To better serve member needs, the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) has developed a new quarterly member publication, Environmental Connection. The magazine will be distributed to IECA’s 3,500 members beginning in October 2007.
Environmental Connection will deliver more news, technical and product information than its predecessor News To Use. The new magazine will include regular feature columns, industry news and case studies. All technical information will be peer-reviewed by a select group of IECA members to ensure quality and accuracy.
“Through surveys our members told us that they wanted more technical information and case studies,” said Becky Milot-Bradford, association development director for IECA. “Since Environmental Connection will serve as another form of IECA education, we felt it was important for the content to go through the same type of review process as our conference and online training courses.”
Regular columns in Environmental Connection will help keep members informed about new developments critical to the success of their career and business. The latest erosion, sediment control and stormwater technology will be reviewed by Julie Etra, CPESC, in her new column “Tech Talk”.
IECA will offer contractors and small business owners helpful advice through “Business Matters” written by Judy Guido of Guido & Associates, the Green Industry’s leading business management coach and consultant. Guido presented a successful session, at Environmental Connection 2007, IECA’s annual conference and expo, which addressed similar topics.
Members will be kept abreast of the latest erosion and sediment control scientific research with “Research Briefs” by Rich McLaughlin, Ph.D. and his colleagues at the Soil Science Department of North Carolina State University.
“Industry News” by Jim Niemeier will continue to inform members of the latest mergers, acquisitions, personnel changes and awards in the erosion, sediment control and stormwater industry.
Members are encouraged to participate in the magazine by submitting case studies focusing on lessons learned in the field. All case studies are peer-reviewed by the editorial review board.
“This is a ‘by the members, for the members’ type of publication,” said Milot-Bradford. “By participating in the process they not only get to help others, but they get to say ‘Hey, look what I did!’”
In addition to the print format, members will be able to access articles, case studies and columns online by logging on to or by clicking the link below.