The 40+ plot site is part of a multi-year erosion control study.
SKZ - Erosion Study

Last September, I-CORP INTERNATIONAL’s Ian D. Peggs, who often contributes stories to Geosynthetica, visited the Würzburg, Germany testing facility of SKZ. This was pursuant to the 3rd International Conference on Geosynthetic Clay Barriers, but in a note on SKZ’s broad range of testing interests, Dr. Peggs mentioned sighting 43 erosion control test plots. He wrote that SKZ seemed to be testing “everything from sheep’s wool to straw, wood, and fine geogrids.”

Now, SKZ is shedding more light on this research. On 5 May 2011, a special event will be held to take attendees through the site-based research: “Formulation and verification of selection criteria for geosynthetic surface erosion control systems.” A main focus for this data will be to better assist in road construction erosion and sediment control.

The project has been funded by the AiF, which is the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations. The German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) is also involved.

This SKZ conference is aimed primarily at engineers and practitioners from government agencies, landscaping and construction companies and planning agencies.

Registration are welcomed through 15 April 2011. A written registration is required. The event is a German-language event.

Learn more (PDF, German):

Registration per Fax : +49 931/9801-400 or as scanned document per e-mail to

Chris Kelsey is the editor of Geosynthetica. Send your news and story suggestions to