Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), coal seam gas, containment ponds, and access road stability are just a few of the oil and gas issues profiled in the latest issue of Geofabrics Journal.


Published in late January 2014 by Geofabrics Australasia, the new issue provides a broad view of the various ways in which geosynthetics are being utilized in the Australian oil and gas field. The LNG insight is particularly strong. The authors share insight into why the Australia LNG industry is booming and how operations are supported in the facility engineering.
Key points include:

  • Geofabrics Australasia Mining and Energy Sector GeosyntheticsHow the Geosynthetic Centre of Excellence has been involved in assisting the LNG growth, such as through using AS/ASTM standards and modifying the testing approaches to LNG site-specific design and operation needs
  • The use of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) and drainage composites in coal seam gas upstream groundwater detention basins
  • The beach-located construction of geotextile sand container-based retaining walls for horizontal directional drilling (HDD) platforms
  • Construction notes from the Darwin LNG facility
  • Gabion retaining walls at the Pluto LNG facility
  • And the emerging Wheatstone LNG plant

All articles include expert contact information.
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