EuroGeo 5, ValenciaOn the first full day of technical sessions at EuroGeo 5, Daniele Cazzuffi (CESI SpA, Italy), José María González (TRAGSATEC; ATEBA, Spain), and Ian Peggs (I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, Inc., USA) will chair a major session on Hydraulic Structures. This is also the IV International Symposium on Water Reservoirs.

The three co-chairs are all veterans of the field and bring with them a considerable amount of testing laboratory, materials engineering, design, and forensic experience. Supported by an impressive collection of practitioners in the papers, this symposium promises to get the deeper level technical discussions underway quickly in Valencia.

EuroGeo 5 (Valencia, Spain, 16-19 September) is the fifth European regional conference on geosynthetics and is being held under the auspices of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). IGS Spain is hosting this installment of the quadrennial event, which was last held in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2008.

The hydraulic structures and waster reservoir symposium will feature a large array of containment engineering discussions, from long-term performance of various geomembranes to the incorporation of geotextile sensors; design evolutions to major case studies; and nanocomposites, drainage system aging, and much more.

Presentations of the September 17 morning session include:

Long-term performance of the “Laguna de Barlovento” reservoir waterproofing using a PVC-P geomembrane
M. Blanco, J. Zornberg, E. Aguiar, G. Rico, L. Pargada, A. Leiro, J. Soriano, M. A. Crespo

Large floating covers on 4 brine ponds in Viriat (France)
D. Fayoux, D. Rannaud, J. Saintot, N. de Walque

Problems associated with structures through embankment in reservoirs waterproofed with geomembranes. Design and recommendations
J. J. Ferrán, C. Ferrer, M. Pérez, M. Redón, F. J. Sánchez, J. B. Torregrosa, F. Zapata

Monitoring of geomembrane lining systems with a fibre optics sensor-enabled geotextile
O. Artières, G. Dortland, L. Exbrayat

Long-term durability assessment: Evaluation exposed HDPE geomembrane performance after 17 years in service in a water reservoir in Spain
S. Baldauf, C. Tarnowski, B. Weiss

Evolution of HPDE polymeric geosynthetic geomembranes installed in reservoirs
M. Blanco, E. Aguiar, F. Castillo, J. Soriano, F. García, R. Norniella, P. García, B. Mateo

Light weight, thin film, flexible photovoltaic attachment solution for geomembranes
A. Filshill, J. Tomlinson

Using of water tight techniques to design pools for building up drinkable water tanks
J. Montero, R. Prieto, F. González

Mechanical behaviour of polyethylene/clay nanocomposites
S. Yeom, S. Cheng, C. Li, Y. G. Hsuan

A mixed Reservoir (Concrete-Earth) waterproofed with Polypropylene Geomembrane in Relleu Township
J. J. Ferrán, C. Ferrer, M. Pérez, M. Redón, F. J. Sánchez, J. B. Torregrosa, F. Zapata

Ageing of geotextiles in drainage systems – Experimental site of Roissard (Isère, France)
G. Veylon, M. Barthe, Y. H. Faure, P. Meriaux, A. Bernard, R. Gallo

The influence of geosynthetics colour on the UV resistance performance under natural and lab test conditions
H. Ehrenberg, C. Recker

El Saltadero: An experimental field to check the behaviour of synthetic geomembranes under weathering exposure
E. Aguiar, M. Blanco, T. Vara, F. García, J. Soriano, F. Castillo, A. Martín, C. García