Erosion and Sediment Control Network (

Land and Water magazine‘s Erosion and Sediment Control Network ( has for years been a weekly roundup of stories impacting the erosion control and sediment control field. But after a couple significant upgrades to the ESCN website ( and a week off, the online-based broadcast has returned with news that it is moving to bi-weekly broadcasts, deeper stories and more reports not just from the field but actively out in it.

At open of the August 5 broadcast, anchors Lucas Starbuck and Tamara Forlanski are standing by an eroded riverbank and in Winnipeg’s Red River area. They announce the broadcast’s changes–motivated by viewer feedback–which include adding more expert viewer-related tips at the front and back ends of the show. (Each episode runs about 10 minutes.) This week’s education-related tips are delivered by Don Kingerski, P.Eng., who is a riverbank engineer, and regular contributor Alex Zimmerman, who this time around demonstrates proper wattle installation.

Other stories in the broadcast include East Coast Erosion Blankets’ new website and highlights from the 2009 Midwest Construction Expo and Field Days.

The combination of ESCN and Land and Water tell apt stories of their mediums, one being online the other being in print.

The year for ESCN has been all about change. Both of the current anchors took over positions held by others for years–Lindsay Winter left to start a family–and the show’s website has been overhauled and nicely upgraded.

For Land and Water magazine, it has been all about consistency and evolution. The publication is currently celebrating its 35th anniversary.

Watch ESCN online at


Land and Water magazine profile on geosynthetica

Christopher Kelsey is the editorial director of He can be reached at

Published 6 August 2009