17 September 2010 – The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) today announced plans to change its organizational structure. The reorganization, effective 1 October 2010, will align the organizational structure with the agency’s primary functional areas: statistics, analysis, communication, and management. It also will streamline EIA by reducing the number of organizations reporting directly to the EIA Administrator from eight to four, headed by Assistant Administrators.

“By successfully changing our business processes and our organizational structure, we will create an innovative environment that will allow the valuable work of our employees to meet the needs and surpass the expectations of our customers,” said EIA Administrator Richard Newell.

“Realigning EIA’s organizational structure will improve the coverage, quality, and integration of energy statistics; increase the relevance and breadth of energy analysis; enhance the communication of EIA’s work to diverse audiences; and strengthen our management of people, finances, and technology. Increased efficiency and greater functional focus will open up opportunities to enhance the quality of EIA’s current product line and drive innovation in our products and internal operations.”

Consolidating similar skills such as survey management and communications will strengthen EIA’s skills base, yield economies of scale, and enable EIA to meet increasing demands for its products and services.

The four Assistant Administrators (AA) will direct supporting offices within their functional areas:

  • AA for Energy Statistics is supported by six programmatic offices. The AA conducts a wide range of survey, statistical methods, and integration activities related to: energy consumption and efficiency; electricity; nuclear and renewable energy; oil, gas and coal supply; and petroleum and biofuels. The AA for Energy Statistics also manages the EIA data collection program and the quality control for weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and quadrennial statistical reports.
  • AA for Energy Analysis is supported by five programmatic offices. The AA for Energy Analysis analyzes energy supply, demand, and prices including the impact of financial markets on energy markets; prepares reports on current and future energy use; analyzes the impact of energy policies; and develops advanced techniques for conducting energy information analyses. This AA also oversees the planning and execution of EIA’s analysis and forecasting programs to ensure that EIA models, analyses, and projections meet the highest standards of relevance, reliability, and timeliness.
  • AA for Communications is supported by two programmatic offices. This AA oversees a comprehensive energy information dissemination program that provides high quality information in a timely manner that can be accessed by all types of EIAżs public and private audiences. The AA for Communications also oversees the application of web-based technology to successfully execute the EIA mission and serve the agency’s extensive customer base.
  • AA for Resource and Technology Management is supported by three administrative offices. The AA directs a variety of centralized and cross-cutting corporate business activities including EIA’s independent information technology infrastructure and data center operation, budget and financial management, procurement oversight and processing, human capital management, and logistical support. The AA for Resource and Technology Management also provides expert advice to the Administrator on strategic planning and program evaluation, agency business and technology policy, physical and technology security, and financial analysis and evaluation in support of EIA strategic goals and objectives.

Charts showing the current organizational structure and the planned reorganization can be found at:


Jonathan Cogan
+1 202 586 7471