (Vice President and Division Manager, TRI Environmental), and John Allen, P.E. (Director, TRI Geosynthetics Interaction Division).

The general schedule:

March 18–20
Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations and Compacted Clay Liner and GCL Installation

March 21
Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) CQA Inspectors Certification Program Exam

March 21
Liner Integrity Surveys/Assessments (LISA) Training

Learn more about the specifics of the education and registration (PDF)

An online registration form is also available

The CQA Week Training event has often been held at the Austin, Texas campus of TRI Environmental, Inc., generally with one session in spring and another in fall. Additional sessions have been held in New York, Canada, the Philippines, and Australia.

Published 6 February 2013.