It is quite possible there will be a technical session on floating covers at the Geosynthetics 2009 conference in Salt Lake City. The event will be held 25-27 February 2009. The inclusion of a floating covers session would be a first at a geosynthetics conference.
Ian Peggs of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL invites all those with experience in floating covers to submit a 300-word abstract to the conference before mid-June.
NOTE: The conference’s official deadline for abstracts is June 2, but it is expected that this deadline will be moved to mid-June to accommodate the needs of the potential presenters and the inclusion of sessions such as for floating covers.
Application Ideas
The use of floating covers is rapidly increasing. A few examples:
* To prevent potable water evaporation and contamination
* To avoid odors
* To collect methane and generate power
We need to discuss our experiences to help ensure this is expansion in use is done in a responsible and effective manner. Will you contribute?
We hope you will share your experience, and we look forward to exchanging ideas with you at Geosynthetics 2009.
Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng, Ph.D., can be reached at Abstracts should be submitted directly to the conference organizer, IFAI, at the conference website.