25 May 2011 – In the fall of 2010, as a part of a training day in South Carolina for an International Erosion Control Association (IECA) state group, videographer Chelsea Thompson conducted interviews and captured footage of full-scale erosion and sediment control testing procedures at TRI Environmental’s Denver Downs Research Facility (DDRF) in Anderson, South Carolina. Those videos have now been uploaded for open access online.

The nine videos in the series address performance issues associated sediment retention devices (SRDs), including silt fence, ASTM D 7351 toe-of-slope testing, curb inlet filters along gutter lines, turbidity treatments, inlet filters for area inlets, ASTM D 6459 slope testing, sediment traps and baffles, sediment bags, and ASTM D 7208 check structure testing in trapezoidal channels.

Chelsea Thompson’s video series documents the large-scale erosion and sediment control testing at TRI Environmental’s Denver Downs Research Facility in Anderson, South Carolina.

From check structures to flocculation, hydraulically applied to rolled erosion control products, Thompson’s series offers a detailed look at the issues involved in the effective use of sediment retention devices and the state-of-practice for full-scale performance testing. Viewers learn how standardized testing facilitates “apples to apples” comparisons of different SRDs in common applications and much more.

Guiding the series are interviews with Joel Sprague, Senior Engineer for TRI Environmental and Technical Director of DDRF.

The video series is currently hosted on Geosynthetica’s YouTube Channel:


TRI Environmental is an independent third-party laboratory. Its Austin, Texas headquarters was the first laboratory to receive GAI-LAP accreditation from the Geosynthetic Institute, and the Denver Downs Research Facility in Anderson, South Carolina is now the world’s first GAI-LAP accredited large-scale erosion control testing facility. TRI’s distinguished service to the geosynthetics and erosion control communities includes vigorous participation in ASTM D35 and D18, ISO TC 221, the Geosynthetic Institute, the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Council and various conference technical and organizing committees. For more information, contact Sam R. Allen, Vice President, at SAllen@tri-env.com or visit www.geosynthetic-testing.com.