GeoAsia 7 in Taipei, Taiwan

The 7th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, GeoAsia 7, has proactively moved its dates a second time, due to ongoing travel restrictions and concerns around covid. Conference chair, Prof. Chiwan Wayne Hsieh, and fellow organizers have announced 11 – 15 April 2022 as the official dates now. The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) confirmed the change in its most recent newsletter. The event will remain in Taipei, Taiwan, which has a very active geosynthetics industry.

GeoAsia 7 is one of the major quadrennial regional conferences of the IGS.


The calendar dominos have continued to fall this year, as many 2020 events shifted to late 2021 or announced virtual versions of their conferences; and many 2021 events moved into 2022. Even some 2022 events have moved further into 2023, such as the 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics, to relieve some of the conference crowding.

For GeoAsia 7, organizers felt that even late this year was perhaps not viable for many attendees, with uncertainty still surrounding travel allowances. Pushing the conference to 2022 budgets and more deeply beyond the biggest covid concerns is wise.

“The decision to postpone GeoAisa7 was made for the health and safety of everyone participating in the conference,” Prof. Hsieh wrote. “The organizers of GeoAisa7 are working closely with partners and authorities…. Please keep visiting the GeoAsia7 website regularly.”

The abstracts deadline extension has already been posted. Geosynthetics professionals may now submit abstracts up to 31 July 2021.

GeoAsia 7 - 2022 Dates

The overall theme for GeoAsia 7 remains Hazard’s Risk Management, Innovation, and Sustainability.


  • Agricultural Applications
  • Case Histories
  • Design Approaches and Numerical Solutions
  • Drainage and Filtration
  • Durability and Long-term Performance
  • Erosion Control and Coastal Protection
  • Geosynthetics in Environmental Applications
  • Geosynthetics in Dynamic Applications
  • Geosynthetics in Hydraulic Applications
  • Geosynthetics in Mining Applications
  • Geosynthetics in Highways and Railways
  • Geosynthetics Properties
  • Geosynthetics Solutions for Natural Disasters
  • Innovative Uses and Solutions
  • New Geosynthetic Products
  • Polymeric and Clay Geosynthetic Barriers
  • Reinforced Walls and Slopes
  • Reinforcement of Embankments and Unpaved Roads
  • Seismic Analysis and Applications of Geosynthetics Solutions
  • Soil-Geosynthetic Interaction
  • Stormwater Management and Water Storage
  • Sustainability of Earth Works with Geosynthetics

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