A number of calls are closing shortly, as conference technical committees and companies finalize their 2012 agendas. A handful of deadlines to consider in the geosynthetics community include:

November 30 – EuroGeo 5‘s Call for Abstracts closes. This quadrennial event held under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) will take place 16-19 September 2012 in Valencia, Spain. Organized by the Spanish Chapter of IGS, the event . Maximum abstract length: 400 words. Visit www.eurogeo5.org to submit an abstract and to learn more about the conference.

December 1 – The third Global Waste Management Symposium (GWMS) call for abstracts closes. The event, which will take place 30 September – 3 October 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona, will serve as a forum for the presentation of applied and fundamental research, case studies, and policy analysis on waste and recyclables management. Subjects of note include energy recovery, climate change, containment design and leachate management. Learn more and submit an abstract at www.wastesymposium.com.

December 1 – Abstract submission deadline for World Bioenergy 2012. Sweden has become a world leader in this emerging energy sector, and geosynthetics have increasingly helped enable alternative energy facility construction. World Bioenergy 2012 will be held 29-31 May 2012 in Jönköping, Sweden. Visit www.elmia.se/worldbioenergy/Conference–Excursions/call-for-papers/ for the call for papers information.

December 16 – Early registration deadline for Environmental Connection (EC12). This annual event from the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) will convene in Las Vegas, Nevada from 26-29 February 2012. The early registration deadline offers the best rates on the event and its numerous short courses. Visit www.ieca.org/conference/annual/ec.asp for more information.

January 15, 2012 – Abstract submission deadline for GeoManitoba 2012. This Canadian Geotechnical Society event will take place 30 September – 3 October 2012 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Abstracts of up to 400 words may now be submitted online. Key subjects expected for the event include brownfields remediation, sustainability, landslides and slope stability, MSE walls, and much more. Visit www.cgs2012.ca/papers.php?lang=en for the latest call for papers information.