By Kevin Carmody, American-Statesman Staff Writer,
Tuesday, October 05, 2004 –
LCRA say another violation at housing construction site took place after Saturday’s rains. The Lower Colorado River Authority has imposed a relatively rare $5,000 fine and threatened identical daily fines on the developer of a Hill Country subdivision whose dam has been deemed responsible for polluting Lick Creek.
The penalty, for exceeding pollution limits at the West Cypress Hills development after a mid-September rainstorm, was levied this week. And after heavy rains on Saturday again overwhelmed the additional pollution control measures the developer had installed, LCRA officials said they will fine him the maximum $5,000 a day unless he fixes the problem quickly. Parker said Tuesday that he was confident he could meet the new deadlines. He said he has mobilized a crew of about 30 workers to triple erosion control structures, such as silt fences, and does not plan to challenge the fine. The cost of the corrective work has easily surpassed tens of thousands of dollars, he said. For more information on this article, please contact the American-Statesman at the link below.