Federation of New York Solid Waste Association's Spring ConferenceFrom 16-19 May 2010, the Federation of New York Solid Waste Associations will hold its conference and trade show. The event, which will operate under the theme “Strive for Sustainability,” will be one of this year’s best opportunities for geosynthetic containment discussions.

Among the more than 90 technical sessions, two sessions may be of particular interest to geosynthetics professionals:

On May 17, David Lasher (NYSDEC Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, Albany, NY ) will moderate the session “New Horizons in Geosynthetics.” Dr. Robert Koerner, Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, PA will join him and facilitate.

On May 18, Robert Phaneuf, P.E. (NYSDEC, Albany, NY) will moderate “Let the Sun Shine Down: Solar Landfill Caps.”

The “New Horizons” session includes six papers:

  • "Innovations in Biplanar Geonet Structure to Increase the Allowable Flow Rate and the Compressive Strength" — Mengjia Li, Ph.D., P.E., GSE Lining Technology, Inc., Houston, TX
  • "Closure Turf – A Green Approach to Landfill Closures" — Michael Ayers, Agru America, Georgetown, SC
  • "Properties of Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH) and Value for Select Geomembrane Applications" — Robert Armstrong, Kuraray America, Pasadena, TX
  • "Improved VOC Containment with EVOH/PE Membranes" — Gary Kolbasuk, Raven Industries, Sioux Falls, SD
  • "Geofilm-backed and Geomembrane-backed Geosynthetic Clay Liners and their Application in Waste Containment" — Bill Urchik, CETCO Lining Technologies, Pendleton, NY
  • "Draintube Planar Drainage Geocomposites – Simple, Effective, Proven" — Bill Ragen, Ragen Associates, Iselin, NJ

The “Solar Landfill Caps” session will include three presentations on this cutting-edge sector:

  • "Laboratory Determination of Lifetime of Exposed Geomembrane Landfill Covers – Setting the Stage for Photovoltaic Applications" — Dr. Robert Koerner, Ph.D., P.E., NAE, Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, PA
  • "Flexible Solar Energy Landfill Covers – Advantages and Considerations" — Peggy Hock, United Solar Ovonic, La Jolla, CA
  • "Case History of San Antonio Landfill – Innovative Green Venture Turns Landfill into an Energy Park" — Tony Walker, Republic Services, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

Those with interest in erosion control may enjoy the “Landfill Operations: The Fringe” session, which will be moderated by Eric Swenson (Counsel, Town of Oyster Bay, NY). That session will include Peter Hanrahan, CPESC, on “The Evolution of Erosion Control Technology.”

The conference also includes an impressive trade show. More than 90 companies, such as lining technology companies like Agru America and CETCO, will host booths.

The conference venue is the impressive Sagamore on Lake George, New York. The Sagamore has been the site of the conference since 2000. Learn more about the venue here:

Learn more in the conference brochure (PDF):

See also the Federation’s website for more information on the conference, the venue and registration:

Chris Kelsey is the editorial director for Geosynthetica. He can be reached at chris@geosynthetica.net.