IGS Technical Committee on Barriers Workshop CoalAshAerialView_450w Attendees at the highly anticipated XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVI ECSMGE) in Edinburgh, 13 – 17 September 2015, will be able to attend a special geosynthetic barriers workshop. The technical content for the half-day session has been developed by the International Geosynthetics Society’s (IGS) Technical Committee on Barriers (TC-Barriers).
The topics for the session are exceptional: coal ash management, handling of contaminated soils from the Fukushima disaster, an ISO-related panel discussion on changing codes and design with geosynthetics, etc.
It’s all part of a new initiative for the IGS Technical Committees. Each committee is developing workshops, symposia, and other technical program outreach measures on a biennial basis. And, tying into the IGS’s goal for growth, these sessions are largely being developed for incorporation into events organized by affiliated engineering groups. In this case, it’s the XVI ECSMGE, a major gathering being led by the British Geotechnical Association (BGA) and the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
Only fully registered attendees of XVI ECMGE will be able to attend the barriers workshop, which will be held 13:30 – 17:00, September 14, in the room Harris 2 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (the main conference site).


September 14

Introduction and Workframe of IGS TC-Barriers
Kent von Maubeuge (Chair, TCB)

Barriers in coal ash applications in North America
Kent von Maubeuge (NAUE, Germany) on behalf of Boyd Ramsey (GSE Lining Technology, USA)

Durability of geomembranes in hydraulic applications
Ana Marta Noval Arango (Freelance Innovation Consultant, Spain) and Nathalie Touze-Foltz (IRSTEA, France)

Geosynthetics for Fukushima recovery – Storage of nuclide contaminated soil and MSW disposal
Takeshi Katsumi (Kyoto University, Japan)

Barrier systems for noise barriers with contaminated soils
Thomas Egloffstein (ICP, Germany)


Introduction of ISO Geosynthetic Guide on Barriers – Panel Discussion
Peter Atchison (PAGeotechnical, UK) and Kent von Maubeuge (NAUE, Germany)

Closing remarks

For inquiries about this workshop, please contact Kent von Maubeuge (TCB Chair, kvmaubeuge@naue.com) or Takeshi Katsumi (TCB Secretary, katsumi.takeshi.6v@kyoto-u.ac.jp).
** The IGS TC-Reinforcement is also holding a workshop in conjunction with the XVI ECSMGE. That day-long session, while being held at the conference site, is pre-conference. Be sure to register separately for the reinforcement session—in advance—if you will be in Edinburgh on the morning of September 13. ** Again, pre-registration for the TC-Barriers workshop is not required, though. It is part of your ECSMGE full registration.