One of 2019’s signature geotechnical engineering events is the XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Reykjavik, Iceland. The event will be held 1 – 6 September 2019, and on that first day, the ECSMGE will offer a workshop on the Geotechnical Aspects of Embankment Dams.
International Geosynthetics Society Past President Daniele Cazzuffi (CESI, Italy) will chair the workshop. The event is being organized within the frame of activities of TC210, the Technical Committee on Embankment Dams for the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
Geotechnical Aspects of Embankment Dams Workshop


Daniele Cazzuffi confirms that the workshop will accept submissions through 31 January 2019. Email
Paper instructions (template & format) are available here (PDF).
The workshop will not, of course, be entirely about geosynthetics, but Cazzuffi, recognizing the strong role geosynthetic materials have played internationally in embankment designs, reminds the geosynthetic community not to miss the deadline to contribute to the session.


The theme of the XVII ECMGE is Geotechnical Engineering, foundation of the future.
“The theme of the conference embraces all aspects of geotechnical engineering,” the organizers write. “Geotechnical engineering is the foundation of current as well as future societies, which both rely on complex civil engineering infrastructures, and call for mitigation of potential geodangers posing threat to these. Geotechnical means and solutions are required to ensure infrastructure safety and sustainable development. Those means are rooted in past experiences enhanced by research and technology of today.”
Attendees are encouraged to:

  • Share knowledge broadly
  • Introduce innovations, research, and development of techniques and equipment
  • Report on successful geotechnical constructions and design methods
  • Provide updates on mitigation and geohazards assessment endeavors

“Geotechnical engineering is the key to a safe and sustainable infrastructure and of importance for the society, economy and the environment,” the organizers write. “This must be emphasized and reported upon.”
Learn more and register today.
Send Embankment Dams submissions directly to Daniele Cazzuffi.